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Astronomical Observation between Diffraction Limited Coherent and Incoherent Imaging Systems
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Numerical simulations are carried out to evaluate the coherence concept’s effect on the performance regarding the optical system, when observing and imaging the planet’s surface. In numerous optical approaches, the coherence qualities of light sources play an important role. This paper provides an overview about the mathematical formulation of temporal and spatial coherence and incoherence properties of light sources. The circular aperture was used to describe the optical system like a telescope. The simulation results show that diffraction-limited for incoherent imaging system certainly improves the image. Yet, the quality of the image is degraded by the light source's highly spatial and temporal coherence properties, resulting in a blurred image with certain parts unresolved, as well as destructive and constructive interference resulting in "ringing" features. When subjective fidelity criteria like PSNR, MSE, SNRrms, SR, R Closeness, and CORR are used to compare the resolution of incoherent and coherent imaging systems, incoherent imaging is often deemed to be "better”.

Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Problem of Paradox and its Manifestations: A Study in the Titles of Najm Wali's Novels
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The irony pushes us to inquire about what is in the text of contradiction, irony, suspense, and other acts of paradox, as well as a departure from what is logical, or familiar, that attracts the attention of the addressee, and this is what drives us to introspect the text and interrogate it in order to get to know the intended product of the text or its real or metaphorical intent. On the other hand, the irony is more in the literary text than in the scientific texts. Therefore, critics add the word literature to it in their definition.

 As it is represented by the paradox, we will seek to study the paradox of the title and the problematic that it may pose as the beginning of the text, and i

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Efficacy Adsorption of Methyl Green by Attapulgite and Modified Attapulgite Clay from Aqueous Solution
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    This paper includes the modification of the attapulgite  by precipitation of iron and aluminum compounds . Attapulgite (Atta) and modified attapulgite (Atta-m) clays are characterized by many  techniques ( FTIR , XRD ,SEM  with EDX ) .The  attapulgite clay before and after modification were used as the adsorbents for adsorption of methyl green (MG) . The results Indicate ,that the percentage of removal (MG) at equilibrium by using (Atta) and (Atta-m) clay were reached to  94% and 97% respectively. Indicating that the clay modification process was in addition to a relative improvement in the adsorption potential of the clay after modification.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
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Representations and perceptions of anxiety about the future of artistic expression for students in middle school
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The tensions and crises and the psychological pressure as well as the rapid changes and great development which is taking place in the present time. And  witnessing community of wars and conflicts that give rise to future concern among members of the community in general and students in particular, as it included the current research a number of chapters, the First chapter contains the research problem, the important goal, then set researcher terminology that has defined and contained in the title of research in the form (concern the future, artistic expression, middle school). The Second chapter included three sections, the first included the nature of adolescence and traits, characteristics and pr

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 06 2021
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Molecular Detection and Genotyping of Human Herpes Virus 8 in a sample of Iraqi Blood Donors
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Human herpes virus-8 (HHV-8) infection has increased recently in Arabic countries. HHV-8 in healthy persons does not necessarily cause life-threatening infection, and however, it causes a more severe infection among immunocompromised patients. The distribution of HHV-8 genotypes varies according to ethnicity and depends on the geographic region prior rapid development of global travel. A cross sectional prospective study included a hundred healthy blood donor samples with a mean age of (36.60±10.381), 81% were positive for molecular detection of HHV-8 DNA. PCR results for HHV-8 were strongly related with risk factors such as the number of sexual relations, previous surgeries, blood transfusion, dental operation, and the number of b

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University
Histopathological Studies of the Liver and Kidney in Mice Fed on Smut Wheat Infected with Tilletia
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The current study was designed to investigate the effect of Tilletia smut spores on histopathological changes in liver and kidney in mice. Twenty animals were divided into two equal groups, 10 mice each, control group fed on normal diet and the treated groups were fed on a mixture of 50% normal diet with 50% wheat infected with Tilletia for 30 days. Histopathological sections taken from liver and kidney treated with Tilletia revealed several alterations. The changes in liver included, multiple granulomatous lesions, area of coagulation necrosis, vacuolar degeneration in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes, proliferation of hepatocytes with formation of pseudolobull which initiates for procancer. Whereas in the kidney, the changes included

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
Effect of Seed Alkaloids of Peganum Harmala on Histological and Some Blood Parameters in Male Mice
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 03 2021
Journal Name
Tropical Journal Of Natural Product Research
Hematological and Histopathological Changes in the Spleen of Male Albino Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Treated with Meloxicam
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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Focus groups strategy and its impact on the achievement of primary school students in art education
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Art education is one among the fundamental subjects for elementary school students, because it contributes to assembling learners’ personalities and developing their technical skills. For this reason, this research comes, which aims to understand the effect of the task groups’ strategy in developing the performance of elementary school students in art education. to realize the goal of the research, the researcher put the subsequent hypotheses:
-There is not any statistically significant difference at the amount (5%) between the typical many students between the experimental group that studied consistent with the strategy of task groups and therefore the control group that studied in keeping with the same old method that they obt

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Electric Power Systems Research
Analytical and measurement-based wideband two-port modeling of DC-DC converters for electromagnetic transient studies
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Power-electronic converters are essential elements for the effective interconnection of renewable energy sources to the power grid, as well as to include energy storage units, vehicle charging stations, microgrids, etc. Converter models that provide an accurate representation of their wideband operation and interconnection with other active and passive grid components and systems are necessary for reliable steady state and transient analyses during normal or abnormal grid operating conditions. This paper introduces two Laplace domain-based approaches to model buck and boost DC-DC converters for electromagnetic transient studies. The first approach is an analytical one, where the converter is represented by a two-port admittance model via mo

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparative study of the antioxidant effects of lavender and flax oils in recurrent aphthous ulceration treatment
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Background: Recurrent aphthous ulceration (RAU) is an inflammatory condition of unknown etiology characterized by painful recurrent (single or multiple) ulcerations of the oral mucosa. It is one of the most common and poorly understood mucosal disorders. It occurs more frequently in times of stress. Local and systemic conditions, genetic, immunologic, microbial factors, and oxidative stress may play a role in the pathogenesis of RAU. The objective of this study was to evaluate the free radical metabolism and antioxidant activity of RAU patients treated by lavender or flax oil paint.

Materials and Methods: Sixty-six RAU patients were enroll

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