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The Effect of Pepsi Cola Beverage on Surface Roughness of Two Composite Resins (In Vitro study)
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An acidic environment causes surface changes of resin composites. Filler particlesize and filler distribution also have a direct effect on these surface changes. This invitro study evaluated the influence of Pepsi Cola drink on the surface roughness ofComposan LCM and Composan Ceram over time. Sixteen disc shaped specimens(10mm diameter, 2mm thickness) of each resin composite were fabricated, therebyforming two groups (n= 8). Surface roughness (Ra) was analyzed after 24 hrs beforeexposure to beverage. The specimens were submitted to a five minutes immersion inPepsi Cola three times daily interrupted by immersion in deionized distilled water (37C˚). Surface roughness measurements were done at 10, 30, and 60 days intervals. Datawere submitted to paired t-test. There was a statistically highly significant (p <0.001)increase in surface roughness values of the tested composites after 30 days and 60days immersion in Cola drink. Composan LCM exhibited a significantly (p <0.05)higher surface roughness values than Composan Ceram.The surface roughness of the composite materials are significantly affected byexposure to acidic drink over time, highly filled micro hybrid composites with smallfiller particle size are significantly more resistant to acid erosion.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Residence Time Parameters on Thermal Cracking Extract Phase Lubricating Oil
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This work studies with produce of light fuel fractions of gasoline, kerosene and gas oil from treatment of residual matter that will be obtained from the solvent extraction process as by product from refined lubricate to improve oil viscosity index in any petroleum refinery. The percentage of this byproduct is approximately 10% according to all feed (crude oil) in the petroleum refinery process. The objective of this research is to study the effect of the residence time parameter on the thermal cracking process of the byproduct feed at a constant temperature, (400 °C). The first step of this treatment is the thermal cracking of this byproduct material by a constructed batch reactor occupied with control device at a selective range of re

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Color Stability of Different Aesthetic Archwires after Immersion into Different Types of Mouthwashes(An In Vitro Study)
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Background: Because of the demands for aesthetic orthodontic appliances have increased, aesthetic archwires have been widely used to meet patient's aesthetic needs. The color stability of aesthetic archwires is clinically important, any staining or discoloration will affect patient’s acceptance and satisfaction. This study was designed to evaluate the color stability of different types of aesthetic archwires after immersion into different types of mouth washes. Materials and methods: Four brands of nickel titanium coated aesthetic arch wires: Epoxy coated (Orthotechnology and G&H) and Teflon coated (Dany and Hubit) were evaluated after 1 week, 3 weeks and 6 weeks of immersion into two types of mouthwashes (Listerine with alcohol and

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study Effect of Central Rectangular Perforation on the Natural Convection Heat Transfer in an Inclined Heated Flat Plate
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Anumerical solutions is presented to investigate the effect of inclination angle (θ) , perforation ratio (m) and wall temperature of the plate (Tw) on the heat transfer in natural convection from isothermal square flat plate up surface heated (with and without concentrated hole). The flat plate with dimensions of (128 mm) length × (64 mm) width has been used five with square models of the flat plate that gave a rectangular perforation of (m=0.03, 0.06, 0.13, 0.25, 0.5). The values of angle of inclination were (0o, 15o 30o 45o 60o) from horizontal position and the values of wall temperature (50oC, 60 oC, 70 oC, 90 oC, 100o<

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 03 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Urban Land Use Changing on Green Area Neighborhoods No. 336 & 338 in Baghdad – Case Study
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The role of the green areas lies in being one of the systems that plays the vital role in achieving the environmental dimension besides the socio-cultural body and the economic dimension in the hidden value of ecosystem services. However, many developing countries are characterized by a state of low community environmental awareness, which coincides with the basic need for land for housing and other uses, to take precedence over nature protection strategies. In the absence of clear planning and long-term planning strategies, all this led to abuses and violations of urban land use. In Iraq, the situation became more apparent due to the political, security and social conditions that followed the year 2003. Hence, the resea

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the Effect of the High Voltage on The preparation of Polyvinyl Alcohol/ Tio2 Nano Fiber by Electrospinning
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Abstract:In this research we prepared nanofibers by electrospinning from poly (Vinyl Alcohol) / TiO2. The spectrum of the solution (Emission) was studied at 772 nm. Several process parameter were Investigated as concentration of PVA, the effect of distance from nozzle tip to the grounded collector (gap distance), and final the effect of high voltage. We find the optimum condition to prepare a narrow nanofibers is at concentration of PVA 16gm, the fiber has 20nm diameter.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the Effect of the High Voltage on The preparation of Polyvinyl Alcohol/ Tio2 Nano Fiber by Electrospinning
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In this research we prepared nanofibers by electrospinning
from poly (Vinyl Alcohol) / TiO2. The spectrum of the solution
(Emission) was studied at 772 nm. Several process parameter were
Investigated as concentration of PVA, the effect of distance from
nozzle tip to the grounded collector (gap distance), and final the
effect of high voltage. We find the optimum condition to prepare a
narrow nanofibers is at concentration of PVA 16gm, the fiber has
20nm diameter

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study The effect of central ion to the dithene complexes on spectral shifting of saturable absorber band
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In this work dithine complexes prepared from dithiol benzil ligand and central ion to the Ni,Pd,Pt, element the ligand and complexes have been investigated using FTIR spectrophotometer and uv-vis-NIR spectral reigns show higher intensity represents the ?-?* transition in the chromopher cycle .These absorption which appear in visible and near IR spectral regions ,According to the complexes of one group ,the spectral shifting due to the change of central ion has been found to be related to atomic number of central ion .This shifting is increased while decreasing the central ion atom number These complexes have been implemented in Nd+2:YAG cavity because each posses resonant absorption band near Nd+2:YAG, Nd+2:Glass emitting at (106

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 26 2012
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Study the Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of ZnS Thin Films
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The structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnS films prepared by vacuum evaporation technique on glass substrate at room temperature and treated at different annealing temperatures (323, 373, 423)K of thickness (0.5)µm have been studied. The structure of these films is determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The X-ray diffraction studies show that the structure is polycrystalline with cubic structure, and there are strong peaks at the direction (111). The optical properties investigated which include the absorbance and transmittance spectra, energy band gab, absorption coefficient, and other optical constants. The results showed that films have direct optical transition. The optical band gab was found to be in the range t

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
The Effect of Urban Form on Temperature for Hot Arid Zones. The Case Study of Baghdad, Iraq
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The research aims to determine optimal urban planning and design indicators of the urban clusters form in hot arid zones through studying of three urban areas in Baghdad, analyzing their urban indicators which include floor area ratio (FAR), urban clusters height, building density or land coverage, green areas, paved areas, shading ratio and how they affect urban temperature. The research reached the conclusion that air outdoor temperature on urban areas affected primarily by shadows casted on the ground, the effect of shaded area equals (5) times the effect of paved areas and (3.7) times the effect of green areas, this means that increasing urban clusters height in hot arid zones could minimize air outdoor temperature, building

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Scopus (5)
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Study of the Effect of Fuel Type on the Emitted Emissions from SIE at Idle Period
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The present study investigated the impact of fuel kind on the emitted emissions at the idling period. Three types of available fuels in Iraq were tested. The tests conducted on ordinary gasoline with an octane number of 82, premium gasoline with an octane number of 92, and M20 (consist of 20% methanol and 80% regular gasoline). The 2 liters Mercedes-Benz engine was used in the experiments.

The results showed that engine operation at idle speed emits high levels of CO, CO2, HC, NOx and noise. The produced emission levels depend highly on fuel type. The premium gasoline (ON=92) represents the lower emissions level except for noise at all idling speed. Adding methanol to ordinary gasoline (ON=82) showed high levels of emi

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