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Qin Seal Script Character Recognition with Fuzzy and Incomplete Information
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The dependable and efficient identification of Qin seal script characters is pivotal in the discovery, preservation, and inheritance of the distinctive cultural values embodied by these artifacts. This paper uses image histograms of oriented gradients (HOG) features and an SVM model to discuss a character recognition model for identifying partial and blurred Qin seal script characters. The model achieves accurate recognition on a small, imbalanced dataset. Firstly, a dataset of Qin seal script image samples is established, and Gaussian filtering is employed to remove image noise. Subsequently, the gamma transformation algorithm adjusts the image brightness and enhances the contrast between font structures and image backgrounds. After a series of preprocessing operations, the oriented gradient histograms (HOG) features are extracted from the images. During model training, different weights are assigned to classes with varying sample quantities to address the issue of class imbalance and improve the model's classification accuracy. Results show that the model achieves an accuracy of 95.30%. This research can help historians quickly identify and extract the text content on newly discovered Qin slip cultural relics, shortening the cycle of building a historical database.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Optimal UAV Deployment for Data Collection in Deadline-based IoT Applications
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The deployment of UAVs is one of the key challenges in UAV-based communications while using UAVs for IoT applications. In this article, a new scheme for energy efficient data collection with a deadline time for the Internet of things (IoT) using the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is presented. We provided a new data collection method, which was set to collect IoT node data by providing an efficient deployment and mobility of multiple UAV, used to collect data from ground internet of things devices in a given deadline time. In the proposed method, data collection was done with minimum energy consumption of IoTs as well as UAVs. In order to find an optimal solution to this problem, we will first provide a mixed integer linear programming m

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Detect The Infected Medical Image Using Logic Gates
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   This paper determined the difference between the first image of the natural and the second infected image by using logic gates. The proposed algorithm was applied in the first time with binary image, the second time in the gray image, and in the third time in the color image. At start of proposed algorithm the process  images by applying convolution to extended images with zero to obtain more vision and features then enhancements images by Edge detection filter (laplacion operator) and smoothing images by using mean filter ,In order to determine the change between the original image and the injury the logic gates applied specially X-OR gates . Applying the technique for tooth decay through this comparison can locate inj

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
New Adaptive Satellite Image Classification Technique for Al habbinya Region West of Iraq
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   Developing a new adaptive satellite images classification technique, based on a new way of merging between regression line of best fit and new empirical conditions methods. They are supervised methods to recognize different land cover types on Al habbinya region. These methods should be stand on physical ground that represents the reflection of land surface features.      The first method has separated the arid lands and plants. Empirical thresholds of different TM combination bands; TM3, TM4, and TM5 were studied in the second method, to detect and separate water regions (shallow, bottomless, and very bottomless). The Optimum Index Factor (OIF) is computed for these combination bands, which realized

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Meanings of Colours as a Medium Reflecting the World Linguistic Image: Значение цветов как способ отражения языковой картины мира
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 The paper sheds light on the meanings of colours as a significant  medium reflecting the world linguistic image which represents the culture of any country since language is closely related with culture. Language goes hand in hand with people's daily expressions, specifically those cultural ones. Language is a way to store historical and cultural information, and is a means of transferring the experience of a group to outside groups. 

The world linguistic image identifies the standards of human behavior in dependence upon the human view of the surrounding world, along with the type of behavior with which the world interacts and to whose challenges and effects it responds. So, multi-cultural people perceive the sam

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Positive Definiteness of Symmetric Rank 1 (H-Version) Update for Unconstrained Optimization
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Several attempts have been made to modify the quasi-Newton condition in order to obtain rapid convergence with complete properties (symmetric and positive definite) of the inverse of  Hessian matrix (second derivative of the objective function). There are many unconstrained optimization methods that do not generate positive definiteness of the inverse of Hessian matrix. One of those methods is the symmetric rank 1( H-version) update (SR1 update), where this update satisfies the quasi-Newton condition and the symmetric property of inverse of Hessian matrix, but does not preserve the positive definite property of the inverse of Hessian matrix where the initial inverse of Hessian matrix is positive definiteness. The positive definite prope

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Posteriori L_∞ (L_2 )+L_2 (H^1 )–Error Bounds in Discontinuous Galerkin Methods For Semidiscrete Semilinear Parabolic Interface Problems
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The aim of this paper is to derive a posteriori error estimates for semilinear parabolic interface problems. More specifically, optimal order a posteriori error analysis in the - norm for semidiscrete semilinear parabolic interface problems is derived by using elliptic reconstruction technique introduced by Makridakis and Nochetto in (2003). A key idea for this technique is the use of error estimators derived for elliptic interface problems to obtain parabolic estimators that are of optimal order in space and time.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Logical Pragmatics of Arguments in Argumentation
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Logic is understood so far as a product perspective, either formal or informal. The topic is still, though interesting, imprecise, sketchy and problematic. Besides, the relevance of logic to linguistics has not been explained. This research focuses on dealing with logic as a product and a process. It introduces how logic is relevant to understanding language. Logic is surely not irrelevant to real human language. In this research, we coin 'logical pragmatics' to refer to "the structure of an argumentation and its parts used by the speaker for the purpose of persuasion to have an effect in the addressee and passive audience”. As such, the research mainly aims at providing a definition of "logical pragmatics" as well as developing an ide

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Performance Assessment of Pile Embedded in Expansive Soil
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An evaluation for the performance of model pile embedded in expansive soil was investigated. An extensive testing program was planned to achieve the purpose of this research. Therefore, special manufactured system was prepared for studying the behavior of model pile having different length to diameter ratios (L/D). Two types of piles were used in this research, straight shaft and under reamed piles. The effect of model pile type, L/D ratio and number of wetting drying cycles were studied. It is observed that significant reductions in pile movement when under   reamed piles were considered. A proposed design charts was presented for straight shaft and under reamed piles to estimate the length of both types of piles that is requi

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 14 2014
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Copper biosorption using local Iraqi natural agents
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Industrial effluents loaded with heavy metals are a cause of hazards to the humans and other forms of life. Conventional approaches, such as electroplating, ion exchange, and membrane processes, are used for removal of copper, cadmium, and lead and are often cost prohibitive with low efficiency at low metal ion concentration. Biosorption can be considered as an option which has been proven as more efficient and economical for removing the mentioned metal ions. Biosorbents used are fungi, yeasts, oil palm shells, coir pith carbon, peanut husks, and olive pulp. Recently, low cost and natural products have also been researched as biosorbent. This paper presents an attempt of the potential use of Iraqi date pits and Al-Khriet (i.e. substances l

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Three-Dimensional Explicit Finite Element Simulation of Piled-Raft Foundation
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This paper aims to validate a proposed finite element model to be adopted in predicting displacement and soil stresses of a piled-raft foundation. The proposed model adopts the solid element to simulate the raft, piles, and soil mass. An explicit integration scheme has been used to simulate nonlinear static aspects of the piled-raft foundation and to avoid the computational difficulties associated with the implicit finite element analysis.

The validation process is based on comparing the results of the proposed finite element model with those of a scaled-down experimental work achieved by other researchers. Centrifuge apparatus has been used in the experimental work to generate the required stresses to simulate t

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