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Burn is one of the most devastating traumas that someone can encounter in their life. Burn wound sepsis is still the leading cause of death in burned patients. Appropriate knowledge of the causative pathogen in burn sepsis is important for successful patient management and for the reduction of the incidence of antibiotic resistance. A retrospective study was conducted between 2010 and 2018 at the Burn Specialty Hospital in Baghdad.Atotal of 320 blood culture samples were obtained from patients with sepsis orsuspected of having sepsis. Patient age ranged between 9 months to 70 years old, with a mean total burn surface area of 45.26%. The most common microorganisms isolated from those patients who had sepsis or suspicion of sepsis were Klebsiella (48 cases) followed by Pseudomonas (36 cases), Staphylococcus species (26 cases), Enterococcus (8 cases), Acinetobacter (11 cases), E-Coli (11 cases), Candida (4 cases), Proteus (2 cases), and Salmonella, Streptococcus pneumonia, Monilia, and Seriata one case for each. The most commonly isolated organism was Klebsiella: it was sensitive to Imipenem followed by Amikacin, Nitrofurantoin, Piperacillin, Ciprofloxacin, Co-trimoxazole, Chloramphenicol, Tetracycline, Azithromycin and Cefotaxime. Microbio- logical surveillance of burn patients with sepsis or suspicion of having sepsis over a period of 9 years in our hospital has shown that the most common microorganism isolated from blood cultures was Klebsiella. Kleb- siella was sensitive to Imipenem mainly according to sensitivity testing using the disk diffusion method.

Publication Date
Tue May 14 2024
Journal Name
European Journal Of Dentistry
The Potential Role of Reactive Oxygen Species Produced by Low-Density Neutrophils in Periodontitis
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Abstract<p> Objective Neutrophils own an arsenal of dischargeable chemicals that enable them to handle bacterial challenges, manipulating innate immune response and actual participation in acquired immunity. The reactive oxygen species (ROS) are one of the most important chemicals that neutrophils discharge to eradicate pathogens. Despite their beneficial role, the ROS were strongly correlated to periodontal tissue destruction. Lowdensity neutrophils (LDN) have been recognized for producing enhanced quantities of ROS. However, the potential role of ROS produced by LDN in periodontitis is unknown. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of ROS produced by LDN in periodontal diseases.</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Population Density of Bemisia tabaci on Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Varieties in the Greenhouse
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Abstract<p>We conducted an experiment in a greenhouse at the research station belonging to the Department of Plant Protection / Ministry of Agriculture, in Abu Ghraib area during the spring and autumn season 2022-2023, to study the population density of the whitefly on two varieties of sweet pepper plant (Charisma and Sierra Nevada). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design “RCBD” with three replicates for each variety. The results showed that in spring season the population density of <italic>B. tabaci</italic> eggs and nymphs reached the peak in the last week of May, which where 2.667 and 4.444 individual / leaf, respectively while the population density </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 25 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery
Cone Beam Computed Tomography Evaluation of the Morphological Variation and Width in Mandibular Condyle
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 16 2020
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Downlink Training Design for FDD Massive MIMO Systems in the Presence of Colored Noise
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Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MaMi) systems have attracted much research attention during the last few years. This is because MaMi systems are able to achieve a remarkable improvement in data rate and thus meet the immensely ongoing traffic demands required by the future wireless networks. To date, the downlink training sequence (DTS) for the frequency division duplex (FDD) MaMi communications systems have been designed based on the idealistic assumption of white noise environments. However, it is essential and more practical to consider the colored noise environments when designing an efficient DTS for channel estimation. To this end, this paper proposes a new DTS design by exploring the joint use of spatial channel and n

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Morphological Characterization and Conservation Status for the Herbarium Specimens of Orchidaceae in Kurdistan Iraq
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This study was contacted on Orchidaceae, it is a second largest family in flowering plants, comes
after Asteraceae, and approximately has 25,000–30,000 species in 750–800 genera in the world.
This study included 10 genera, Anacamptis (five species), Androrchis (two species),
Cephalanthera (one species), Dactylorhiza (three species), Epipactis (two species),
Himantoglossum (two species), Limodorum (one species), Neotinea (one species), Ophrys (seven
species ), and Orchis (four species). The name abbreviation of authors of plant names follows the
International Plant Name Index (IPNI) ( Images of type collections of most
species were checked on virtual herbaria (https://he

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Using Reciprocal Teaching on Improving College Students' Achievement in Reading Comprehension
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Reciprocal Teaching is an interactive method that is used to improve reading comprehension. Using this teaching strategy, teachers and students take turns leading discussions regarding sections of text using the four strategies: predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing. This study is an attempt to investigate the effect of using reciprocal teaching on improving female college students' achievement in reading comprehension. To fulfill the aim of the study, the researcher has adopted two null hypotheses: first, there is no significant difference between the achievement of students' who practice the reciprocal teaching technique and that of students who do not practice it. Second, there is no statistically significant difference

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Forensic accounting role in governance and its impact on the quality of accounting information
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That the structural changes in the environment, business and finance and the spread of business and the diversity of transactions between economic organizations and breadth of a commercial scale in the world have left their clear on the need to keep up with the accounting for these variables as one of the social sciences affect and are affected by the surrounding environment because of the various economic and social factors, technical, legal and others.

As a result of these variables emerged a new field of accounting called Forensic Accounting, which involves the use of expertise of multiple pour in the end to the accounting profession, where the Forensic Accounting cover a large area of ​​disciplines including strengthening

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Eco- Industrial parks & Eco-Industrial Cities, The Possibility of Its Future Implication in Iraq
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Recently new and multiple concepts emerged in the sustainability issues ,which transformed into number of planning and designing policies and strategies that must be committed by the designers and the relevant trends in building ,regarding Iraq and the reality of industrial areas ,especially in Baghdad, which helped to sustain few of it & emerged another with bad reflect ,which for that made it clear the importance of implicating sustainable ecological planning and designing strategies provided by the concept of Eco-industrial parks and the concept of Ecotowns and the future potentials provided ,and the easiness of carrying it out which made it flexible and away to provide a base supported by it for rebuilding and rehabilitation and

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"The Effect of Organizational Power Top Management Resources in Building Core Competencies: Analytical Research
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The problem of the current research as the Iraqi Drilling Company suffers from the many challenges facing its work as a result of the current conditions in Iraq and the subsequent changes in the policies of the State Which left an impact on its activities and objectives, which created pressure on the importance of an organizational power capable of diagnosing the core competencies and development and maintain them to contribute to the raising and success in the performance of the company. The researchers adopted the method of analytical research and adopted the questionnaire as a main tool in the collection of research data and information . It was distributed to a community of (140) individuals from the low mana

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Ultrasound Guided Core Needle Biopsy in The Diagnosis of Suspicious Breast Lesions: Radiologist’s perspectives
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Background: Ultrasound guided core needle biopsy is becoming a gold standard in the work up of suspicious breast lesion. In Iraq, radiologists are not taking the lead in core needle biopsy performance.

Objectives: To evaluate the radiologist performance of core needle biopsy highlighting the precession and accuracy of the procedure, the concordance of ultrasound and histopathology, and identifying challenges facing the radiologist during the procedure.

Subjects and Methods: A prospective study involving a total of 50 patients with ultrasound (US) BIRADS IV or V.  Ultrasound guided core needle biopsy was performed for each patient. Surgical pathol

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