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Astronomical Observation between Diffraction Limited Coherent and Incoherent Imaging Systems
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Numerical simulations are carried out to evaluate the coherence concept’s effect on the performance regarding the optical system, when observing and imaging the planet’s surface. In numerous optical approaches, the coherence qualities of light sources play an important role. This paper provides an overview about the mathematical formulation of temporal and spatial coherence and incoherence properties of light sources. The circular aperture was used to describe the optical system like a telescope. The simulation results show that diffraction-limited for incoherent imaging system certainly improves the image. Yet, the quality of the image is degraded by the light source's highly spatial and temporal coherence properties, resulting in a blurred image with certain parts unresolved, as well as destructive and constructive interference resulting in "ringing" features. When subjective fidelity criteria like PSNR, MSE, SNRrms, SR, R Closeness, and CORR are used to compare the resolution of incoherent and coherent imaging systems, incoherent imaging is often deemed to be "better”.

Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
Azerbaijan Pharmaceutical And Pharmacotherapy J
Prevalence and Contributed Factors for Varicose Veins in Intensive Care Unit Nurses at Baghdad Teaching Hospitals
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Background: Varicose vein (VV) is a common problem that mostly occurs in legs. This medical condition can influence the quality of life and working condition of nurses. Aim of the study: To estimate the prevalence of lower limbs varicosity and its associated risk factors among nurses. Methods: This a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out among 100 nurses working Baghdad Teaching Hospital, Surgical Specialties Hospital, and Al- Kidney Teaching Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq from January 1st to May 10th, 2022. The participants were recruited in the study using systematic random sampling. The Occupational Sitting and Physical Activity and Aberdeen Varicose Vein Questionnaires were used for data gathering. Results: The prevalence o

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2022
Journal Name
International Information And Engineering Technology Association
Countermeasure of Riverbanks Local Scour and Deposition Using Different Shapes of Multiple Groynes with Different Spacing
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In current study a computation fluid dynamic (CFD) technique was used to investigate the effect of groynes shape and spacing on the scour pattern and the maximum scour depth in open channel flow. CFD model have been validated throughout comparing the numerical results with three previous experimental studies for a single groyne located in open channel with three different shapes (L, quadrant, and parabola shapes). The comparison revealed very good agreement between numerical results of the maximum scour depth with the results of all experimental models. Moreover, investigations of the effect of multi-groynes (three groynes and four groynes) arranged in parallel with constant spacing and also with variable spacing have been done, the

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Publication Date
Mon May 25 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Strength Training and its Effect in Some Biochemical Variables in the High Jumping of Advanced Players
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The study of biomechanical indicators in the arc of the run and the upgrading stage is one of the important variables that affect the nature of the upgrading and thus affect the result of the race due to the importance of these stages and the consequent variables during the last steps. That’s why, the jump-trainings based on assistant means or body weight positively affect the step-time for each of the three steps in the acceleration arc. As well as, it focuses on the momentary strength of each step at this stage. It also significantly affects the speed of motor performance to suit the activity in which the runner needs to perform perfect steps with high flow in order to convert the horizontal speed to a vertical one. This is achieved thr

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Depositional Environment of the Ibrahim Formation and Determining the Oligocene-Early Miocene Boundary in Eastern Iraq
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The aim of this study is to investigate the sedimentation environments and diagenetic processes of the Ibrahim Formation (Oligocene-early Miocene) in Zurbatiya, eastern Iraq. The Ibrahim Formation is comprised mostly of clayey micrite and skeletal grains composed of planktonic foraminifera, calcispheres, radiolaria, and benthic foraminifera. Glauconite and pyrite were documented in some restricted zones of this formation; they reflect quiet and reducing conditions. Radiolaria were identified in Late-Oligocene which was not known previously at this age regionally in carbonate formations of the Arabian Plate (AP). Mudstone, wackestone, and planktonic foraminiferal wackepackstone are the main microfacies that are affected by dissolutio

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 27 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Synthesis of some Novel Nitrogenous Heterocyclic Compounds with Expected Biological Activity as Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Agents
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This study includes synthesis of some nitrogenous heterocyclic compounds linked to amino acid esters or heterocyclic amines that may have a potential  activity as antimicrobial and/or cytotoxic.  Quinolines are an important group of organic compounds that possess useful biological activity as antibacterial, antifungal and antitumor .8-Hydroxyquinoline (8-HQ) and numerous of its derivatives exhibit potent activities against fungi and bacteria which make them good candidates for the treatment of many parasitic and microbial infection diseases.

These pharmacological properties of quinolones  aroused our  interest in synthesizing several new compounds featuring heterocyclic rings of the quinoline derivatives linke

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Geological Considerations Related to Casing setting depth selection and design of Iraqi oil wells (case study)
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Well integrity is a vital feature that should be upheld into the lifespan of the well, and one constituent of which casing, necessity to be capable to endure all the interior and outside loads. The casing, through its two basic essentials: casing design and casing depth adjustment, are fundamental to a unique wellbore that plays an important role in well integrity. Casing set depths are determined based on fracturing pressure and pore pressure in the well and can usually be obtained from well-specific information. Based on the analyzes using the improved techniques in this study, the following special proposition can be projected: The selection of the first class and materials must be done correctly and accurately in accordance with the

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
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Investigate and Calculation Electron Transfer Rate Constant in the N749 Sensitized Dye Contact to ZnSe Semiconductor
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The dye–semiconductor interface between N749 sensitized and zinc semiconductor (ZnSe) has been investigated and studied according to quantum transition theory with focusing on the electron transfer processes from the N749 sensitized (donor) to the ZnSe semiconductor (acceptor). The electron transfer rate constant and the orientation energy were studied and evaluated depended on the polarity of solvents according to refractive index and dielectric constant coefficient of solvents and ZnSe semiconductor. Attention focusing on the influence of orientation energies on the behavior of electron transfer rate constant. Differentdata of rate constant was discussion with orientation energy and effective driving energy for N749-ZnSe system.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
Spectral and Electrical Characteristics of Nanostructured NiO/TiO 2 Heterojunction Fabricated by DC Reactive Magnetron Sputtering
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In this work, p-n junctions were fabricated from highly-pure nanostructured NiO and TiO2 thin films deposited on glass substrates by dc reactive magnetron sputtering technique. The structural characterization showed that the prepared multilayer NiO/TiO2 thin film structures were highly pure as no traces for other compounds than NiO and TiO2 were observed. It was found that the absorption of NiO-on-TiO2 structure is higher than that of the TiO2-on-NiO. Also, the NiO/TiO2 heterojunctions exhibit typical electrical characteristics, higher ideality factor and better spectral responsivity when compared to those fabricated from the same materials by the same technique and with larger particle size and lower structural purity.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studying the Classification of Texture Images by K-Means of Co-Occurrence Matrix and Confusion Matrix
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In this research, a group of gray texture images of the Brodatz database was studied by building the features database of the images using the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), where the distance between the pixels was one unit and for four angles (0, 45, 90, 135). The k-means classifier was used to classify the images into a group of classes, starting from two to eight classes, and for all angles used in the co-occurrence matrix. The distribution of the images on the classes was compared by comparing every two methods (projection of one class onto another where the distribution of images was uneven, with one category being the dominant one. The classification results were studied for all cases using the confusion matrix between every

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
The Saudi Dental Journal
Development of patient information leaflets for fixed, removable, and functional appliances for Arabic-speaking orthodontic patients
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