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Biosynthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Bismuth Oxide Nanoparticles Using Aqueous Extract of Beta Vulgaris
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Bismuth oxide nanoparticle Bi2O3NPs has a wide range of applications and less adverse effects than conventional radio sensitizers. In this work, Bi2O3NPs (D1, D2) were successfully synthesized by using the biosynthesis method with varying bismuth salts, bismuth sulfate Bi2(SO4)3 (D1) or bismuth nitrate. Penta hydrate Bi(NO3)3.5H2O (D2) with NaOH with beta-vulgaris extract. The Bi2O3NPs properties were characterized by different spectroscopic methods to determine Bi2O3NPs structure, nature of bonds, size of nanoparticle, element phase, presence, crystallinity and morphology. The existence of the Bi2O3 band was verified by the FT-IR. The Bi2O3 NPs revealed an absorption peak in the UV-visible spectrum, with energy gap Eg = 3.80eV. The X-ray pattern (D1) matching that of card of COD File-No-96-152-6459 indicating the presence of homogeneous Bi2O3NPs, Scaning Electron Microscopy (SEM) displayed shaped monoclinic phase with average diameter 30.28 nm. The size, structure and composition of synthetic Bi2O3 Nps were determined using the (EDX) pattern. The XRD pattern (D2) corresponds to JCPDS File No. 27-50. The SEM of D2 showed crystalline rhomobohedrral phase with average diameter 34.89 nm. The EDX for both (D1, D2) samples reveals an aggregation of thin sheet cluster. The antibacterial activity of Bi2O3NPs from (D1, D2) was tested against (G-) Escherichia coli and (G+) staphylococcus aureus. All of these clinical pathogens were examined for antifungal activity against Candida albicans fungus, and the results were compared with the standard medication. The adsorption experiment was successfully conducted on the following metal ions (M+2 = Co, Ni and Cu), where the results proved removal simultaneously from water using Bi2O3NPs (D1, D2) based on the affinity of three metal ions and Bi2O3 NPs surface shape. The removal efficiencies of mixed (M+2 = Co, Ni and Cu) ions for D1 were 89.68%, 85.56% and 94.5%. The removal efficiencies for D2 were 93.3%, 87.7% and 88.54%, respectively.

Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the tax examiner's procedures in increasing or decreasing tax revenue : Applied research in the General Authority for Taxes
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               The tax is one of the elements of the general revenues of the state and contributes to covering its expenses. Taxes are imposed in most countries of the world. The tax proceeds depend on a set of factors that contribute either positively or negatively to the tax share by increasing or decreasing it. Therefore, the research aims to demonstrate the role of the tax examiner's procedures in achieving the validity of the taxable base and its reflection on the tax proceeds, as well as reviewing the tax examiner's procedures related to the tax return process. Examination and tax audit of the financial statements, as well as presenting the financial statements to an independent and i

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Degree to which Islamic Education Teachers Employ the Strategy of Directed Discovery in Teaching to Develop Higher-Order Thinking Skills
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The study aimed to know the degree to which Islamic education teachers employ the strategy of directed discovery in teaching to develop higher thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) among sixth-grade students at the basic stage in East Nile Province, Khartoum State - Sudan. The researcher used the descriptive-analytical method, and adopted a questionnaire that consisted of (15) indicators representing the skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation as a tool of the study. A random sample of (175) Islamic education teachers was selected, from the Department of Basic Education. The data were analyzed according to the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) program, and the results of the study have shown that the u

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The indexing of the Al-Kindy College Medical Journal in the Scopus Database Journals: A Fundamental Step toward an International Recognition
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On Saturday, May 13, 2023, a glorious day was engraved in the history of Al-Kindy College Medical Journal as it is the day of indexing the journal in the Scopus Database Journals. The journal has paced a strenuous journey to make that achievement.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue May 06 2014
Journal Name
Plos One
Gastroprotective Activity of Ethyl-4-[(3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzylidene) Amino]benzoate against Ethanol-Induced Gastric Mucosal Ulcer in Rats
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The study was carried out to determine the cytotoxic, antioxidant and gastro-protective effect of ethyl-4-[(3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzylid ene)amino] benzoate (ETHAB) in rats.

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Usage of non-linear programming in building a mathematical model for production planning according to discount constraints put on bought amount
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 This research deals will the declared production planning operation in the general company of planting oils, which have  great role in production operations management who had built mathematical model for correct non-linear programming according to discounting operation during raw materials or half-made materials purchasing operation which concentration of six main products by company but discount included just three products of raw materials, and there were six months taken from the 1st half of 2014 as a planning period has been chosen . Simulated annealing algorithm  application on non-linear model which been more difficulty than possible solution when imposed restric

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
An Extrafollicular Cystic Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor of the Mandible Associated with Clear Cell Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor: A Rare Case Report
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Background: The adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a relatively rare benign epithelial odontogenic tumor. It contains both epithelial and mesenchymal components. Few cases presented as an extrafollicular lesion or involve the mandible or associated with other odontogenic lesions. This paper represents a rare case of an extrafollicular AOT. Case presentation: A 24-year-old female had a painless swelling on the right side of the lower jaw since one-month duration. Intraorally there was a well defined fluctuant-blue swelling in the right alveolar premolar region measuring 1×2 cm obliterating the right lower buccal vestibule. Grade II mobility in the vital 44 and 45 teeth were observed. Panoramic radiographs showed a well-defined pear shaped

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Evaluating the Proposed Curriculum of TEFL for First Intermediate Class Students in AL-Muthannah Governorate for the Second Semester/2007-2008
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During the 1970s, communicative view of language teaching began to be incorporated into syllabus design. The central question for the proponents of this view was: what does the learner want/need to do with the target language? This lead to the emergence of a teaching method (or approach) called communicative language teaching (CLT) during the late 1970s and early 1980s focusing on the functions that must be incorporated into a classroom. According to Brown (2001:43) CLT is a unified but broadly based, theoretically well informed set of tenets about the nature of language and of language learning and teaching. Harmer (2001:84) states that the communicative approach is the name which was given to a set of beliefs which included not only a

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Product development For Use Some Of The Lean Production Tools A Practical Research in the General Company for the automotive industry
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     This research aims to analyze the reality of the production process in an assembly line Cars (RUNNA) in the public company for the automotive industry / Alexandria through the use of some Lean production tools, and data were collected through permanence in the company to identify the problems of the line in order to find appropriate to adopt some Lean production tools solutions, and results showed the presence of Lead time in some stations, which is reflected on the customer's waiting time to get the car, as well as some of the problems existing in the car produced such as high temperature of the car, as the company does not take into account customer preferences,

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Distribution Of Some Heavy Metals In Water,Sediment & Fish Cyprinus carpio in Euphrates River Near Al- Nassiriya City Center South Iraq .
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The heavy metals Cd, Cu, Fe, pb, and Zn were determined in dissolved and particulate phases of the water,in addition to exchangeable and residual phases of the sediment and in the selected organs of the fish Cyprinus carpio collected from the Euphrates River near Al-Nassiriya city center south of Iraq during the summer period / 2009 .Also sediment texture and total organic carbon(TOC) were measured. Analysis emploing a flam Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers . The mean regional concentrations of the heavy metals in dissolved (µg/l) and particulate phases (µg/gm) dry weight were Cd (0.15,16.13) ,Cu (0.59,24.48) ,Fe (726,909.4) ,Pb (0.20, 49.95) and Zn (2.5,35.62) respectively,and those for exchangeable and residual phases of the

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La réception du Petit Prince de Saint-Exupéry dans le monde arabe The impact of The Little Prince on Arabic audience
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Le Petit Prince est apparu en 1943 vers la fin de la vie de son auteur. La mondialité qu'a gagnée ce récit le rend un des livres les plus lus et les plus vendus dans le monde. Cette popularité en fait un des classiques de la littérature française.

En effet la littérature française a un impact profond et direct sur la vie intellectuelle et littéraire dans le monde arabe. La circulation des œuvres littéraires écrites en français a bien influencé les lecteurs arabes soit en langue française  soit  traduites en arabe. Cette réalité est identique lorsqu'on parle de la réception du Petit Prince ; l'œuvre la plus connue dans le monde entier dès son apparition officielle.


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