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Adsorption study of drug cefixime onto surface Iraqi Attapulgite

Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees20
Capitalized effect of gamma radiation on blood thinning drug (Aspirin)

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees20
Capitalized effect of gamma radiation on blood thinning drug (Aspirin)

n this work, the effect of gamma rays on blood thinning drugs was studied using the drug (Aspirin), where gamma rays were spread with the drug using a radioactive source (Co60), and 15,000 grams of Aspirin were placed in the device (gamma chamber 900). The drug was subjected to different irradiation doses (5 KGy, 10 KGy, 15 KGy) and the amount of absorption of the drug was observed in the gamma for different doses and the study of x-rays. After confirming the absorption of the drug to radiation, the effect of the drug on blood thinning was calculated using the rat model and compared with the same drug and the same dose but without exposing the drug to radiation and comparing all results with the control group. The way drugs absorbed radiati

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Radioactivity and annual effective dose in some types of drug

The aim of this research is to know danger of radioactive isotopes
that are found in samples of drugs traded in Iraqi markets. The
samples are Iraqi Amoxicillin, English Amoxicillin, UAE
Amoxicillin, Indian Amoxicillin, Iraqi Paracetamol, English
Paracetamol, UAE Paracetamol and Indian Paracetamol. By high
purity germanium the activity of the following isotopes 40K, 214Pb,
228Ac and 137Cs is measured and the specific activity was used to
calculate the annual effective dose. Then the calculated annual
effective dose values are compared with the allowable annual
effective dose values of each part of digestive channel. This research
concluded that the measured annual effective dose values are not

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 16 2016
Journal Name
World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research

The aim of present study was to investigate the effect of Pregabalin on hormonal profile of pituitary and ovarian hormones in female albino rats. Three groups of healthy adult female albino rats having fifteen rats in each group were selected for present study. The rats of groups G2 and G3 were administered with Pregabalin with two doses 150 mg and 300mg/kg b.wt/day respectively by orally route daily for 1month, 2 months, and 3 months. Animals of group G1 (Control) were given saline alone. After the experimental periods, the rats were sacrificed, and the study of hormonal profile was carried out by collecting blood samples from the heart puncture method, centrifuged sera and analyzing concentrations of estrogen, progesterone and gonadotropi

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 07 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Pharmaceutics

Increasing requests for modified and personalized pharmaceutics and medical materials makes the implementation of additive manufacturing increased rapidly in recent years. 3D printing has been involved numerous advantages in case of reduction in waste, flexibility in the design, and minimizing the high cost of intended products for bulk production of. Several of 3D printing technologies have been developed to fabricate novel solid dosage forms, including selective laser sintering, binder deposition, stereolithography, inkjet printing, extrusion-based printing, and fused deposition modeling. The selection of 3D printing techniques depends on their compatibility with the printed drug products. This review intent to provide a perspecti

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Characterization of Alginate with Natural Polymers Combination for Drug Encapsulation

Alginate is one of the natural biopolymers that is widely used for drug formulations, combination of alginate with other polymers, such as gum acacia, pectin, and carrageenan can increase mechanical strength, therefore, can reduce leakage of the encapsulated active pharmaceutical ingredient from the polymer matrix. Interaction of alginate and these polymers can occur via intermolecular hydrogen bonds causing synergism, which is determined from the viscosity of polymer mixture.

Alginate was combined with gum acacia/pectin/carrageenan in different blending ratios (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100) with and without addition of CaCl2. The synergism effect is obtained from the design of experimental (DoE), and calculati

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 07 2024
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Chemistry
Spectrophotometric Estimation of Methyldopa Drug in pure and pharmaceutical formulations

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 27 2024
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Association of the rs1801133 and rs1801131 polymorphisms in the MTHFR gene and the adverse drug reaction of methotrexate treatment in a sample of Iraqi rheumatoid arthritis patients

Background: Methotrexate is one of the mainstays for treating rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with a wide range of adverse drug reactions, however, it’s the relationship between adverse drug reactions and genetic polymorphism remains to be highlighted, and there is a lack of studies concerning Arabic Iraqi population regarding this aspect.

Objective: Evaluate the association between genetic mutations in the MTHFR gene in SNPs (rs1801133G&gt;A and rs1801131T&gt;G) on the adverse drug reaction for RA Iraqi patients.

Methods: An observational study, that involved 95 Iraqi RA patients with established RA. Patien

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Surface Photometry of NGC 3 Lenticular Galaxy

     Lenticular galaxy NGC3 has been chosen to study the surface photometry using griz filter. The data where obtained from the seventh Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release seven (DR7), and main the image reduction was done by the pipeline of SDSS. The work was achieved by the ELLIPS task from the STSDAS ISOPHOTE package in the Image Reduction and Analysis Facility (IRAF).The overall structure of the galaxy (a bulge, a bar, isophotal contour maps, together with a bulge to disk decomposition of the galaxy images where achieved, Also, the photometric properties (the disk position angle, ellipticity, B4 and inclination of the galaxy) where estimated.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 16 2016
Journal Name
Case Studies In Surgery
Ameloblastoma: A clinical study of 25 Iraqi patients

Objective: Geographic differences in clinical and pathological aspects of ameloblastoma have been suggested, therefore the purpose of this study was to analyze cases of ameloblastoma in terms of clinical and radiographic manifestations, histopathological types, treatment modalities and recurrence rate and compare them with reports from other parts of the world. Methods: The medical reports of patients diagnosed with ameloblastoma were reviewed and the data concerning the age, gender, chief complaint, the anatomical site of the lesion, radiographic appearance, histopathological diagnosis, treatment approach and recurrence were retrieved. Surgical treatment consisted of either enucleation with curettage and peripheral ostectomy or resection;

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