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A comprehensive review of drivers influencing flu vaccine acceptance in the Middle East over the last six years: using Health Belief Model
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Abstract<sec> <title>Objectives

The objectives of this study were to review the literature covering the perceptions about influenza vaccines in the Middle East and to determine factors influencing the acceptance of vaccination using Health Belief Model (HBM).


A comprehensive literature search was performed utilizing PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Three keywords were used: Influenza vaccine, perceptions and Middle East. Empirical studies that dealt with people/healthcare worker (HCW) perceptions of influenza vaccine in the Middle East and written in English were included. The search covered articles published between January 2015 and November 2020.

Key Findings

A total of 34 cross-sectional studies covering a total of 35 518 participants from 22 countries were included in this review. The overall influenza vaccination rates were generally low (&lt;50%) among general population, particularly among pregnant women and children. HCWs had relatively higher vaccination rates compared with general population. Old age, health comorbidities or working in high-risk environments were noted as major motivators to receive the vaccine. Concerns about adverse reactions and the lack of vaccine efficacy were the most predominant reported barriers to receiving the vaccines. Lastly, cues to actions included receiving advice from HCWs, influence of institutional requirement, awareness/educational pamphlets and influence from the media.


The HBM can be helpful in identifying and analysing motivators and barriers to vaccination. Additionally, by looking at the root causation, this model can help plan campaigns to increase vaccination rates in the region. Finally, we recommend empowering HCWs to proactively advocate for vaccination as part of preventive care.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 06 2022
Journal Name
Future Oncology
The first Middle East and North Africa expert consensus recommendations for the management of advanced colorectal cancer
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Natural Sciences
Determination of the Electron Density Variation for Ionosphere Layer Over Iraqi Zone Using IRI Model
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KA Hadi, AH Asma’a, IJONS, 2018 - Cited by 1

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 13 2023
Journal Name
Impact of North African Sand and Dust Storms on the Middle East Using Iraq as an Example: Causes, Sources, and Mitigation
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This study aims to determine the reasons for the increase in the frequency of sand and dust storms in the Middle East and to identify their sources and mitigate them. A set of climatic data from 60 years (1960–2022) was analyzed. Sand storms in Iraq are a silty sand mature arkose composed of 72.7% sand, 25.1% silt, and 2.19% clay; the clay fraction in dust storms constitutes 70%, with a small amount of silt (20.6%) and sand (9.4%). Dust and sand storms (%) are composed of quartz (49.2, 67.1), feldspar (4.9, 20.9), calcite (38, 5), gypsum (4.8, 0.4), dolomite (0.8, 1.0), and heavy minerals (3.2, 6.6). Increasing temperatures in Iraq, by an average of 2 °C for sixty years, have contributed to an increase in the number of dust storm

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of the Family in investment Effect of the Mates in Evaluating the Childs Acceptance (2-5 years) of rich foods and inhancemenl rein for cement of the social love concepts: The Role of the Family in investment Effect of the Mates in Evaluating the Childs Acceptance (2-5 years) of rich foods and inhancemenl rein for cement of the social love concepts
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The aim of the present research is to evaluate the child’s nutritional
method (2-5 years old) which is based on his resistance of the food highly rich
with nutritional elements and his acceptance of the food of a low nutritional
value in addition to his having forbidden food with other mates and making
use of all mates when having food, in establishing the sound social values and
affection since child hood. The required statistical equation have been used
by the researcher namely (Z test).
The sample of the present study consists of (26) children who were selected
intentionally and randomly from the kindergartens of Al-Bayaa region and the
college of Education for women. The questionnaires were d

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 03 2020
Journal Name
Almaarif University College
The effect of food additives (Monosodium Glutamate-MSG) on human health-A Critical Review
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According to the famous saying of the medieval physician Paracelsus, "There is no substance without poison. Only the dose determines the extent of the toxic effect." Here, the effect of monosodium glutamate (MSG) on human health and the risks to the health of its frequent use in the short term was addressed and the long term was evaluated according to the studies of several researchers specializing in this regard. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is known as one of the most popular food additives that classified as a flavor enhancer. Parts of the evidence were reviewed from the literature explaining its effect on immune system cells in addition to metabolic disorders by exposing individuals to obesity and what is known as metabolic syndrome, as w

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 12 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The possibility of adopting a market approach to measure the fair value of biological assets in Iraq: (Applied study in Middle East Fish Production and Marketing Company)
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The research aims to show the possibility of adopting the market approach to measure the fair value of biological assets in Iraq, by applying to a sample of the company listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange, where the Middle East Fish Production and Marketing Company was selected from among 7 companies representing the agricultural sector in Iraq, and according to the availability of data and for five years, the financial statements were presented of the measurement and disclosure of  biological assets at fair value according to the market approach, One of the most important conclusions reached by the researcher is the The possibility of measuring and disclosing biological assets at fair value according to the market approach in the Ira

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Negotiating policies for the granting of investment loans: A CASE STUDY ON IRAQI MIDDLE EAST BANK FOR INVESTMENT& COMMERCIAL GULF BANK
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The negotiation phase is gaining great importance in investment loans due to the magnitude of the amounts awarded and the need to obtain adequate lending guarantees and the development of better conditions, and this requires that negotiating policy with fixed principles that balance between meeting the demands of customers and maintain market share and achieve profits and avoid defaults and losses the bank, and so I have touched Find the concept of investment loans and procedures for granting and the concept of the negotiation process for the granting of loans. The practical side to ensure the preparation of examination form consists of questions commensurate with the methodology developed by the researchers, were directed to the officia

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Biography of the Last The formation of the ancient Pharaonic Warrior
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Cash studies on Biography few self, compared to what feet of analysis and criticism in the other arts as (novel, short story, poetry, theater, painting), however, is a biographical articles in the relatively few Arabic literature as presented in the other Arts, has taken this Art greater opportunity in our literature with his Taha Hussein (days), or (my life) to Ahmed Amin, or Fadwa Toukan (a nice trip, and difficult journey), or Jabra Ibrahim Jabra in the (first well) or (Princess Street), which forms taken from the self point of departure the desire to write a CV to try to familiarize readers with the information possible to the same creator, the remainder (ego) is the axis basis in a CV, gradually, starting from childhood through yout

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Developing the School Curriculum in a way Helps Raising the Values of Forgiveness and Acceptance
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تناولنا في هذه الدراسة التأكيد على تطوير المناهج الدراسية بأتجاه تنمية قيم التسامح والتعايش السلمي ، لان ثقافة التسامح باتت من الضرورات الملحة التي يفرضها الواقع الراهن لمواجهة العنف المجتمعي ، مما يوجب الحرص على ترسيخ القيم الانسانية ، لان التسامح من الصفات التي تحبها النفوس وتنجذب اليها القلوب .

والقيم الاخلاقية والسلوكية كالتسامح وغيرها ، من الامور الرئيسية لعمليتي التربية والتعليم في المدارس وال

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comprehensive Review on Medical Image Steganography Based on LSB Technique and Potential Challenges
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The rapid development of telemedicine services and the requirements for exchanging medical information between physicians, consultants, and health institutions have made the protection of patients’ information an important priority for any future e-health system. The protection of medical information, including the cover (i.e. medical image), has a specificity that slightly differs from the requirements for protecting other information. It is necessary to preserve the cover greatly due to its importance on the reception side as medical staff use this information to provide a diagnosis to save a patient's life. If the cover is tampered with, this leads to failure in achieving the goal of telemedicine. Therefore, this work provides an in

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