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Prioritized Text Detergent: Comparing Two Judgment Scales of Analytic Hierarchy Process on Prioritizing Pre-Processing Techniques on Social Media Sentiment Analysis

Most companies use social media data for business. Sentiment analysis automatically gathers analyses and summarizes this type of data. Managing unstructured social media data is difficult. Noisy data is a challenge to sentiment analysis. Since over 50% of the sentiment analysis process is data pre-processing, processing big social media data is challenging too. If pre-processing is carried out correctly, data accuracy may improve. Also, sentiment analysis workflow is highly dependent. Because no pre-processing technique works well in all situations or with all data sources, choosing the most important ones is crucial. Prioritization is an excellent technique for choosing the most important ones. As one of many Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is preferred for handling complicated decision-making challenges using several criteria. The Consistency Ratio (CR) scores were used to examine pair-wise comparisons to evaluate the AHP. This study used two judgment scales to get the most consistent judgment. Firstly, the Saaty judgment scale (SS), then the Generalized Balanced Scale (GBS). It investigated whether two different AHP judgment scales would affect decision-making. The main criteria for prioritizing pre-processing techniques in sentiment analysis are Punctuation, Spelling, Number, and Context. These four criteria also contain sub-criteria. GBS pair-wise comparisons are closer to the CR value than SS, reducing the alternatives’ weight ratios. This paper explains how AHP aids logical decision-making. Prioritizing pre-processing techniques with AHP can be a paradigm for other sentiment analysis stages. In short, this paper adds another contribution to the Big Data Analytics domain.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Formal and Functional Perspectives in the Analysis of Hyperboles in Obama's Speeches

     Hyperbole is an obvious and intentional exaggeration in the sense that it takes things to such an extreme that the audience goes too far and then pulls itself back to a more reasonable position, i.e. it is an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally. This paper focuses on the formal and functional perspectives in the analysis of hyperbole which American candidates produce in their speeches in electoral campaigns, for it is hypothesized that candidates in their electoral campaigns use hyperbolic expressions excessively to persuade voters of the objectives of their electoral campaign programs. Hence, it aims to analyze hyperbole in context to determine the range of pragmatic func

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 06 2024
Journal Name
Multimedia Tools And Applications
Text classification based on optimization feature selection methods: a review and future directions

A substantial portion of today’s multimedia data exists in the form of unstructured text. However, the unstructured nature of text poses a significant task in meeting users’ information requirements. Text classification (TC) has been extensively employed in text mining to facilitate multimedia data processing. However, accurately categorizing texts becomes challenging due to the increasing presence of non-informative features within the corpus. Several reviews on TC, encompassing various feature selection (FS) approaches to eliminate non-informative features, have been previously published. However, these reviews do not adequately cover the recently explored approaches to TC problem-solving utilizing FS, such as optimization techniques.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Artistic processing of Emotional Scenes in the Narrative Film

This research entitled: "Artistic processing of Emotional Scenes in the Narrative Film" deals with how to process and embody those emotional scenes. As there are certain filmic elements that play an effective role in deepening the viewer's sense of the importance of those scenes, and that their presence in the film is necessary and inevitable, and cannot be dispensed because it forms an interconnected connection with the rest of the film's scenes, in addition to its dramatic and aesthetic value in the film in crystallizing the viewer's feelings and integrating him/her into the scene.
The research was divided into four chapters, the first chapter includes: the methodological framework, which represented the research problem, and brin

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the relationship between modernity and economic development Analysis of the relationship between modernity and economic development

This research shows the problem of the economic development of underdeveloped countries in an unconventional way, as these papers explain the problems of the economic development. This research not only reviews the problems, but it illustrates them in a philosophical way, basis of the data of modernity, this mean it is a process of connecting between the absence of the modernity values and the failure of development in underdeveloped countries. The Search follows the descriptive approach to get to the goal of search by four main axes. The first axis includes clarifying  modernity and its principles, the second axis includes clarifying the economic development , the third axis includes the features of the mod

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Analysis of Wave Propagation in Detection of Aorta Dieses Using Lumps Analysis

In this paper a theoretical attempt is made to determine whether changes in the aorta diameter at different location along the aorta can be detected by brachial artery measurement.  The aorta is divided into six main parts, each part with 4 lumps of 0.018m length. It is assumed that a desired section of the aorta has a radius change of 100,200, 500%. The results show that there is a significant change for part 2 (lumps 5-8) from the other parts. This indicates that the nearest position to the artery gives the significant change in the artery wave pressure while other parts of the aorta have a small effect.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 16 2019
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Academic Trends of Paper Press in Comparison with Internet Press A Field Study on Professors o College of Media at University of Baghdad

This search seeks to know the trends of academics in the field of Press and audio, video and read press about paper press compared with continued development and widespread deployment of web journalism. This research belongs to descriptive studies which depends on sample survey approach adopted by five-meter design measuring trends. It contains 28 items having applied honesty and reliability transaction and the scale form is distributed to the sample studied of about 110 professors and then the researcher collects them and then applying the appropriate statistical program to get the results. This search seeks to know the trends of academics in the field of Press and audio, video and read press about paper press compared with continu

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Translation & Adaptation of(Patterns) & (Assembly) Scales of The Flanagan Aptitude Classification Tests (FACT)

The Flanagan Aptitude Classification Tests (FACT) assesses aptitudes that are important for successful performance of particular job-related tasks. An individual's aptitude can then be matched to the job tasks. The FACT helps to determine the tasks in which a person has proficiency. Each test measures a specific skill that is important for particular occupations. The FACT battery is designed to provide measures of an individual's aptitude for each of 16 job elements.

The FACT consists of 16 tests used to measure aptitudes that are important for the successful performance of many occupational tasks. The tests provide a broad basis for predicting success in various occupational fields. All are paper and pen

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Empirical Equations for Analysis of Two-Way Reinforced Concrete Slabs

There are many different methods for analysis of two-way reinforced concrete slabs. The most efficient methods depend on using certain factors given in different codes of reinforced concrete design. The other ways of analysis of two-way slabs are the direct design method and the equivalent frame method. But these methods usually need a long time for analysis of the slabs.

In this paper, a new simple method has been developed to analyze the two-way slabs by using simple empirical formulae, and the results of final analysis of some examples have been compared with other different methods given in different codes of practice.

The comparison proof that this simple proposed method gives good results and it can be used in analy

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Professional Safety
Shedding Light on the Concept of Social Equity in SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION

Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Attention Mechanism Based on a Pre-trained Model for Improving Arabic Fake News Predictions

     Social media and news agencies are major sources for tracking news and events. With these sources' massive amounts of data, it is easy to spread false or misleading information. Given the great dangers of fake news to societies, previous studies have given great attention to detecting it and limiting its impact. As such, this work aims to use modern deep learning techniques to detect Arabic fake news. In the proposed system, the attention model is adapted with bidirectional long-short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) to identify the most informative words in the sentence. Then, a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) is applied to classify news articles as fake or real. The experiments are conducted on a newly launched Arabic dataset called the Ara

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