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Improvement of Economic Water Productivity of Cucumber by using Soil Water Retention Technology under Subsurface Trickle Irrigation System
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Subsurface soil water retention (SWRT) is a recent technology for increasing the crop yield, water use efficiency and then the water productivity with less amount of applied water. The goal of this research was to evaluate the existing of SWRT with the influence of surface and subsurface trickle irrigation on economic water productivity of cucumber crop. Field study was carried out at the Hawr Rajab district of Baghdad governorate from October 1st, to December 31st, 2017. Three experimental treatments were used, treatment plot T1 using SWRT with subsurface trickle irrigation, plot T2 using SWRT with surface trickle irrigation, while plot T3 without using SWRT and using surface tickle irrigation system. The obtained results showed that the economic water productivity in plot T1 was greater than plots T2 and T3. The increasing value was about 65 % and 124 %, respectively. The benefit of the installing SWRT along with subsurface trickle irrigation in the crop root zone assisted to keep the water, nutrients and fertilizers during the root zone profile, improving the field water use efficiency and then the parameter of water productivity.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 25 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of spraying nano chitosan loaded with NPK fertilizer and nettle leaf and green tea extracts on the growth and productivity of potato for the spring and fall seasons of 2021.It was conducted at private farm in Wasit Governorate, Iraq, as a factorial experiment (5 × 5) within randomized complete block design using three replicates. The first factor included spraying with four concentrations of chitosan nanoparticles loaded with NPK fertilizer 0, 10. 15 and 20% in addition to chemical fertilization treatment, the second factor was spraying nettle leaf extract 25 and 35 gL-1 and green tea extract with 2 and 4 g.L-1, in addition to the control treatment, spraying with distilled water only. The

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Extraction of Essential Oil from Iraqi<i>Eucalyptus Camadulensis</i>Leaves by Water Distillation Methods
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The extraction of Eucalyptus oil from Iraqi Eucalyptus Camadulensis leaves was studded using water distillation methods. The amount of Eucalyptus oil has been determined in a variety of extraction temperature and agitation speed. The effect of water to Eucalyptus leaves (solvent to solid) ratio and particle size of Eucalyptus leaves has been studied in order to evaluate the amount of Eucalyptus oil. The optimum experimental condition for the Eucalyptus oil extraction was established as follows: 100˚C extraction temperature, 200 rpm agitation speed; 0.5 cm leave particle size and 6:1 ml: g amount of water to eucalyptus leaves Ratio.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improve Rheological Properties of Palygorskite Water-Based Drilling Fluid by Caustic Soda and Soda Ash
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In drilling fluid program, selecting the drilling fluid that will reduce the lost time is the first objective, and will be economical regardless of its cost. The amount and type of solids in drilling fluid is the primary control of the rheological and filtration properties. Palygorskite clay (attapulgite) is an active solid that has the ability to reactive with its environment and form a gel structure within a fluid and due to its stability in the presence of brines and electrolytes this type of clay is preferred for use. The aim of this study is to improve properties of Iraqi palygorskite (PAL) by adding different chemical additives such as caustic soda NaOH and soda ash Na2CO3 with a different con

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Adsorption of Levofloxacine Antibacterial from Contaminated Water by Non – Conventional Low Cost Natural Waste Materials
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An experimental study was conducted with low cost natural waste adsorbent materials, barley husks and eggshells, for the removal of Levofloxacine (LEVX) antibacterial from synthetic waste water. Batch sorption tests were conducted to study their isothermal adsorption capacity and compared with conventional activated carbon which were, activated carbon > barley husks > eggshells with removal efficiencies 74, 71 and 42 % with adsorbents doses of 5, 5 and 50 g/L of activated carbon, barley husks, and eggshells respectively. The equilibrium sorption isotherms had been analyzed by Langmuir, Freundlich, and Sips models, and their parameters were evaluated. The experimental data were correlated well with the Langmuir model which gives the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Public key system by using isomorphism group
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In this paper we deal with the problem of ciphering and useful from group isomorphism for construct public key cipher system, Where construction 1-EL- Gamal Algorithm. 2- key- exchange Algorithm

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Water balance of the basin of Mandali/ east part of Iraq
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Mandali Basin is located between latitudes (33◦ 39' 00" and 33
54' 55") to the north and longitudes (45ο 11' 00" and 45ο 40' 00") to the
east; to the east of Diyala province at the Iraqi-Iranian border; the
basin area is approximately 491 km2.
From the study of climate reality of the basin between 1990-
2013and assessment of the basic climate transactions, it was found
that the annual rate of rainfall is 253.02 mm, the relative humidity
(44.4%), the temperature (21.3 ◦C), wind speed (2.08 m /sec.),
sunshine (8.27 h/day) and evaporation of the basin class (a) (271.98
mm) and corrected potential evapotranspiration (80.03 mm). The
results of the data analysis show that, there are

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Monitoring the Vegetation and Water Content of Al-Hammar Marsh Using Remote Sensing Techniques
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The object of the presented study was to monitor the changes that had happened in the main features (water, vegetation, and soil) of Al-Hammar Marsh region. To fulfill this goal, different satellite images had been used in different times, MSS 1973, TM 1990, ETM+ 2000, 2002, and MODIS 2009, 2010. A new technique of the unsupervised classification called (Color Extracting Technique) was used to classify the satellite images. MATLAP programming used the technique and separated Al-Hammar Marsh from other water features (rivers, irrigated lands, etc.) when calculated the changes in the water content of the study region. ArcGIS 9.3 (arcMAP, arcToolbox) were used to achieve this work and calculate area of each class.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Energy Reports
Thermal effectiveness of solar collector using Graphene nanostructures suspended in ethylene glycol–water mixtures
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Publication Date
Thu May 21 2015
Journal Name
Environmental Monitoring And Assessment
Water quality monitoring of Al-Habbaniyah Lake using remote sensing and in situ measurements
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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
The management of water distribution network using GIS application case study: AL-Karada area
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Abstract<p>Clean water supply is one of the major factors contributing significantly to society’s socio-economic transformation by improving living standards, health, and increasing productivity. It is imperative to plan and construct appropriate water supply systems in modern society, which supply various segments of society with safe drinking water according to their requirements to ensure adequate and quality water supply. In the current study, here was an attempt to develop a model for geographic information systems to manage the assets of the water distribution networks in the Karrada region and to evaluate the network geometrically, and from the results of the engineering analysis of the</p> ... Show More
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