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Polynomial image compression: A review

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 26 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Selective Image Encryption Based on DCT, Hybrid Shift Coding and Randomly Generated Secret Key

Most of today’s techniques encrypt all of the image data, which consumes a tremendous amount of time and computational payload. This work introduces a selective image encryption technique that encrypts predetermined bulks of the original image data in order to reduce the encryption/decryption time and the
computational complexity of processing the huge image data. This technique is applying a compression algorithm based on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). Two approaches are implemented based on color space conversion as a preprocessing for the compression phases YCbCr and RGB, where the resultant compressed sequence is selectively encrypted using randomly generated combined secret key.
The results showed a significant reduct

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Car Logo Image Extraction and Recognition using K-Medoids, Daubechies Wavelets, and DCT Transforms

     Recognizing cars is a highly difficult task due to the wide variety in the appearance of cars from the same car manufacturer. Therefore, the car logo is the most prominent indicator of the car manufacturer. The captured logo image suffers from several problems, such as a complex background, differences in size and shape, the appearance of noise, and lighting circumstances. To solve these problems, this paper presents an effective technique for extracting and recognizing a logo that identifies a car. Our proposed method includes four stages: First, we apply the k-medoids clustering method to extract the logo and remove the background and noise. Secondly, the logo image is converted to grayscale and also converted to a binary imag

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of image quality of cervical spine complications using Three Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sequences

Examining and comparing the image quality of degenerative cervical spine diseases through the application of three MRI sequences; the Two-Dimension T2 Weighed Turbo Spin Echo (2D T2W TSE), the Three-Dimension T2 Weighted Turbo Spin Echo (3D T2W TSE), and the T2 Turbo Field Echo (T2_TFE). Thirty-three patients who were diagnosed as having degenerative cervical spine diseases were involved in this study. Their age range was 40-60 years old. The images were produced via a 1.5 Tesla MRI device using (2D T2W TSE, 3D T2W TSE, and T2_TFE) sequences in the sagittal plane. The image quality was examined by objective and subjective assessments. The MRI image characteristics of the cervical spines (C4-C5, C5-C6, C6-C7) showed significant difference

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Breast Cancer MRI Classification Based on Fractional Entropy Image Enhancement and Deep Feature Extraction

Disease diagnosis with computer-aided methods has been extensively studied and applied in diagnosing and monitoring of several chronic diseases. Early detection and risk assessment of breast diseases based on clinical data is helpful for doctors to make early diagnosis and monitor the disease progression. The purpose of this study is to exploit the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in discriminating breast MRI scans into pathological and healthy. In this study, a fully automated and efficient deep features extraction algorithm that exploits the spatial information obtained from both T2W-TSE and STIR MRI sequences to discriminate between pathological and healthy breast MRI scans. The breast MRI scans are preprocessed prior to the feature

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Image encryption based on combined between linear feedback shift registers and 3D chaotic maps

Protecting information sent through insecure internet channels is a significant challenge facing researchers. In this paper, we present a novel method for image data encryption that combines chaotic maps with linear feedback shift registers in two stages. In the first stage, the image is divided into two parts. Then, the locations of the pixels of each part are redistributed through the random numbers key, which is generated using linear feedback shift registers. The second stage includes segmenting the image into the three primary colors red, green, and blue (RGB); then, the data for each color is encrypted through one of three keys that are generated using three-dimensional chaotic maps. Many statistical tests (entropy, peak signa

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Européen Des Systèmes Automatisés​
Deep Learning Approach for Oil Pipeline Leakage Detection Using Image-Based Edge Detection Techniques

Natural gas and oil are one of the mainstays of the global economy. However, many issues surround the pipelines that transport these resources, including aging infrastructure, environmental impacts, and vulnerability to sabotage operations. Such issues can result in leakages in these pipelines, requiring significant effort to detect and pinpoint their locations. The objective of this project is to develop and implement a method for detecting oil spills caused by leaking oil pipelines using aerial images captured by a drone equipped with a Raspberry Pi 4. Using the message queuing telemetry transport Internet of Things (MQTT IoT) protocol, the acquired images and the global positioning system (GPS) coordinates of the images' acquisition are

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Subsurface Structural Image of Galabat Field, North East of Iraq Using 2D Seismic Data

This research had been achieved to identify the image of the subsurface structure representing the Tertiary period in the Galabat Field northeast of Iraq using 2D seismic survey measurements. Synthetic seismograms of the Galabat-3 well were generated in order to identify and pick the reflectors in seismic sections. Structural Images were drawn in the time domain and then converted to the depth domain by using average velocities. Structurally, seismic sections illustrate these reflectors are affected by two reverse faults affected on the Jeribe Formation and the layers below with the increase in the density of the reverse faults in the northern division. The structural maps show Galabat field, which consists of longitudinal Asymmetrical narr

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 17 2023
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn: 2789-3219 )
The Association of Genetic Polymorphisms in Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha and Interleukins with Disease Severity or Response to Biological Therapy in Iraqi Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: A Narrative Review

Background: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukins play important roles in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Genetic research has been employed to find many of the missing connections between genetic risk variations and causal genetic components. Objective: The goal of this study is to look at the genetic variations of TNF-α and interleukins in Iraqi RA patients and see how they relate to disease severity or response to biological therapy. Method: Using specific keywords, the authors conducted a systematic and comprehensive search to identify relevant Iraqi studies examining the genetic variations of TNF-α and interleukins in Iraqi RA patients and how they relate to disease severity or response to biolo

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 30 2022
Journal Name
Gsc Biological And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Review of the freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata (O. F. Müller, 1774) (Gastropoda, Thiaridae)

Melanoides tuberculata (O. F. Müller, 1774), a freshwater snail native to eastern Mediterranean, eastern Africa, southeast Asia, southern Asia, India, and Malaysia, it is an effective invader and is now nearly globally distributed. This snail has been studied with interest because of its rapidly distributed, and because of being can serve as compatible intermediate host for many of trematodes in the world. We have summarized information from many articles in order to highlight the most important aspects of this invader snail life.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Using the Nudge Theory in Improving Security Policies and Crime Prevention: Integrative Review

The "Nudge" Theory is considered one of the most recent theories, which is clear in the economic, health, and educational sectors, due to the intensity of studies on it and its applications, but it has not yet been included in crime prevention studies. The use of  Nudge theory appears to enrich the theory in the field of crime prevention, and to provide modern, effective, and implementable mechanisms.

The study deals with the "integrative review" approach, which is a distinctive form of research that generates new knowledge on a topic through reviewing, criticizing, and synthesizing representative literature on the topic in an integrated manner so that new frameworks and perspectives are created around it.

The study is bas

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