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Improvement of Economic Water Productivity of Cucumber by using Soil Water Retention Technology under Subsurface Trickle Irrigation System
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Subsurface soil water retention (SWRT) is a recent technology for increasing the crop yield, water use efficiency and then the water productivity with less amount of applied water. The goal of this research was to evaluate the existing of SWRT with the influence of surface and subsurface trickle irrigation on economic water productivity of cucumber crop. Field study was carried out at the Hawr Rajab district of Baghdad governorate from October 1st, to December 31st, 2017. Three experimental treatments were used, treatment plot T1 using SWRT with subsurface trickle irrigation, plot T2 using SWRT with surface trickle irrigation, while plot T3 without using SWRT and using surface tickle irrigation system. The obtained results showed that the economic water productivity in plot T1 was greater than plots T2 and T3. The increasing value was about 65 % and 124 %, respectively. The benefit of the installing SWRT along with subsurface trickle irrigation in the crop root zone assisted to keep the water, nutrients and fertilizers during the root zone profile, improving the field water use efficiency and then the parameter of water productivity.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
A Numerical Study of Tertiary Oil Recovery by Injection of Low-Salinity Water
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The injection of Low Salinity Water (LSWI) as an Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) method has recently attracted a lot of attention. Extensive research has been conducted to investigate and identify the positive effects of LSWI on oil recovery. In order to demonstrate the impact of introducing low salinity water into a reservoir, simulations on the ECLIPSE 100 simulator are being done in this work. To simulate an actual reservoir, an easy static model was made. In order to replicate the effects of injecting low salinity water and normal salinity, or seawater, the reservoir is three-phase with oil, gas, and water. It has one injector and one producer. Five cases were suggested to investigate the effect of low salinity water injection with differen

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Monitoring the Water Quality of Tigris River by Applied Overall Index of Pollution
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Abstract<p>The alteration in the hydrological regime in Iraq and the anthropogenic increasing effect on water quality of a lotic ecosystems needs to continuous monitoring. This work is done to assess the water quality of Tigris River within Baghdad City. Five sites were selected along the river and ten physicochemical parameters and Overall Index of Pollution (OIP) were applied to assess the water quality for the period between November 2020 and May 2021, the studied period were divided into dry and wet seasons. These parameters were water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), total hardness, alkalinity, turbidity, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, electrical co</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Determination of the Fertility of Southern Iraqi Soil Using Laser - Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy System
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In this work, seven soil samples were brought brought to study and analyses the element concentrations from different southern regions of Iraq using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) technique. It has been documented as an atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) technique. Laser-induced plasma utilized to analyze elements in materials (gases, liquids, and solids). In order to analyze elements in materials (gases, liquids, and solid). The Nd: YAG laser excitation source at 1064 nm with pulse width 9 ns is used to generate power density of 5.5 x 1012 MW/mm2, with optical spectrum in the range 320-740 nm. From this investigation, the soil sample analysis of the southern cities of Iraqi, it is concluded that the rich soil element of P, Si,

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Dec 06 2019
Journal Name
Ssociation Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Application of Artificial Neural Network and GeographicalInformation System Models to Predict and Evaluate the Quality ofDiyala River Water, Iraq
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This research discusses application Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Geographical InformationSystem (GIS) models on water quality of Diyala River using Water Quality Index (WQI). Fourteen water parameterswere used for estimating WQI: pH, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Orthophosphate, Nitrate, Calcium, Magnesium,Total Hardness, Sodium, Sulphate, Chloride, Total Dissolved Solids, Electrical Conductivity and Total Alkalinity.These parameters were provided from the Water Resources Ministryfrom seven stations along the river for the period2011 to 2016. The results of WQI analysis revealed that Diyala River is good to poor at the north of Diyala provincewhile it is poor to very polluted at the south of Baghdad City. The selected parameters wer

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Water Diffusion on Adhesion Strength
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The adhesion strength between Polyethylene (PE) film and Aluminum surface by using the adhesive material (Cyanoacrylate) has been studied. Aluminum (Al) was used as a substrate, and polyethylene (PE) was used as a film adhered to the Al surface. Standard specimens were prepared to use in the peeling test in dry condition, other specimens were immersed in water for 12 days at room temperature. the results for the specimens in the dry condition had shown that high value in the peel force and the peel energy, the peel force was 0.38*103 N/m and the peel energy was 0.605*103 N/m, peeling the film from Al surface leaves a residual of the adhesive material on both adherend, the failure for this specimen were combination of adhesive and cohesive f

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Estimation of Water and Energy Saving by Rainwater Harvesting: Sulaimani City as a Case Study
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Rainwater harvesting could be a possible solution to decrease the consequences of water scarcity and energy deficiency in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). This study aims to calculate the water and energy (electricity) saved by rainwater harvesting for rooftops and green areas in Sulaimani city, KR, Iraq. Various data were acquired from different formal entities in Sulaimani city. Moreover, Google Earth and ArcMap 10.4 software were used for digitizing and calculating the total rooftop and green areas. The results showed that for the used runoff coefficients (0.8 and 0.95), the harvested rainwater volumes were 2901563 and 12197131 m³ during the study period (2005 – 2006) and (2019-2020). Moreover, by compa

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of hot water and ethanol extract of Nigella sativa in immune system of Albino Mice
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The result showed that hot water and ethanol extracts of Nigella sativa contain alkaloids ,saponins, flavonoids,tannins,glycosides,terpins and steroids. Albino mice were administered orally with 0.1 of the extract at dose of 100 mg/kg, body weight the results showed high level of white blood cell ,total and differential count of WBC,phagocytosis index, mitotic index, Arthus and delayed type hypersensitivity. The result, also showed high level of hemoglobin (Hb) and the packed cell volume (PCV) the alcoholic extract has been found more efficient than hot water extract on mice.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Soil-Structure Interaction of Retaining Walls under Earthquake Loads
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The study is devoted to both static and earthquake response analysis of retaining structures acted upon by lateral earth pressure. Two main approaches were implemented in the analysis, namely, the Mononobe-Okabe analytical method and the numerical Finite element procedure as provided in the ready software ABAQUS with explicit dynamic method. A basic case study considered in the present work is the bridge approach retaining walls as a part of AL-Jadiriya bridge intersection to obtain the effects of the backfill and the ground water on the retaining wall response including displacement of the retaining structure in addition to the behavior of the fill material. Parametric studies were carried out to evaluate the effects of several factors

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Behavior of Gypseous Soil under Vertical Vibration Loading
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The dynamic response of foundation rest on collapsible soil in dry and soaked states is studied through wide experimental programmed. Gypseous soil from Tikrit governorate area was obtained and subjected to various physical and chemical analysis to determine its properties. Steel rectangular footing (400x200x20) mm is manufactured. The machine is fitted to the footing, then the model machine foundation is placed centrally over the prepared soil layer in steel container (1200x 1000x1000)mm with proper care to maintain the center of gravity of whole system lie in the same vertical line with container.Then, the footing is subjected to vertical harmonic loading using a rotating mass type mechanical oscillator to simulate different dynamic lo

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Some Fungal Pathogen and Some Storage Treatments on Tomato and Cucumber Fruits Under Cold Storage (8? C)
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In study carried out in the cold storage in college of Agric./Univ. of Baghdad at 8 ? C. shows that Alternaria , Pencillium , Rhizoctonia , Mucor , are the fungi that causes tomato fruits decay. This is the first record of Rhizoctonia and Mucor as a Tomato fruits rot under 8º c in Iraq. There is no fungal infection on cucumber fruits under 8 ? C. . Waxing tomato fruits reduced the severity of the fungi infection and gave shelflife (19 days) under 8 ? C. There is an infection with Mucor was found in tomato fruits kept in perforated polyethylene bages with 16 bores prevent the infection and the lowest severity and frequency of infection was found in waxed tomato fruits. Part of M.Sc thesis of the Second author.

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