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Single Dose Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Outpatient Oral Surgery Comparative Study
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         It is clear that correct application of antibiotic prophylaxis can reduce the incidence of infection  resulting from the bacterial  inoculation in a variety of clinical situations; it cannot   prevent  all  infections  any  more  than it  can   eliminate  all  established infections. Optimum  antibiotic   prophylaxis  depends on:  rational  selection  of the drug(s),  adequate  concentrations  of the  drug  in  the  tissues that  are at risk, and attention to  timing  of  administration.  Moreover,  the  risk  of  infection  in  some situations  does not outweigh  the risks which  attend the administration of even the safest antibiotic drug. The aim of this study was to compare between 2 prophylactic protocols  in  out  patients  undergoing  oral  surgical  procedures.  Thirty   patients, selected from the attendants of oral surgery clinic in Al-Karamah Dental Center, were subjected to different oral surgical procedures under local  anesthesia. These patients were given single dose antibiotic  prophylaxis in 2 groups; 1st group were 15 patients given 1 million i.u. of procaine  penicillin  I.M. 30 minutes  before oral  surgery, 2nd group were 15 patients given 600mg clindamycin orally 1 hours before oral surgery. The  maximum  time  for  all  procedures  was 2 hours. There  was  no  difference between  procaine  penicillin  (1 million i.u.), and  clindamycin (600mg),  regimens concerning post operative infection in out patient’s oral surgical procedures. Key words: Antibiotic prophylaxis, outpatient oral surgery

Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Metabolic Syndrome; Comparing the Results of Three Definition Criteria in an Iraqi Sample
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Background: Different diagnostic definition and criteria have been recommended by different expert groups for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome, however, it’s prevalence in the same population could differ depending on the definition used yielding different results. In Iraq, there is a lack of research comparing these different diagnostic definitions. Objective: To find out the most suitable metabolic syndrome definition to be used for Iraqi people.  Methods: 320 participants were recruited for this study, 53.4% men and 46.6% women, aged between 25-85 years, visiting Baghdad Teaching Hospital, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome according to different definitions were compared and the agreement was assessed by the Kappa st

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Jordan Journal Of Modern Languages And Literatures
Pragmatic Analysis of Impolite Speech Acts and their Verbal Responses in Shakespeare’s Hamlet *
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 03 2020
Journal Name
Iium Medical Journal Malaysia
Role of the Immunohistochemical Marker (Ki67) in Diagnosis and Classification of Hydatidiform Mole
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Introduction: Since the hallmark of gestational trophoblastic disease is trophoblastic proliferation, Ki67 is regarded as the best marker in studying hydatidiform mole.This study was conducted to evaluate the role of this proliferative marker in distinguishing among hydropic abortion, partial and complete hydatidiform mole. Materials and methods: This is a cross sectional study involving the application of Ki67 on a total of 90 histological samples of curetting materials from molar (partial and complete mole) and non molar hydropic abortion belong to Iraqi females, so three study groups were created. Immunohistochemical expression in villous cytotrophoblasts, syncytiotrophoblasts and stromal cells were recorded separately by three i

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2023
Journal Name
Narst 2023 Annual International Conference
Measuring Claim-Evidence-Reasoning Using Scenario-based Assessments Grounded in Real-world Issues
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Improving students’ use of argumentation is front and center in the increasing emphasis on scientific practice in K-12 Science and STEM programs. We explore the construct validity of scenario-based assessments of claim-evidence-reasoning (CER) and the structure of the CER construct with respect to a learning progression framework. We also seek to understand how middle school students progress. Establishing the purpose of an argument is a competency that a majority of middle school students meet, whereas quantitative reasoning is the most difficult, and the Rasch model indicates that the competencies form a unidimensional hierarchy of skills. We also find no evidence of differential item functioning between different scenarios, suggesting

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Dental And Medical Sciences
Prevalence of prediabetes and metabolic syndrome and their association in an Iraqi sample
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Abstract: Background: Prediabetes and are increasing in prevalence all over the world, they each carry risks to the future development of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. These risks will be greatly exaggerated if they occur together in the same individual. The aim of the study was to find the prevalence and the association of prediabetes and metabolic syndrome, in addition to analyzing the correlation of the risk factors that lead to their development. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional, simple random study that included 300 Iraqi individuals, aged between 30-75 years, who accepted to take part in this study were recruited. Result: Prevalence of prediabetes and metabolic syndrome was (33.66%) and (42%) r

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 22 2024
Journal Name
Prevalence and Molecular Characterization of β-Thalassemia in Kirkuk Province of Northern Iraq
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Kufa For Chemical Sciences
Review Article: The Biochemical Role Of Environmental Pollution In The Etiology Of Endometriosis
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Endometriosis is an estrogen dependent inflammatory disorder plays a pivotal role in the reproductive system of the females which regarded as one of the most important gynecological disorders due to it is a key cause of infertility for women and also it has a remarkable impact on the women's life quality. Indeed, environmental pollution have an extremely importance in the etiology of endometriosis. Hence, the present article submits an abbreviated literature review to the biochemical role of environmental pollutants in the etiology and development of endometriosis. Anyway, this review article represented the major environmental pollutants: the organic pollutants of air, heavy metals, gaseous pollutants and the particulate matter. Th

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Towards completion of state construction : stations in legitimacy of contemporary Iraqi political system
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The power of the state in Iraq has been influenced by legitimacy, which may have resembled the belt of transmission, affecting the rule of law and social cohesion. The emergence of the political system may have come about as a result of balancing the competing forces within society today as a basis for collective action. The country's march in Iraq was not a result of a series of gradual transitions such as the established ones. For almost a century, there was an extraordinary succession of succession. At each of the three stages of the state there was an internal or external change. They change or disintegrate and others appear. Social and economic conditions may change or the society is exposed to external invasion or our ideas are imp

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Female Avenger: Violence, Absurdity, and Black Humour in Roald Dahl's Short stories
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Roald Dhal's is a prominent British short story writer who presented a fictional world full of contradictions and ironies. It is also full of double meanings where things are not what they appear to be and where meaninglessness is a prominent component. Dahl's world is also colored with blackness and grotesqueness; full of comedy that makes you shiver instead of laugh and characters who invite a sneak peek into a different side, a dark side of human nature. Dahl's themes are various and gripping but usually revolve around the triangle that frames his fiction: violence, humour, and absurdity. What seems to be a prominent and recurrent theme that intersects with every element in this triangle is revenge. In one story after another Dahl pre

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect of Jigsaw Strategy on Learning Spiking in Volleyball for Sophomore Students
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The research aimed at designing teaching program using jigsaw in learning spiking in volleyball as well as identifying the effect of these exercises on learning spring in volleyball. The researchers used the experimental method on (25) students as experimental group and (27) students as controlling group and (15) students as pilot study group. The researchers conducted spiking tests then the data was collected and treated using proper statistical operations to conclude that the strategy have a positive effect in experimental group. Finally, the researchers recommended using the strategy in making similar studies on other subjects and skills.