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Inflammatory markers in patients who presented with acute coronary syndrome and history of COVID-19 infection: a cross-sectional study
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Background: During the COVID-19 outbreak, the number of patients who have developed acute coronary syndromes (ACS) has soared rapidly, cardiovascular disease and mortality are influenced by the elevated inflammatory biomarkers. The aim of this study is to compare inflammatory markers between patients with ACS who hadn’t previously had COVID-19 and those who’d be infected within the preceding three months; as well as, evaluating the effect of statins on inflammatory biomarkers.

Methods: This is a comparative cross-sectional study of 42 patients who presented with ACS and had previously had COVID-19 and 48 patient who had never had COVID-19, who were admitted to the coronary care unit at the Iraqi Center for Heart Disease and Baghdad Teaching Hospital, Iraq. Inflammatory biomarkers (TNF-α, IL-6, and HS-CRP) levels were determined in serum samples of all patients at admission to these centers then one month later, after administration of statins daily using the Sandwich-ELISA Principle, and Immunofluorescence technique for these markers.

Result: The baseline for patients who had ACS and COVID-19 three months previously, were IL6 (85.87 ±45.80), HS-CRP (23.19 ± 14.49), and TNF-α (161.94± 240.96) were higher than patients that had ACS but not COVID-19; IL6 (50.77±22.48), HS-CRP (13.64± 12.09), and TNF-α (117.73 ±71.23),(p<0.0001), (p=0.003) and (p=0.201) for IL6, HS-CRP, and TNF-α respectively. Rosuvastatin showed a significant reduction in HS-CRP and IL6 (P<0.001), while Atorvastatin a significant reduction in HS-CRP (P<0.001) after one month of therapy. Yet there was no significant difference in the level of TNF α in these two groups at the end of this study.     Conclusions: The patients with previous COVID-19 still had higher inflammatory markers than those who didn’t. Rosuvastatin 40mg had a more reduction in IL6 than Atorvastatin 40mg after one month and both of them could reduce HS-CRP, but neither could reduce TNF-α in this short period.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Impact of different sources of noise exposure on hearing impairment: A cross- sectional study
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Background: Mental health is integrated into PHC as a strategy of WHO to fill the gap in mental health treatment. Part of this strategy needs a level of task shifting so that mental health care is provided by different level of PHC workers and not only specialists such as psychiatrists and psychologists.

Objectives: To assess the knowledge and attitudes of family doctors regarding the provision of psychological health in PHCC and if there is an association between the certificates of these family doctors and their Knowledge and attitudes to psychological health.

Subjects and Methods:  A cross-sectional descriptive study with analytic elements was conducted in 8 famil

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Jul 24 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Speculations of Immunotherapy in COVID-19 Patients with Practical Applications During Childhood and Pregnancy
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The rapid spread of novel coronavirus disease
(COVID19) throughout the world without available
specific treatment or vaccine necessitates alternative
options to contain the disease. Historically, children
and pregnant women were considered high-risk
population of infectious diseases but rarely have been
spotlighted nowadays in the regular COVID-19
updates, may be due to low global rates of incidence,
morbidity, and mortality. However, complications did
occur in these subjects affected by COVID-19. We
aimed to explore the latest updates of
immunotherapeutic perspectives of COVID-19
patients in general population and some added details
regarding pediatric and obstetrical practice.
Immune system boo

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Jul 24 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Speculations of Immunotherapy in COVID-19 Patients with Practical Applications During Childhood and Pregnancy
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The rapid spread of novel coronavirus disease(COVID19) throughout the world without availablespecific treatment or vaccine necessitates alternativeoptions to contain the disease. Historically, childrenand pregnant women were considered high-riskpopulation of infectious diseases but rarely have beenspotlighted nowadays in the regular COVID-19updates, may be due to low global rates of incidence,morbidity, and mortality. However, complications didoccur in these subjects affected by COVID-19. Weaimed to explore the latest updates ofimmunotherapeutic perspectives of COVID-19patients in general population and some added detailsregarding pediatric and obstetrical practice.Immune system boosting strategy is one of therecently emerging issue

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Correlation of Serum Periostin Level with Disease Severity in Patients with Covid -19
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Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an emerging zoonotic disease caused by the new respiratory virus SARS-CoV2. It has a tropism in the lung tissues where excess target receptors exist. Periostin plays a role in subepithelial fibrosis associated with bronchial asthma. Since the Coronavirus's target is the human respiratory system, Periostin has been recently described as a valuable new biomarker in the diagnosis and evaluation of disease in patients with COVID-19 lung involvement. Objectives: To assess the level of Periostin in the serum of COVID-19 patients and to correlate its role in disease severity and prognosis. Subjects and Methods: Periostin serum levels were measured for 63 patients attending three main COVID

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Measuring of C-reactive protein titer in patients with acute hepatitis-C Virus infection
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Objective(s): To measure serum C-reactive protein (CRP) titer as a predictive diagnosis of acute hepatitis C virus (HCV)
Methodology: Two hundred and ten patients with acute HCV infection and 234 apparently healthy individuals as
control group were enrolled in this study in Baghdad medical city (Teaching Laboratories). The patents include
74(35.2%) females and 136 (64.8%) males with mean age (27±16.5) years. The control group includes 114 (48.7%)
females and 120 (51.3%) males with mean age (26±5.8) years. Blood samples were collected from out patients from
Alfadul in Baghdad city. Sera were separated and stored at 20 0
C. The diagnosis of acute HCV infection was based on
detection of HC Ag and anti- H

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of students' knowledge about environmental health in College of Health and Medical Technology: A Cross-Sectional study
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Objective: the aim of this study is to determine the level of students' knowledge about the environmental health.
Methodology: The cross-sectional study was conducted at the College of Health and Medical Technology in Baghdad
city during the period from 1st march till 1st of July 2012. Data was collected by self-recording of a previously designed
questionnaire to obtain socio-demographic information such as (age, gender, department, year of grade).
Results: The highest rate of students were in the 2nd year followed by the 3rd year, highest rate of students had low
level of knowledge followed by intermediate level of knowledge, while lowest rate of students on had high level of
knowledge .Females had higher level of know

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Estimation of Hematological Parameters of Disease Severity in Iraqi Patients with COVID-19
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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a systemic disease with a substantial impact on the hematopoietic system and hemostasis. Neutrophilia is an early indicator of SARS-CoV-2 infection, while lymphopenia acts as a biomarker of the severity of infection, and the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is the main indicator of cytokine storms. Thus, this study aimed to provide local data about hematological parameters among COVID-19 patients and estimate their correlation with viral load and other factors in severe cases. A total of 99 nasopharyngeal swabs and whole blood specimens were collected from individuals suspected with COVID-19 between October and December 2020. Samples were tested by real time reverse transcript

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Scopus (14)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Ecti Transactions On Computer And Information Technology
Diagnosis of COVID-19 Infection via Association Rules of Cough Encoding
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Article information: COVID-19 has roused the scientic community, prompting calls for immediate solutions to avoid the infection or at least reduce the virus's spread. Despite the availability of several licensed vaccinations to boost human immunity against the disease, various mutated strains of the virus continue to emerge, posing a danger to the vaccine's ecacy against new mutations. As a result, the importance of the early detection of COVID-19 infection becomes evident. Cough is a prevalent symptom in all COVID-19 mutations. Unfortunately, coughing can be a symptom of various of diseases, including pneumonia and inuenza. Thus, identifying the coughing behavior might help clinicians diagnose the COVID-19 infection earlier and distinguish

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation to the level of some inflammatory markers in hypothyroid insulin resistant patients
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Hypothyroidism is a condition in which thyroid hormones levels decreased in the blood. These hormones are necessary for energy production and body viability. In many occasions this condition is accompanied or followed by different metabolic disorders. The current study is conducted in the "Specialized center for endocrinology and diabetes" and carried on 70 hypothyroid patients and 60 randomly chosen individuals with normal thyroid function .Both groups were submitted to laboratory tests to evaluate thyroid function (T3,T4.TSH). The study involved evaluation of the relationship between hypothyroidism and insulin resistance (IR) . Health problem related to many diseases , became common lately. Insulin resistance diagnosed through

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Diagnosing COVID-19 Infection in Chest X-Ray Images Using Neural Network
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With its rapid spread, the coronavirus infection shocked the world and had a huge effect on billions of peoples' lives. The problem is to find a safe method to diagnose the infections with fewer casualties. It has been shown that X-Ray images are an important method for the identification, quantification, and monitoring of diseases. Deep learning algorithms can be utilized to help analyze potentially huge numbers of X-Ray examinations. This research conducted a retrospective multi-test analysis system to detect suspicious COVID-19 performance, and use of chest X-Ray features to assess the progress of the illness in each patient, resulting in a "corona score." where the results were satisfactory compared to the benchmarked techniques.  T

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