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Investigation hydraulic performance of splash fills packing in cooling tower
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Heat is one of the most energy forms emitted to atmosphere by industrial processes. Water is considered to be the best material to reduce heat energy since its available in nature in abundance and has the ability to absorb heat efficiently. Cooling towers are ideal alternatives to re-cool hot water instead of throwing it especially in places that lack natural water resources or when there are environmental precautions because water with high temperature would be harmful to the ecosystem when it recycled to natural resources such as rivers and lakes. Also, cooling towers considered economically feasible when using west water. This paper interests with hydraulic characteristics of a counter flow wet cooling tower which was investigated experimentally. The tower filled with splash packing with Zig-Zag pattern. Current study used treated waste water and focused fundamentally on the influence of air and water flow rates on hydraulic features of cooling tower for different access water temperatures. The dependency between pressure drop and the air and water flux was spotted. In this study, it found that within a certain ranges the pressure drop increases by 75% due to liquid flux and 70% due to air flux while pressure drop is not affected by changing temperature at all. Two empirical correlation had been founded for dry pressure drop (with R2=99.5%), and for wet pressure drop (with R2=98.13%).

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Jour. For Pure & Appl. Sci
Comparative Study of Thymidine Kinase -1 and Total Antioxidant Capacity in Iraqi Children with Platelet Count Disorder
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This study aimed to find relationship between thymidine kinase-1 (TK-1) as tumor marker and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in Iraqi children patients with thrombocytopenia and with thrombocytosis. The present study conducted 60 children patients (30 patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP) and 30 patients with thrombocytosis caused by leukemia) attending the Children Fever Hospital in the Medical City / Baghdad, and 30 healthy children as a control group. All study groups were with range ages (1-15) years, and they were diagnosed by assay of platelet count, Prothrombin Time (PT), and partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT). The results shown elevation in plasma TK-1 and TAC values in children patients with thrombocytopenia and w

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New records of Naidid worms (Oligochaeta: Naididae) in Euphrates River: Haifa J. Jaweir|Elham O.S. Al- Janabi
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Naidid worms were sorted from 27 samples of aquatic macrophyta including ceratophyllum demersum , Potamogeton crispus and, Hydrilla verticellat with associated filamentous algae were collected from Euphrates River at Al-Mussayab city, 60 Km southwest Baghdad. The result of sorted worms revealed the presence of eight species of subfamily Naidinae, which are consider as new records for Iraq, including Stephensoniana trivandrana; Paranais frici, Ophidonais serpentine, Specaria josinae, Dero (Dero) evelinae , Dero (Aulophorus) indicus , Nais pseudobtusa and finally N. stolci. This investigation includes morphological descriptions for each species illustrated by identification criteria photos.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Effect of Metformin Therapy on Reducing Leptin Resistance and Enhancing Ovulation in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
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Background: The relation between insulin resistance ,leptin levels and other hormones in women with polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) is still controversial.Metformin therapy is proved effective in reducing insulin resistance and also in some studies it was seen to be effective in reducing leptin levels.
Al- Kindy Col Med J 2012 ; Vol .8 No. (2) p: 65
Objective: to study the effect of metformin on reducing leptin levels and enhancing ovulation in PCOS women.
Methods:metformin 500mg 3 times daily for 3 months was was given to 36 women
with proved PCOS, in addition to that, other parameters were included.
Results:28 women out of 36(77.78%) showed an evidence of ovulation ovulation after 3 months of metformin therapy(p<0.01)

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
The Constant and the Variable in the Aesthetic Image of the Theatrical Direction: حازم عبد المجيد إسماعيل
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The theatre is one of the main pillars of the human aesthetic thinking as it contains logical explanations for the public human life aspects outside time and environment. When we find that the directive philosophical thinking moving away from the stylistic constants and the virtual laws in taboos that control the accomplishment in terms of the traditional shapes, the employment and the theatrical reception. Some directors moved in post-modernism concepts in a perceptive that liberates thought from its natural context in thinking into an innovative perceptive. The aesthetic images are the basic premise in the prohibition of the philosophical thinking interpretation in order to move the directive thinking and this movement depends on the v

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relationship between the central government and local governments in the light of the centralized and decentralized administrative
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Gaining the relationship between the central government and local governments is great importance especially after the expanded functions of the central government and became unable to carry out their works without all that delegate or transfer parts of its powers to lower levels.

The aims of the research is  to determine the relationship of the central government with the local government in accordance with the principle of administrative decentralization with the presentation of the competent authorities, the control of local governments, according to the Provincial Council Act No. 21 of 2008 amended.

The research has a problem that has been the relationship of the central

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 08 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Estimation of Superoxide Dismutase, Matrix-metalloprotinase-9, and Interleukin -18 in Patients with Type Two Diabetes Mellitus
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Antioxidant status imbalance and inflammatory process are cooperative events involved in type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study aimed to investigate     superoxide dismutase as a potential biomarkers of antioxidant imbalance, matrix-metaloprotinase-9,   and interleukin -18  as biomarkers of inflammation in serum and to estimate  the effects of other confounding factors  gender, age and finally measuring the relation among the interested biomarkers.

This case - control study included 50 patients,   and   45 of  healthy subjects matched age –gender were also enrolled  in this study as a control group.    The   focused &nbsp

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
'The Role of Ambidextrous Leadership' Behaviors in Enhancing Organizational Energy': An Analytical Research General AL-Faris Company
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             The current research aims to identify the impact of ambidextrous leadership behaviors on organizational energy in Al-Faris Company. The descriptive analytical method was used as a research approach. Adept leadership includes two dimensions (open leadership behaviors and closed leadership behaviors), and organizational energy includes three dimensions (emotional energy, physical energy, and cognitive energy ). The research sample included all the administrative leaders (General Manager, Associate General manager, Department Manager, Division Official  ) in AL-Faris Company / the Iraqi Ministry of Industry. The researcher distributed (74) valid questionna

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2024
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
The Effect of Oil Contaminated on Collapse Pattern in Gypseous Soil Using Particle Image Velocimetry and Simulation
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Gypseous soil covers approximately 30% of Iraqi lands and is widely used in geotechnical and construction engineering as it is. The demand for residential complexes has increased, so one of the significant challenges in studying gypsum soil due to its unique behavior is understanding its interaction with foundations, such as strip and square footing. This is because there is a lack of experiments that provide total displacement diagrams or failure envelopes, which are well-considered for non-problematic soil. The aim is to address a comprehensive understanding of the micromechanical properties of dry, saturated, and treated gypseous sandy soils and to analyze the interaction of strip base with this type of soil using particle image

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 22 2018
Journal Name
Environmental Toxicology And Chemistry
Fate, uptake, and distribution of nanoencapsulated pesticides in soil–earthworm systems and implications for environmental risk assessment
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Abstract<sec><label></label><p>Nanopesticides are novel plant protection products offering numerous benefits. Because nanoparticles behave differently from dissolved chemicals, the environmental risks of these materials could differ from conventional pesticides. We used soil–earthworm systems to compare the fate and uptake of analytical‐grade bifenthrin to that of bifenthrin in traditional and nanoencapsulated formulations. Apparent sorption coefficients for bifenthrin were up to 3.8 times lower in the nano treatments than in the non‐nano treatments, whereas dissipation half‐lives of the nano treatments were up to 2 times longer. Earthworms in the nano treatments accumulated approximately 50% more b</p></sec> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectrophotometric Analysis of Vancomycin Hydrochloride in Pure and Pharmaceutical Injections via Batch and Cloud Point Extraction Techniques
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Development of a precise and delicate reaction has been acquired for the determination of vancomycin hydrochloride using batch and cloud point extraction (CPE) methods. The first method is based on the formation of azo dye as a result of diazotized dapsone coupled with vancomycin HCl (VAN) in a basic medium. The sensitivity of this reaction was enhanced by utilizing a nonionic surfactant (Triton X-114) and the cloud point extraction technique (second method). The azo dye formed was extracted into the surfactant-rich phase, dissolved in ethanol and detected at λmax 440 nm spectrophotometrically. The reaction was investigated using both batch and CPE methods (with and without extraction), and a simple comparison between the two

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