تناول البحث موضوعاً شديد الأهمية وهو الأمن الاجتماعي منظور اليه في سياق الحماية الجنائية لأمن الدولة والتحديات التي يتعرض لها بعد حصول تغيير حاسم في أساليب الحرب. كما يقدم البحث تقسيماً مختلفاً لأجيال الحروب نقتصر على اربعة منها استناداً إلى التغيير في أهداف الحرب الاستراتيجية وليس إلى مجرد وسائل ارتكابها لان هذه الوسائل لا تصلح لوصف التغييرات الحقيقية في أنماط الحروب والاهداف التي تسعى إلى تحقيقها. ويؤكد البحث على أهمية وضع مفهوم أمن الدولة في أطاره الصحيح الذي يكون فيه جزء من الأمن الاجتماعي فلا تتقدم مصلحة النظام السياسي والدولة التي تصدر عنه على مصلحة المجتمع بما هو سائد في القوانين العقابية التقليدية (والقانون العراقي منها) فضلاً عن أهمية التوسع في التشخيص القانوني لصور المساس غير المباشر بالأمن الاجتماعي التي تتخذ شكل النشاط الإعلامي والاقتصادي والسياسي سواء كان مصدرها داخليا أم خارجيا. وتقديم تصور متكامل لأمن الدولة يتجاوز الصيغة التقليدية في التمييز بين أمن الدولة الداخلي والخارجي واعتبار الصفة الشمولية مفهوم أمن الدولة في العصر الحديث.
The legal protection of the human genome is an ethical issue related to the future of human existence. After the disclosure of the human genetic map, scientific practices and research related to the human genome increased, especially the negative applications of genetic engineering that violates basic human rights, especially the right to human dignity, and pose real challenges to the existence and diversity of Present and future generations. Therefore, the existence of legal rules at the national and international levels is an absolute necessity to prohibit these threats and to arrange civil and criminal liability for those who violate them.
تعد العدالة عنصراً اساسياً من عناصر صنع السلام الحقيقي، ومن هذه المقولة ننطلق لنعالج الموضوع الذي نحن بصدده والمعنون آلية عمل المحاكم الجنائية الدولية. إذ غالباً ما يتعذر على القضاء الوطني اداء مهمته في تحقيق العدالة، وقد لا يقوم اساساً بها، وعند ذلك هل يكون هذا مدعاة لترك مرتكبي الجرائم الدولية بدون محاكمة وعقاب؟
وهنا تكمن اهمية هذا الموضوع، تحقيق العدالة بعقاب المجرمين الدوليين وال
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The second section, we have considered the appeal against the provisions of the International Criminal Court, where we explained the challenge the provisions of the International Criminal Court to appeal and cassation, as well as the revision of the provisions of the International Criminal Court.
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As this issue constitutes the integrated unit of the printing format in addition to achieving legal protection for the illustrative image used in the press. Such matter, on both level the integrated unit of the printing format and the legal protection, is out of reach of study due to the comprehension of the subject is concerned.
Although there is a justification for dealing with both of them together as the explanatory image is one of the foundations on which the printing format of the newspaper is built. This case generates, at least, the same legal subject that appe
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In the area of protection of population and property, the administration is forced to put restrictions on some public freedoms in particular, as the administrative protection aims to protect the security of citizens from the risks and the safety of their property, and the prevention of harmful residues that may arise from its exercise. (Civil Defense) Take a set of measures to reduce disasters and damag
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The concept of accounting guide for state accounts is to develop government accounting system in Iraq so as meet government wishes, needs and to find an approach of a united accounting. The basic idea of accounting guide for state accounts is to achieve a completion of accounting circulation of a governmental unit which doesn’t have a full accounting circulation. The governmental unit has satisfied with preparing monthly budget reviews, then sending them to the Ministry of finance, and the Ministry on its turn has conducted final calculation preparations on the country's level as a whole. Thus the concept of this research appears. It is an e
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The State Council is always the trusted advisor to the administration in matters emerging, and the trusted repository of its secret. It assists the administration in the process of developing the appropriate formula for draft laws, regulations, and instructions, in order to make them lead to their intended goal, through its advisory function.
He is rightly considered the symbol of administrative justice and its faithful habitat. With what it lays down the principles of legality, and with its prestige, strength, integrity, and well-established traditions, it can always confirm the guarantee of its aspired independence, and that the rule of law has a tool for its advancement, not separated from its conscience, bu
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With regard to the first demand, we have highlighted the stage after the change of the political system in Iraq in 2003 and the subsequent assumption of the US Governor for Civil Administration Affairs in the country and the issuance of a number of resolutions, including what we discussed in the first section (the first legislation No. 13 of 2003 ), Which included twenty-three sections, some showing how the Central Court was formed and the most important rules
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