The use of external posttensioning technique for strengthening reinforced concrete girders has been considerably studied by many researchers worldwide. However, no available data are seen regarding strengthening full-scale composite prestressed concrete girders with external posttensioned technique under static and repeated loading. In this research, four full-scale composite prestressed I-shape girders of 16 m span were fabricated and tested under static and repeated loading up to failure. Accordingly, two girders were externally strengthened with posttensioned strands, while the other two girders were left without strengthening. The experimental tests include deflection, cracking load, ultimate strength and strains at midspan, a
... Show MoreThe study of torsion {torsion free) fuzzy modules over fuzzy
integtal domain as a generalization oftorsion (torsion free) modules.
Structural buildings consist of concrete and steel, and these buildings have confronted many challenges from various aggressive environments against the materials manufactured from them. It contains high water levels and buildings whose concrete cover may be damaged and thus lead to the deterioration and corrosion of steel. It was important to have an alternative to steel, such as the glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP), which is distinguished by its great effectiveness in resisting corrosion, as well as its strong tensile resistance. Still, one of its drawbacks is that it has a low modulus of elasticity. This research article aims to conduct a numerical study using the nonlinear fi
Background: Rehabilitation of the carious tooth to establish tooth structure integrity required cavity design that show a benign stress distribution. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the cavity position on the stress values in the reamining tooth structure restored with amalgam or resin composite. Materials and methods: Seven 2-D models of maxillary first premolar include class I cavity design was prepared, one sound tooth (A) 3 composite (B1, B2, and B3) and 3 amalgam (C1, C2, and C3). In design (BI and C1) the cavity position is in the mid distance between bacc-lingual cusp tip, design (B2 and C2) and (B3 and C3) shifted toward the buccal cusp and the lingual cusp for 0.5 mm respectively. One hundred N vertical
... Show MoreThe harvest of hydrocarbon from the depleted reservoir is crucial during field development. Therefore, drilling operations in the depleted reservoir faced several problems like partial and total lost circulation. Continuing production without an active water drive or water injection to support reservoir pressure will decrease the pore and fracture pressure. Moreover, this depletion will affect the distribution of stress and change the mud weight window. This study focused on vertical stress, maximum and minimum horizontal stress redistributions in the depleted reservoirs due to decreases in pore pressure and, consequently, the effect on the mud weight window. 1D and 4D robust geomechanical models are
In this paper, first we refom1Ulated the finite element model
(FEM) into a neural network structure using a simple two - dimensional problem. The structure of this neural network is described
, followed by its application to solving the forward and inverse problems. This model is then extended to the general case and the advantages and di sadvantages of this approach are descri bed along with an analysis of the sensi tivity of
... Show MoreThis paper analyzes a piled-raft foundation on non-homogeneous soils with variable layer depth percentages. The present work aims to perform a three-dimensional finite element analysis of a piled-raft foundation subjected to vertical load using the PLAXIS 3D software. Parametric analysis was carried out to determine the effect of soil type and initial layer thickness. The parametric study showed that increasing the relative density from 30 % to 80 % of the upper sand layer and the thickness of the first layer has led to an increase in the ultimate load and a decrease in the settlement of piled raft foundations for the cases of sand over weak soil. In clay over weak soil, the ultimate load of the piled raft foundation w
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