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Effects of Conservation Practices on Soil Quality Compared with a Corn–Soybean Rotation on a Claypan Soil

Restoration of degraded lands by adoption of recommended conservation management practices can rehabilitate watersheds and lead to improving soil and water quality. The objective was to evaluate the effects of grass buffers (GBs), biomass crops (BCs), grass waterways (GWWs), agroforestry buffers (ABs), landscape positions, and distance from tree base for AB treatment on soil quality compared with row crop (RC) (corn [Zea mays L.]–soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotation) on claypan soils. Soil samples were taken from 10‐cm‐depth increments from the soil surface to 30 cm for GB, BC, GWW, and RC with three replicates. Soil samples were collected from summit, backslope, and footslope landscape positions. Samples were taken at 50‐ and 150‐cm distances from the tree base. β‐Glucosidase, β‐glucosaminidase, dehydrogenase, fluorescein diacetate hydrolase (FDA), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), active carbon (AC), and water‐stable aggregates (WSA) were measured. Results showed that β‐glucosidase, β‐glucosaminidase, dehydrogenase, FDA, AC, WSA, and TN values were significantly greater (P < 0.01) for the GB, BC, GWW, and AB treatments than for the RC treatment. The first depth (0–10 cm) revealed the highest values for all soil quality parameters relative to second and third depths. The footslope landscape had the highest parameter values compared with summit and backslope positions. The 50‐cm distance of AB treatment had higher values than the 150‐cm distance for all measured parameters. Results showed that perennial vegetation practices enhanced soil quality by improving soil microbial activity and SOC.

Core Ideas

Permanent vegetative management (trees and grasses) enhanced soil quality.

Perennial practices improved microbial activity and increased soil organic carbon.

Perennial vegetative practices have agricultural and environmental significance.

Establishing perennial practices is an effective approach to enhance soil quality.

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Publication Date
Tue May 04 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Tribology
Hardened Edges Effects on Wear Characteristics of Cultivator Sweeps Using Circular Soil Bin Test
Abstract<p>Tillage tools are subject to friction and low-stress abrasive wear processes with the potential deterioration of the desired soil quality, loss of mechanical weed efficacy, and downtime for replacing worn tools. Limited experimental methods exist to quantify investigate the effect of wear-resistant coatings on shape parameters of soil-engaging tools. ASTM standard sand/rubber wheel abrasion and pin-on-disk tests are not able to simulate wear characteristics of the complex shape of the tillage tools. Even though the tribology of tillage tools can be realistic from field tests, tillage wear tests under field conditions are expensive and often challenging to generate repeatable engineeri</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2023
Journal Name
University Of Thi-qar Journal Of Agricultural Research
A review: Machine relationship with the tractor and its effect on the productivity and compaction of agricultural soil

The influence of process speed (PS) and tillage depth (TD) , on growth of corn (Zea mays L) yield, for Maha cultivar, were tested at two ranges of PS of 2.483 and 4.011, and three ranges of TD of 15,20 and 25cm. The experiments were conducted in a factorial experiment under complete randomized design with three replications. The results showed that the PS of 2.483 was significantly better than the PS of in all studied conditions. The , slippage ratio (SR) and the machine efficiency (ME), the physical soil characteristics represented by the soil density and porosity (SBD and TSP), and the plant characteristics represented the roots dry weight, PVI and the crop productivity (CP), except adjective of the fu

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochemical & Cellular Archives

Soil water retention curves (SWRCs) are crucial for characterizing soil moisture dynamics and are particularly relevant in the context of irrigation management. A study was carried out to obtain the SWRC, inflection point, S index, pore size distribution curve, macro porosity, and air capacity from samples submitted to saturation and re-saturation processes. Five different-texture disturbed soil samples Sandy Loam, Loam, Sandy Clay Loam, Silt Loam, and Clay were collected. After obtaining SWRC, each air-dried soil samples were submitted to particle size distribution and clay dispersed in water analyses to verify the soil lost clay. The experimental design was completely randomized with three replications using two processes of SWRC (saturat

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Sun May 14 2023
Journal Name
Agrosystems, Geosciences &amp; Environment
Cover crop and biofuel crop effects on hydraulic properties for claypan soils

Perennial biofuel and cover crops systems are important for enhancing soil health and can provide numerous soil, agricultural, and environmental benefits. The study objective was to investigate the effects of cover crops and biofuel crops on soil hydraulic properties relative to traditional management for claypan soils. The study site included selected management practices: cover crop (CC) and no cover crop (NC) with corn/soybean rotation, switchgrass (SW), and miscanthus (MI). The CC mixture consisted of cereal rye, hairy vetch, and Austrian winter pea. The research site was located at Bradford Research Center in Missouri, USA, and was implemented on a Mexico silt loam. Intact soil cores (76‐mm diam. by 76‐mm long) were taken from the

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Soil Effect on Subsidence in Area of Al- Karkh District A Geomorphologic Study

Soil is considered one of the main factors of subsidence phenomena which
became continually happen in Baghdad (Ghazalia, Ameria, and Hay al-Amyl)
causing bad effects as shortage of drinking water, traffic jam and formation
This thesis depends on soil study to a depth 15 meters, due to its
importance in subsidence. This done through specifying its chemical physical
Soil within Iraq climate, in case of water stopping for any reason it contract
and shrink away especially when it exposed to high pressure these factors
finally caused subsidence. In case of leakage underground water or that of
damaged water pipes this will contribute to chemical reactions which damage soil
structure and incr

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Terramechanics
Interaction of a rigid beam resting on a strong granular layer overlying weak granular soil: Multi-methodological investigations

In the geotechnical and terramechanical engineering applications, precise understandings are yet to be established on the off-road structures interacting with complex soil profiles. Several theoretical and experimental approaches have been used to measure the ultimate bearing capacity of the layered soil, but with a significant level of differences depending on the failure mechanisms assumed. Furthermore, local displacement fields in layered soils are not yet studied well. Here, the bearing capacity of a dense sand layer overlying loose sand beneath a rigid beam is studied under the plain-strain condition. The study employs using digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) and finite element method (FEM) simulations. In the FEM, an experiment

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The Institution Of Civil Engineers - Structures And Buildings
Effect of soil saturation on load transfer in a pile excited by pure vertical vibration

A comparison between the resistance capacity of a single pile excited by two opposite rotary machines embedded in dry and saturated sandy soil was considered experimentally. A small-scale physical model was manufactured to accomplish the experimental work in the laboratory. The physical model consists of: two small motors supplied with eccentric mass 0·012 kg and eccentric distance 20 mm representing the two opposite rotary machines, an aluminum shaft with 20 mm in diameter as the pile, and a steel plate with dimensions of (160 × 160 × 20 mm) as a pile cap. The experimental work was achieved taking the following parameters into consideration, pile embedment depth ratio (L/d; length to diameter) and operating freq

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Field Observation of Soil Displacements Resulting Due Unsupported Excavation and Its Effects on Proposed Adjacent Piles

Soil movement resulting due unsupported excavation nearby axially loaded piles imposes significant structural troubles on geotechnical engineers especially for piles that are not designed to account for loss of lateral confinement. In this study the field excavation works of 7.0 m deep open tunnel was continuously followed up by the authors. The work is related to the project of developing the Army canal in the east of Baghdad city in Iraq. A number of selected points around the field excavation are installed on the ground surface at different horizontal distance. The elevation and coordinates of points are recorded during 23 days with excavation progress period. The field excavation process was numerically simulated by using the finite

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 29 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pavement Engineering
An assessment of lime-cement stabilisation on the elastic and resilient moduli of a clayey soil

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Saturation of Sandy Soil on the Displacement Amplitude of Soil Foundation System under Vibration

In this study, the response and behavior of machine foundations resting on dry and saturated sand was investigated experimentally. A physical model was manufactured to simulate steady state harmonic load at different operating frequencies. The effect of relative density, depth of embedment, foundation area as well as the imposed harmonic load was investigated. It was found that the amplitude of displacement of the foundation increases with increasing the amplitude of dynamic force and operating frequency meanwhile it decreases with increasing the relative density of sand, degree of saturation, depth of embedment and contact area of footing. The maximum displacement was noticed at 33.34 to 41.67 Hz. The maximum displacement amplitude respons

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