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The Effect of Pepsi Cola Beverage on Surface Roughness of Two Composite Resins (In Vitro study)
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An acidic environment causes surface changes of resin composites. Filler particlesize and filler distribution also have a direct effect on these surface changes. This invitro study evaluated the influence of Pepsi Cola drink on the surface roughness ofComposan LCM and Composan Ceram over time. Sixteen disc shaped specimens(10mm diameter, 2mm thickness) of each resin composite were fabricated, therebyforming two groups (n= 8). Surface roughness (Ra) was analyzed after 24 hrs beforeexposure to beverage. The specimens were submitted to a five minutes immersion inPepsi Cola three times daily interrupted by immersion in deionized distilled water (37C˚). Surface roughness measurements were done at 10, 30, and 60 days intervals. Datawere submitted to paired t-test. There was a statistically highly significant (p <0.001)increase in surface roughness values of the tested composites after 30 days and 60days immersion in Cola drink. Composan LCM exhibited a significantly (p <0.05)higher surface roughness values than Composan Ceram.The surface roughness of the composite materials are significantly affected byexposure to acidic drink over time, highly filled micro hybrid composites with smallfiller particle size are significantly more resistant to acid erosion.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of the nuclear structure of halo nuclei 23O and 24F using the two-body model
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The nuclear structure included the matter, proton and neutron densities of the ground state, the nuclear root-mean-square (rms) radii and elastic form factors of one neutron 23O and 24F halo nuclei have been studied by the two body model of  within the harmonic oscillator (HO) and Woods-Saxon (WS) radial wave functions. The calculated results show that the two body model within the HO and WS radial wave functions succeed in reproducing neutron halo in these exotic nuclei. Moreover, the Glauber model at high energy has been used to calculated the rms radii and reaction cross section of these nuclei.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 24 2024
Journal Name
Annals Of Parasitology
In vitro efficacy of different concentrations of lupeol on old world Leishmania donovani
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Leishmaniosis is a tropical neglected parasitic disease that is endemic in many countries, including Middle East, with no existing effective vaccines. The bite of female sand-fly transmits the causative agent, Leishmania spp., to humans. High toxicity, resistance and treatment failure of the available chemotherapy against visceral leishmaniosis demands the investigation of new anti-leishmanial compounds. Lupeol is a form of triterpene isolated from several medicinal plants and possesses an antimicrobial property. In this study, cytotoxic effect of lupeol was screened against the mammalian amastigotes form and insect promastigote form of Leishmania donovani, following three cycles of incubation at different concentrations by MTT assay. Resul

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum
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The skull is one of the largest bones in the body. It is classified into flat bones that maintain the important organic structures; which are the brain, eyes, and tongue. The skull is a strong support for preserving these organs but they are various according to the type of animals and the environments in which they live and the nature of their nutrition. There are many differences among living organisms in terms of the bones in the skull, their difference or disappearance and their length in the shape of the head. The samples were taken from the scientific storage in the Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum; Cape hare Lepus capensis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Red fox Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) and the study was conducted o

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum
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The skull is one of the largest bones in the body. It is classified into flat bones that maintain the important organic structures; which are the brain, eyes, and tongue. The skull is a strong support for preserving these organs but they are various according to the type of animals and the environments in which they live and the nature of their nutrition. There are many differences among living organisms in terms of the bones in the skull, their difference or disappearance and their length in the shape of the head. The samples were taken from the scientific storage in the Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum; Cape hare Lepus capensis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Red fox Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) and the study was conducted o

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparative Anatomical and Histological Study of the Stomach in Two Iraqi Birds (Columba palumbus and Tyto alba)
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The present study aimed to investigate the anatomical and histological, aspects of the stomach in two different Iraqi birds, (common wood pigeon, Columba palumbus (herbivorous) and the barn owl, Tyto alba (carnivorous). Stomach in the two studied birds IS divided into two parts, glandular or true stomach (proventriculus) and the muscular stomach or gizzard (ventriculus). Proventriculus in the common wood pigeon appeared as fusiform shaped tube and separated from the gizzard by isthmus while in the barn owl, it was pearsshaped , wider and shorter than that of the common wood pigeon and not separated from the gizzard by isthmus. In common wood pigeon, gizzard appeared as biconvex lens lining with yellowish green tissue, the koilin , while

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Workplace Respect on Employee Performance: A Survey Study in Abu Ghraib Dairy Factory
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This paper aims to explain the effect of workplace respect on employee performance at Abu Ghraib Dairy Factory (AGDF). For achieving the research aim, the analytical and descriptive approach was chosen using a questionnaire tool for collecting data.  It covers 22 items; ten of them for the workplace respect variable and twelve items for the employee performance variable. The research population involved human resources who work at AGDF in Baghdad within two administrative levels (top and middle). We conducted a purposive stratified sample approach. It was distributed 70 questionnaire forms, and 65 forms were received. However, six of them had missing data and did not include in the final data analysis. The main results are t

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Statistical Characteristics Depending on the Maximum Variance of Solution of Two Dimensional Stochastic Fredholm Integral Equation contains Two Gamma Processes
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   In this paper, we find the two solutions of two dimensional stochastic Fredholm integral equations contain two gamma processes differ by the parameters in two cases and equal in the third are solved by the Adomain decomposition method. As a result of the solutions probability density functions and their variances at the time t are derived by depending upon the maximum variances of each probability density function with respect to the three cases. The auto covariance and the power spectral density functions are also derived. To indicate which of the three cases is the best, the auto correlation coefficients are calculated.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study on the Effect of H2 Addition to N2 on EEDF and Electron Transport Coefficients
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    In this paper, we calculate the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) and transport parameters including the electron mean energy, mobility, drift velocity and diffusion coefficient for the gas mixtures of the H2 and N2 using the EEDF program. It is concentrated on the effect of assorted concentrations of the mixtures on the EEDF and the electron transport coefficients. The work exhibits the variation amongst the different mixtures on the EEDF and the transport parameter. The results are graphically offered and discussed. In this concept, it is shown that for each mixture has a specific impact on EEDF and the transport parameter. The important of this study comes from the usage of these mix

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Outdoor Testing of a Zig-Zag Solar Air heater with and without Artificial Roughness on Absorber Plate
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In this paper, thermal performance of a zig-zig solar air heater (ZZSAH) with and without using steel wire mesh on the absorber plate of the collector is experimentally investigated. The experimental work includes four inclination angles of the collector 20o, 30o, 45o, and 60o and four air mass flow rates of 0.03, 0.04, 0.06, and 0.08 kg/s under varieties of operating conditions of a geographic location of  Baghdad. New correlation equations of Nusselt number are obtained from experimental results for both types of collectors where the effect of varying of the inclination angle of collector taken into consideration in the experiment. The correlations show good agreement wi

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Development of Regression Models for Predicting Pavement Condition Index from the International Roughness Index
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Flexible pavements are considered an essential element of transportation infrastructure. So, evaluations of flexible pavement performance are necessary for the proper management of transportation infrastructure. Pavement condition index (PCI) and international roughness index (IRI) are common indices applied to evaluate pavement surface conditions. However, the pavement condition surveys to calculate PCI are costly and time-consuming as compared to IRI. This article focuses on developing regression models that predict PCI from IRI. Eighty-three flexible pavement sections, with section length equal to 250 m, were selected in Al-Diwaniyah, Iraq, to develop PCI-IRI relationships. In terms of the quantity and severity of eac

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