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Some Results On Lie Ideals With (σ,τ)-derivationIn Prime Rings

In this paper, we proved that if R is a prime ring, U be a nonzero Lie ideal of R , d be a nonzero (?,?)-derivation of R. Then if Ua?Z(R) (or aU?Z(R)) for a?R, then either or U is commutative Also, we assumed that Uis a ring to prove that: (i) If Ua?Z(R) (or aU?Z(R)) for a?R, then either a=0 or U is commutative. (ii) If ad(U)=0 (or d(U)a=0) for a?R, then either a=0 or U is commutative. (iii) If d is a homomorphism on U such that ad(U) ?Z(R)(or d(U)a?Z(R), then a=0 or U is commutative.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Using Different Aspect Ratios of Sustainable Copper Fiber on Some Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Green Concrete

To achieve sustainability, use waste materials to make concrete to use alternative components and reduce the production of Portland cement. Lime cement was used instead of Portland cement, and 15% of the cement's weight was replaced with silica fume. Also used were eco-friendly fibers (copper fiber) made from recycled electrical. This work examines the impact of utilizing sustainable copper fiber with different aspect ratios (l/d) on some mechanical properties of high-strength green concrete. A high-strength cement mixture with a compressive strength of 65 MPa in line with ACI 211.4R was required to complete the assignment. Copper fibers of 1% by volume of concrete were employed in mixes with four different aspect ratios

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Studying some cytotoxic and cytogenetic potentials of Dandelion methanolic extract on MCF-7 cancer cell line: an in vitro study

      This study aimed to evaluate the anticancer activity and cell division arresting by dandelion methanolic extract on breast cancer cell line MCF-7 cancer cell line. For achieving this goal, cytotoxicity assay (MTT assay), multipara system assay: High Content Screening (HCS) which include (viable cell count VCC; membrane permeability MP; cellular mitochondrial permeability CMP; nuclear intensity NI and cytochrome C releasing ), reactive oxygen species detection and cell cycle phases division were tested. The results of this study showed the ability of the plant to reduce cancer cell viability in a dose-dependant manner within IC50 (141.0) in comparison to IC50 of (334.4) on the

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 11 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The initiative of the Central Bank of Iraq and its impact on some banking activities provided by private Islamic banks

Islamic banks are distinguished by providing banking activities that are unique in providing them from the rest of the other types of banks, and these activities are a group of banking services provided by the bank to its customers, whether these banking activities are tangible or intangible. At the same time, it is a source of bank profits, as Islamic banks impose a percentage of Islamic Murabaha on those banking activities , However, these banks have developed new services that they provide with the funds of the Central Bank initiative launched at the beginning of (2016) due to the economic conditions that befell the country due to the (financial security) crisis that the country faced in 2014. To put forward initiatives, and a

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Effect of Irrigation Systems, Bio-Fertilizers and Polymers on some Growth Characteristics and Potato Production in Desert Soils, Karbala Governorate

Two field experiments were conducted during the spring season 2020 in Karbala governorate to study the effect of irrigation systems, irrigation intervals, biofertilizers and polymers on some characteristics of vegetative growth and potato production. The results showed that there were significant differences in the values of the average plant height due to the effect of the double interference between the irrigation system and the improvers, The height of potato plant under any irrigation system was superior when adding conditioners compared to the control treatment, as it reached 48.56, 58.00 and 64.33cm when adding polymer, biofertilizer, and polymers+ biofertilizers, respectively compared with the control treatment of 44.64cm in the surf

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Estimation of Vitamin C and the Fructose Levels in Some Medicinal Plants and their Effects on Iron Bioavailability in Rats

      Iron deficiency is considered as a common problem facing the general world population. In the current research, experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of aqueous extracts of Acacia senegal (Gum Arabic, GA), Spinacia oleracea (spinach), Zea mays (corn), and Capsicum annuum (red chili pepper) on iron and ferritin levels in rats. Vitamin C and fructose levels were first estimated in these plants by using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that the GA extract contained the highest level of fructose (853 mg.L-1), followed by red chili pepper (635 mg.L-1), corn (521 mg.L-1), and spinach (271 mg.L-1

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Qualitative Study of Epiphytic Algae (Diatom) on Some Aquatic Plants in Al-Auda Marshes Within Maysan Province / Southern Iraq

The study conducted on the compositions of epiphytic diatoms on three taxa of aquatic plants were selected (Phragmites australis Trin ex stand , Ceratophyllum demersum L. and Typha domengensis Pers) in three sites within Al-Auda Marsh, from autumn 2013 to summer 2014 . The study was measured physical and chemical factors of all the study sites, such as: air temperature, power of hydrogen (pH), electrical conductivity (EC), salinity (S‰), total hardness(TH), dissolved oxygen (DO), and plant nutrient. The results showed that water of marsh was oxygenated and it was very hard. A total of 111 taxa of phytoplankton were identified, which belonged to 13 families and 26 genus (one family and two genus of centric diatoms, 12 families and 26 ge

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying the Effect of Aqueous Extract from Curcuma Longa on Some Parameters of Cytogenetic, Immunity and Fertility in Female Mice

The research work was conducted to investigate the effect of oral administration of aqueous extract of turmeric at doses of (5, 10) mg/kg body weight for two weeks daily by determining the genotoxic effect (mitotic index), evaluation of immunological effect (IgG, IgM, IgA, C3, C4) and measuring fertility hormones (follicles stimulation hormone/FSH, lutenising hormone/LH) levels with histological examinations of female albino swiss mice ovaries in comparison with control (normal saline). A clear effect in increasing mitotic activity was reveled for both doses in comparison with control. Results also showed a significant increase in the value of all immunological parameters at both doses, in comparison with control. Also, obvious rais

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Inhibitory Effect of Bacteriophages Isolated from Sewage Water in the City of Kirkuk on some Types of Human Pathogenic Bacteria

Most approaches to combat antibiotic resistant bacteria concentrate on discovering new antibiotics or modifying existing ones. However, one of the most promising alternatives is the use of bacteriophages. This study was focused on the isolation of bacteriophages that are specific to some of commonly human pathogens namely E. coli, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella spp. and Klebsiella pneumoniae. These bacteriophages were isolated from sewages that were collected from four different locations in Kirkuk City. Apart from S. pyogenes, bacteriophages specific to all tested bacteria were successfully isolated and tested for their effectiveness by spot test. The most effective

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measurement of the effect of some macroeconomic variable on the phenomenon of unemployment in Iraq For the period 2003-2018

The aim of this research is analysis the effect of the changes in (GDA, g, inflation) at average and standard economic curriculum in composition of the models, depending on SPSS program in analysis, and according to available date from central bank of Iraq and during the period from 2003 to 2018 and by using OLS and estimate of the equation and the results showed a statistical significance relation in incorporeal level 5% and the R2 value equal  to 92.1 refer to the changes in independent variables explain 92% of changes of unemployment and the independent variables effect are very limit depend on estimated parameters in the model and respectively (0.986,0.229,-0.060), the research recommended necessity to active the inve

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of melatonin administration with different light colors on the production of local chickens

This study aims to observe the effect of melatonin implantation and exposure to different light colors and their interaction on productive in local Iraqi chicken. This study was conducted at the poultry farm of the Department of Animal Production/College of Agriculture/University of Baghdad/Abu Ghraib, on 252 birds (180 females and 72 males). The birds were divided into three sections (white, red and green) each section contains two lines, one of which has been planted melatonin under the skin of the neck of birds and the other has not been planted hormone. The results of the study showed significant improvement in productive traits such as egg proportion rate, egg weight, cumulative eggs number, egg mass and feed conversion rate. That the

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