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Time Dependent Behavior of Engineered Cementitious Composite Concrete Produced from Portland Limestone Cement
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Conventional concretes are nearly unbendable, and just 0.1 percent of strain potential makes them incredibly brittle and stiff. This absence of bendability is a significant cause of strain failure and has been a guiding force in the production of an elegant substance, bendable concrete, also known as engineered cement composites, abbreviated as ECC. This type of concrete is capable of displaying dramatically increased flexibility. ECC is reinforced with micromechanical polymer fibers. ECC usually uses a 2 percent volume of small, disconnected fibers. Thus, bendable concrete deforms but without breaking any further than conventional concrete. This research aims to involve this type of concrete, bendable concrete, that will give solutions for concrete deficiencies. Two types of Portland Limestone Cement were used, Karasta (CK) and Tasluja (CT). Four mixes were adopted, polypropylene fibers (PP) and polyvinyl alcohol solution (PVA) were conducted to prepare the mixes. The tests were carried out at the age of 28 days of water curing. Best results were presented for mixes containing pp fibers and PVA solution than those without fibers for drying shrinkage and creep tests

Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Spectral Technique for Baud Time Estimation
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A new approach for baud time (or baud rate) estimation of a random binary signal is presented. This approach utilizes the spectrum of the signal after nonlinear processing in a way that the estimation error can be reduced by simply increasing the number of the processed samples instead of increasing the sampling rate. The spectrum of the new signal is shown to give an accurate estimate about the baud time when there is no apriory information or any restricting preassumptions. The performance of the estimator for random binary square waves perturbed by white Gaussian noise and ISI is evaluated and compared with that of the conventional estimator of the zero crossing detector.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Influence of Aging Time on Asphalt Pavement Performance
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Aging of asphalt pavements typically occurs through oxidation of the asphalt and evaporation of the lighter maltenes from the binder. The main objective of this study is to evaluate influence of aging on performance of asphalt paving materials.nAsphalt concrete mixtures, were prepared, and subjected to short term aging (STA) procedure which involved heating the loose mixtures in an oven for two aging period of (4 and 8) hours at a temperature of 135 o C. Then it was subject to Long term aging (LTA) procedure using (2 and 5) days aging periods at 85 o C for Marshall compacted specimens. The effect of aging periods on properties of asphalt concrete at optimum asphalt content such as Marshall Properties, indirect tensile strength at 25 o C,

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl.
Analysis of a harvested discrete-time biological models
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This work aims to analyze a three-dimensional discrete-time biological system, a prey-predator model with a constant harvesting amount. The stage structure lies in the predator species. This analysis is done by finding all possible equilibria and investigating their stability. In order to get an optimal harvesting strategy, we suppose that harvesting is to be a non-constant rate. Finally, numerical simulations are given to confirm the outcome of mathematical analysis.

Scopus (6)
Publication Date
Thu Jul 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Spectroscopic analysis of zinc plasma produced by alternating and direct current jet
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In this study, a system of nonthermal plasma that was operated under atmospheric pressure and was powered by argon gas was employed. The particular plasma properties are affected by changes in the Ar gas flow ranges from 0.5 to 2.5 l/min, product by stream of the plasma jet that is utilized. By using the aforementioned method generated from AC and DC. After placing Ar gas as the cathode, which represents the negative pole, flows toward the anode, which is represented by a tiny metal plate of Zn measuring 6 × 1 cm2 in size, with a submerged part of 4 cm2 long, with both types of current employed having a high voltage of 13.5 kV and the frequency of AC was 30 kHz, we measured these variable parameters. It has been shown that when argon f

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Scopus (1)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Apr 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Creep Behavior In Isotropic Composites
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Creep testing is an important part of the characterization of composite materials. It is crucial to determine long-term deflection levels and time-to-failure for these advanced materials. The work is carried out to investigate creep behavior on isotropic composite columns. Isotropy property was obtained by making a new type of composite made from a paste of particles of carbon fibers mixed with epoxy resin and E-glass particles mixed with epoxy resin. This type of manufacturing process can be called the compression mold composite or the squeeze mold composite. Experimental work was carried out with changing the fiber concentration (30, 40 and 50% mass fraction), cross section shape, and type of composite. The creep results showed that th

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Wireless Network Control System for Electro Stati Precipitator in Cement Plants
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    Wireless control networks (WCNs), based on distributed control systems of wireless sensor and actuator networks, integrate four technologies: control, computer network and wireless communications. Electrostatic precipitator (ESP) in cement plants reduces the emissions from rotary kiln by 99.8% approximately. It is an important thing to change the existing systems (wireline) to wireless because of dusty and hazardous environments. In this paper, we designed a wireless control system for ESP using Truetime 2 beta 6 simulator, depending on the mathematical model that have been built using identification toolbox of Matlab v7.1.1. We also study the effect ofusing wireless network on performance and stability of the closed l

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Impact of Preparing HMA with Modified Asphalt Cement on Moisture and Temperature Susceptibility
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Many researchers tried to prevent or reduce moisture damage and its sensitivity to temperature to improving the performance of hot mix asphalt because it is decreasing the functional and structural life of fixable pavement due to the moisture damage had exposed to it.

The main objective of this study is to inspect the effect of (fly ash “3%, 6%, 12%”, hydrated lime”5%, 10%, 20%” and silica fumes”1%, 2%, 4%) referring to previous research by the net weight asphalt cement as a modified material on the moisture and temperature sensitivity of hot mix asphalt. This was done using asphalt from AL-Nasiria refinery with penetration grade 40-50, nominal maximum size (12.5) mm (surface course) of aggregate and on

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Assessing the Environmental Footprint of the Cement Industry: A Pathway to Sustainable Development
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Abstract<p>Achieving a connection between sustainability processes and environmental protection, or what is known as sustainable development, requires paying more attention to environmental and sustainability issues for various projects and their effects on environmental problems. It involves determining the most appropriate ways to deal with them within pillars of sustainability (environmental, social, economic, and natural resources. As cement is a fundamental component of industrial services and construction in cities, it has a direct and significant interaction with the development process, making it one of the most important industries in Iraq. Because of the clinker particles and combustio</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A comparative study in disruptive behavior at the Deprived and non-Deprived students from their parents at the Secondary stage
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The current research aims to :
•know the level of the chaotic behavior of the sample as a whole .
•Know the differences with statistical significance in disorderly behavior between the
disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged peers .
To achieve these objectives, the selected sample of Talbhalmrahlh medium and specifically
students of the second grade average, were chosen randomly stratified's (360) students
included sex (male, female) and (deprived of the Father and the non-deprived) for the
academic year (2013-2014) to the province Baghdad on both sides (Rusafa-Karkh (
As applied to them measurements of disorderly behavior, which is prepared by the researcher,
having achieved _khasaúsma of psychometric (valid

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Properties of High Performance Concrete
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The research deals with a new type of high-performance concrete with improved physical properties, which was prepared by using metal additives minutes (Metakaolin) and by studing their impact on the properties of mortar and concrete high-performance through destructive and non destructive tests. This type of concrete is used broadly in public buildings and in other structures . The research involved a number of experiments such as finding the activity index of burned at a temperature of 750 º C according to the standard ( ASTM C-311/03), as well as casting models for the cubic mortar mixtures and concrete containers at different rates of metakaolin ranging between (5% - 20%) as an added part to the cement mix to get a high- compressive

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