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Healing Powers in Gloria Naylor's Mama Day
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This paper examines Gloria Naylor's Mama Day (1988) that shows the mixing of African and American culture. Afro-American authors reject the Eurocentric hypothesis that slavery had ended the Afro-American cultural engagement in Africa. African Americans represent an essential fabric of American society, sharing many traditions, habits, and traits with the American society. Yet, at the same time, Naylor portrays Afro-American individuals in Mama Day as a separate unit with a unique and rich culture. These mannerisms expose a kind of resistance, appreciation to her African identity, history, and roots. A tale of a conjure woman located in Willow Springs' mythical isle, Mama Day, highlights the mystical, storytelling, and folkloristic customs. The events center upon the heading character Mama Day. The novel's main character is derived from the African culture, the wise goddess. She utilizes unique means derived from the African culture and applies them to cure Willow Springs residents.

Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relationship of environmental costs to product life cycle costs Applied in the General Company for Battery Industry
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The relationship between costs of environment and costs of product life – cycle.    Boubtlessly when the economical unit exercise their productive works, they lead to pollution in water, air and soil as well as all stages of product life- cycle from Rans Dstage, production stage, packaging stage and finally abandonment stage-             Pollution causes environmental costs. Lgnoring or hiding environmental costs and no taking them in consideration with product cost lead to a wrong account of preduot cost.

Therefore, environmental costs should be included and matched for all stages with in product costs to know which activities, processes

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Attitudes of Teachers of Art Education towards the Use of Visual Intelligence in Teaching: تحرير جاسم كاطع
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     The scientific and technological developments and their practical applications in all fields of life in general and in the education field in specific have led to the emergence of variables in the educational structure, teaching methods and in education in their modern form which is consistent in its entirety with    the spirit of the age. We today live the age of knowledge increase full of wide ranging scientific and technological developments. Thus life demands human capabilities of a special kind able to develop and innovate. Here the increasing significance emerges for taking care of the human powers through educational systems much different from those current traditional systems.  System

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Ethical Behavior and its Relationship to Social Media Uses among Female Students at Preparatory Schools in Baghdad
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The current study aims to assess the ethical behavior among female students who are using a social media network in addition to describe the variables of interest (social media use and ethical behavior) among participants, in which to find out the effects of social media on the ethical behavior of high school female students. A quantitative approach was adopted to collect the relevant data for the study, six schools included in this study from the six directorates of education in Baghdad city. Subsequently, SPSS software was applied to analyze the relevant data of the study. To achieve the research objectives, a questionnaire was composed of three sections: Part I: deals with the student's demographic information. Part II: deals with inf

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of systems and information technology on stock market activity: Case study in Iraq stock market
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Financial markets play an important role in the economy, as it contributes to the financial and economic system of the state stability, as it reduces the adoption of the companies on the loans granted by the banks, as financial markets contribute to attracting and channeling savings to small savers who will be able to buy a number of shares proportional to their savings, It also provides them the place of exchange, and play technology and information systems an important role in facilitating exchanges and increased market activity, in this research touched on the importance of information technology in effect on the activity of the financial markets. Research is divided into three demands of the first concept of eating and the importance

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum
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In this study, the genus Xylocopa Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) was revised. There were 4 species registered in our investigations: X. hottentotta Smith, 1854; X. olivieri Lepeletier, 1841; X. pubescens Spinola, 1838 and X. valga Gerstäcker, 1872, the first species was described as being found for the first time for the insect fauna of Iraq, which were obtained from Solanum melogena L. flowers. Key to the species was constructed and supported by figures of the main diagnostic characters and some morphological features, illustrated and compared with other species, which are recorded in the current survey.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Modified Approach by Using Prediction to Build a Best Threshold in ARX Model with Practical Application
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The proposal of nonlinear models is one of the most important methods in time series analysis, which has a wide potential for predicting various phenomena, including physical, engineering and economic, by studying the characteristics of random disturbances in order to arrive at accurate predictions.

In this, the autoregressive model with exogenous variable was built using a threshold as the first method, using two proposed approaches that were used to determine the best cutting point of [the predictability forward (forecasting) and the predictability in the time series (prediction), through the threshold point indicator]. B-J seasonal models are used as a second method based on the principle of the two proposed approaches in dete

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Corrosion Inhibition of Al-Si-Cu Alloy in the Basic Media by UsingSix Inhibitors at Four Temperatures
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The research involved attempt to inhibit the corrosion of Al-Si-Cu alloy in 2.5x10-3 NaOH solution (pH=11.4) by addition of six different inhibitors with three concentrations (1x10-3, 1x10-2, and 0.1 These inhibitors include three organic materials (sodium acetate, sodium benzoate, and sodium oxalate) and three inorganic materials (sodium chromate, disodium phosphate, and sodium sulphate). The data that concerning polarization behaviour are calculates which include the corrosion potential (Ecorr) and current density (icorr), cathodic and anodic Tafel slopes (bc & ba), and polarization resistance (Rp). Protection efficiency (P%) and activation energy (Ea) values were calculated for inhibition by the six inhibitors. The

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
the Mission of the Iraqi E-press in crystalizing Public Orientation of Baghdad Towards Local Political Issues.
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This dissertation explores the role of Iraqi E-press in crystallizing the orientations or directions of the public towards the local political issues like (demonstrations, parliamentarian elections, provincial elections, the public budget and its consequences, Iraq’s relations with neighboring countries, Iraqi HOR and its sessions, and the relation of the federal government with KRG). The dissertation’s main problem revolves around a central inquiry: what is the role of the Iraqi E-press in crystalizing the direction of the Iraqi public towards the local political issues?
The dissertation included a number of assumptions; the first assumes the relation of demographic variants (gender, age, social status, education, working status

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of Iraqi TV Satellite Channels in Forming the Attitudes of University Students towards Terror-ism
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            The phenomenon of terrorism is one of the most serious challenges facing the world at present. So this concept has occupied a great deal of interest of researchers and scholars in the relevant disciplines. There is no doubt that the study of the concept of terrorism requires a study of its various aspects. However, this study will be limited to knowing the role of television channels in providing the public with information about terrorist events, the extent to which young people rely on these channels to shape their attitudes towards terrorism issues. This study also seeks the relationship between satellite television channels and terrorism based on the relevant media li

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Manifestations of social isolation in contemporary theater- Socio aesthetic study: صميم حسب الله يحيى -نورس عادل هادي
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The research presented to the concept of social isolation through the manifestations of that concept and its works within the theatrical presentation space, and the diversity of directing experiences that the theatrical field benefited from, as contemporary data that contributed to the production of theatrical speech engaging with various levels of different form and content, and this was revealed through the chapters of the research that included The first chapter (the systematic framework), the second chapter (theoretical framework), which included the first topic (formations of social isolation), the second topic (social isolation in the world stage), and resulted in indicators including:
1- Postmodernism produced intellectual appr

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