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(OC-6-13)-Bis[5-bromo-2-(4-bromo­phenyl­diazenyl)phen­yl]dicarbonyl­ruthenium(II) with mutually transN-donor atoms
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The title compound, [Ru(C12H7Br2N2)2(CO)2], possesses a distorted octa­hedral environment about the Ru atom, with two cyclo­metallated 4,4′-dibromo­azobenzene ligands and two mutually cis carbonyl ligands. The donor atoms are arranged such that the N atoms are mutually trans and the aryl C atoms are trans to carbonyl ligands.

Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2023
Journal Name
Iranian Journal Of Ichthology
Histological study of lingual papillae on the tongue of the adult Iraqi domestic cat, Felis
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The results of this study showed that the tongue of the adult Iraqi domestic cat is divided into three regions of apex, body and root. The dorsal surface of all regions possesses five types of lingual papillae, two mechanical which are filiform and cylindrical papillae, while the other three types are taste papillae which are foliate, fungiform and circumvallate papillae, while these papillae are absent on its ventral surface. The histological examination of all tongue areas revealed that it consisted of three tunica, the tunica mucosa and the tunica submucosa (the lamina propria) and the tunica muscularis. The tunica mucosa consisted of the epithelial lining, which is a stratified squamous epithelial tissue covering the lingual papillae, a

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences
Phylogenic study of Genotypeing Giardia duodenalis from Cattle in Wasit province
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The present study aimed to investigated Giardia duodenalis in cattle in some different areas of Wasit province by using molecular study and verification of the genotype of Giardia duodenalis. Collected one hundred fecal samples from cattle, the result showed that the rate of infection was 83% (100) . DNA was extracted from the 100 positive samples from the cattle then amplified using the special tris-phosphatesomerase gene for genotyping A and B. The result of type A infection was (69%) and (45%) of the genotype B. The purpose of this study was to investigate the genotypes of cattle in Wasit province and compare them with previous sources at the NCBI data bank.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
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In-depth assessment of Iraqi physicians' adherence to treatment guidelines for different diseases: a qualitative study
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Background: In healthcare settings, specialists from different fields may follow the most well-known, reliable, and easy-to-understand medical guidelines. This study aimed to determine Iraqi physicians' adherence to treatment guidelines, to specify which treatment guidelines are utilized for each disease and identify their barriers to follow the guidelines.

Methods: This was qualitative study including face-to-face and virtual semi-structured interviews with specialist physicians from different disciplines. The interviews were conducted between December 2021 and May 2022 in Kirkuk province, Iraq. The qualitative data generated through i

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Iran. J. Ichthyol
Histological study of lingual papillae on the tongue of the adult Iraqi domestic cat, Felis catus
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The results of this study showed that the tongue of the adult Iraqi domestic cat is divided into three regions of apex, body and root. The dorsal surface of all regions possesses five types of lingual papillae, two mechanical which are filiform and cylindrical papillae, while the other three types are taste papillae which are foliate, fungiform and circumvallate papillae, while these papillae are absent on its ventral surface. The histological examination of all tongue areas revealed that it consisted of three tunica, the tunica mucosa and the tunica submucosa (the lamina propria) and the tunica muscularis. The tunica mucosa consisted of the epithelial lining, which is a stratified squamous epithelial tissue covering the lingual papillae, a

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 02 2020
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.
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The results of the current study showed that the liver of H. javanicus appeared as large lobulated organ divided into six distinct lobes, that filled the cranial region and little extended to the middle region of abdominal cavity. On the other hand, liver of S. carolinensis laid against the diaphragm, occupied the cranial region of the abdominal cavity and consisted of five lobes. The liver is surrounded with a thin capsule of dense regular collagenous connective tissue and few numbers of smooth muscles fibers can be seen in the capsule that covered the squirrel liver. The liver parenchyma divided into a large number of interconnected hepatic lobules marked only by the abundant amount of connective tissue bordered the triads, and within the

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Attributes of those whom God Almighty loves in the Holy Qur’an: Objective study
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In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

The characteristics of the doers of good are mentioned in the Holy Book of God, and love for them in five places, and whoever God loves, honors him and gives him victory. As for the love of the righteous, it has to do with loyalty, covenant, and integrity. Committing sins 0 Then after that he mentioned God those who fight in His cause and those who rely on Him and return to Him and turning away from everything else.

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The origins of the structure of nominative pronouns, a linguistic study
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The Arabic pronouns received a lot of attention from the ancient Arab grammarians, so they explained their origins, the different forms of their structure, and the aspects of the Arabs’ use of them, and explained the aspects and reasons for these uses, with what they had of linguistic insight, which guided them to clarify the truth of these pronouns.
And recently, this research seeks new knowledge of the development of the structure of the nominative pronouns (he), (she), (them), (taa), and (waw) between dialects and towards classical Arabic, by analyzing the structure of these pronouns into their components. Its linguistic formulas are traced from the ancient Arabic texts, and by ancient I mean the texts of the era of linguistic ci

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational Thought of Ibn Sahnun and al-Kabasi: comparative study
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This study aims to illustrate and compare the perspectives of Ibn Sahnun and    al-Kabasi about educational system. To this end, the researcher adopted the inductive-analytical approach to analyze their educational perspectives. The study included two chapters: one to give an overview of the life of Ibn Sahnun and al-Kabasi and the other to analyze their perspectives. The findings revealed Ibn Sahnun and al-Kabasi confirmed that compliance with the Islamic rules is an essential condition over all aspects. As for Ibn Sahnun pointed out to the important of teaching Quran as a basic reference and guide of Muslim daily-life skills and behaviors. On the other hand, al-Kabasi focused on the creation and religion as two-main aspe

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The Love Creek Nature Center, one of the three nature centers located within the boundaries of Berrien County, is owned and operated by the county for public enjoyment and instruction of nature. The 44.5 ha study area, located seven km east of Berrien Springs, and two km southwest of Berrien Center, on Huckleberry Road, in T6S, R17W, sections 16, 17 (Lat. 41° 56' N; Long. 86° 18' W) is made up of deciduous woods and abandoned fields at various stages of succession. It is bounded on the east by the Berrien County Dog Pound and Huckleberry Road, to the north by cultivated Berrien County land and the Berrien General Hospital, to the west by the recently closed Berrien - Oronoko Township Landfill Dump; and to the south b

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The economic feasibility of the accident insurance portfolio in the performance of insurance companies : an analytical study
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The research aims to use performance indicators and financial criteria in evaluating the economic feasibility of the company's insurance portfolios. In addition to identifying the strengths and weaknesses in portfolio's performance to enhance the strengths and address the weaknesses. This is consistent with research problem that dealt with the performance indicators, economic feasibility of company's portfolios and contributing to their improvement, reducing the financial and insurance risks associated with company's business. The research’ sample is represented by the Iraqi Insurance Company as it is one of the oldest financial institutions operating in the insurance sector. It has identified (5) insurance portfolios (marine, engineer

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