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Comparative analysis of zoomorphic metaphors of the Russian Arabic language as a method of studying cultural linguistics

: zonal are included in phraseological units, form metaphorical names for a person, give him various emotional and evaluative characteristics. This article examines the topic of zoomorphic metaphors that characterize a person in the Russian and Arabic languages in the aspect of their comparative analysis, since the comparative analysis of the metaphorical meanings of animalisms is an important method for studying cultural linguistics, since zoomorphic metaphors are a reflection of culture in a language.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Studying the Impact Strength of Layered Denture Base Resin

This paper displays the effect of uncoated and coated chopped carbon fibers with alumina Al2O3 or Tri calcium phosphate (TCP) on the impact strength of acrylic poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) denture base resin. To improve bonding between carbon fibers and coating materials powders, the surface of carbon fibers has been treated with Para amino benzoic acid (C9H10N2O3) and poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) was also used. The morphology of the coating layers has been examined by field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). From the results, PMMA reinforced with uncoated chopped carbon fiber has high impact strength value but still have bad aesthetic.  Samples prepared b

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studying the Connection Between Partical Size and Lattice Distortions Through X - Ray Diffraction Line Profile Analysis for CaO Powder

The integral  breadth  method  has been utilized to analyse line

proIiles broadening and lattice strain of CaO at different temperatures

The effect of tcmperattre on crystallite size and strain has also been investigated  . The crystall i tes are found to be highly anisotropic even at high temperatures

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, Characterization and Textural Analysis of Functionalized Mesoporous Silica Using Sodium Silicate as Precursor and Silicone Surfactant as Template

Three mesoporous silica with different functional group were prepared by one-step synthesis based on the simultaneous hydrolysis and condensation of sodium silicate with organo - silane in the presence of template surfactant polydimethylsiloxane - polyethyleneoxide (PDMS - PEO). The prepared materials were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and nitrogen adsorption/desorption experiments. The results indicate that the preparation of methyl and phenyl functionalized silica were successful and the mass of methyl and phenyl groups bonded to the silica structure are 15, 38 mmol per gram silica. The average diameter of the silica particles are 103.51,

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
SER Y ESTAR EN LA ENSEÑANZA Y EL APRENDIZAJE DEL ELE Verb (to be) in Learning and Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language


El presente trabajo nace de una inquietud por la enseñanza del español en Irak a nivel universitario especialmente ante las dificultades que los alumnos árabes en general, e iraquíes en particular, encuentran en su proceso de aprendizaje. Nuestra primera inclinación fue, pues, prestar una atención directa  y cercana al alumno como sujeto del aprendizaje, así como a lo que el alumno produce como resultado del mismo. En el presente trabajo pretendemos dotar al estudiante de los conocimientos lingüísticos necesarios para poder interaccionar en una variedad de situaciones y enfrentarse a problemas cotidianos, de manera que desarrolle las destrezas comunicativas que le permitan establecer una co

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oral manifestation biochemical and IgA analysis of saliva in hyperthyroid (Grave’s disease) patients(Comparative study)

Background: Hyperthyroidism occurs due to over production of thyroid hormones, one types of hyperthyroidism was Graves, disease. Hyperthyroidism is characterized by high level of serum thyroxin, triiodothyronine and low level of thyroid stimulated hormones. Material and Methods: fifty two hyperthyroid patients, thirty patients under treatment with carbimazole and other twenty two patients under treatment with radioactive iodine, and sixty healthy control group. The average salivary flow rate was calculated as ml/5mint.The concentration of calcium, potassium, and total protein were determined in the salivary supernatant sample. This is done through different biochemical tests. Determination of salivary IgA is done by ELIZA. Results: The most

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nursing Education Scholarship
Incivility among Arabic-speaking nursing faculty: testing the psychometric properties of the Arabic version of incivility in nursing education-revised
Abstract<sec id="j_ijnes-2021-0020_abs_001"> <title>Objectives

Civil environment in nursing education enhances achieving learning outcomes. Addressing incivility can be crucial to improve academic achievements. The purpose of this study was examining the psychometric properties of the Arabic version of the Incivility in Nursing Education-Revised scale regarding nursing faculty.


This cross-sectional study conducted in five Arab countries using a convenience sampling st

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Publication Date
Sun May 08 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Effect of the Natural and Cultural Environments Factors on the Architectural and Planning Characteristics of Sulaymaniyah Mosques

Most of the mosques in the Islamic world fall under specific and known forms and patterns to a large extent, and such patterns have grown and evolved from the few basic and uniform models, but they changed slowly due to the impact with a mixture of changing functional requirements and cultural landscapes because of the variables of time and place to form patterns known and famous in this day across parts of the Islamic world and its borders. There was no exception to these patterns, but small numbers of mosques that were probably the result of personal experiences or improvisational resolutions, or in response to specific or temporary stimuli. However, the emergence of a specific pattern which does not belong to any of these patt

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semantic Confusion of the Term in Cultural Pages for Students of College of Arts (University of Baghdad)

The research is exposed to an important issue, related to communication obstacles that prevent the media message contained in cultural topics published in local newspapers to reach the hands of the readers; or related to lack of awareness of aspects of that media message, Because it contains immersed vocabulary in elitism where, sometime, the average reader of the newspaper of medium-sized educated, and even the academic reader are unable to decode it and understand its significance.

After determining the problem of the study and the tools that the researcher wants to use to accomplish his research, a sample of students of college of Arts at the University of Baghdad was selected. As they are clo

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Critical Discourse Analysis of the 2012 American Presidential Election Debates

This study discusses the Critical Discourse Analysis of 2012 American Presidential Election Debate’. The researcher adopts a model proposed by Van Dijk’s (2006 d). Six ideological categories have been selected within the overall strategies of the ideological square are used. The categories are of three levels of discourse structure : (the meaning, the argumentation, and the rhetoric) .They have shown effective criteria for detecting the most disguised systems of racism and manipulation.

            Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the elite discourses of candidates contribute to the reproduction of domination, Orientalism, and Islamophobia. This can be appl

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 24 2024
Journal Name
مداد الآداب
Navigating the Evolving Tourism Landscape: Examining the Challenges and Opportunities for TripAdvisor and Travelocity in the Era of AI:A Comparative Analysis of Innovation Strategies

The tourism industry has undergone exponential transformation, reshaped by online travel agencies (OTAs), shifting consumer preferences, and technological advancements. Established OTAs like TripAdvisor and Travelocity face pressures to adapt their strategies to capitalize on these disruptive landscape changes. This research involves a comparative analysis examining the key challenges confronting TripAdvisor and Travelocity, with a focus on opportunities to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing personalization and the traveler experience. The study utilizes publicly available data on the companies and academic literature on AI innovation diffusion. Findings reveal that while TripAdvisor has actively developed AI-based trip plan

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