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Self-Localization of Guide Robots Through Image Classification
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The field of autonomous robotic systems has advanced tremendously in the last few years, allowing them to perform complicated tasks in various contexts. One of the most important and useful applications of guide robots is the support of the blind. The successful implementation of this study requires a more accurate and powerful self-localization system for guide robots in indoor environments. This paper proposes a self-localization system for guide robots.  To successfully implement this study, images were collected from the perspective of a robot inside a room, and a deep learning system such as a convolutional neural network (CNN) was used. An image-based self-localization guide robot image-classification system delivers a more accurate solution for indoor robot navigation. The more accurate solution of the guide robotic system opens a new window of the self-localization system and solves the more complex problem of indoor robot navigation. It makes a reliable interface between humans and robots. This study successfully demonstrated how a robot finds its initial position inside a room. A deep learning system, such as a convolutional neural network, trains the self-localization system as an image classification problem.  The robot was placed inside the room to collect images using a panoramic camera. Two datasets were created from the room images based on the height above and below the chest. The above-mentioned method achieved a localization accuracy of 98.98%.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial reporting of grants and assistance in self-financing units according IAS 20
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The objective of the research is to clarify the grants and aids as a conceptual input, identify the factors of obtaining them and their objectives, and the statement of the need to produce accounting information that enhances financial reporting related to grants and assistance, especially the presentation of the accounting treatments provided by the unified accounting system and determining the shortcomings of that system, The accounting requirements of IAS20 to limit the variation of treatments with application to the economic unit (the research sample) are presented.

The study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the absence of an accounting base in Iraq that determines the basi

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Using Classification of Brown risks in Evaluation of the internal control system: Application Research in Karbala University
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Internal control system is a safety valve that preserves economic units assets and ensure the accuracy of financial data, as well as to obligation in the laws, regulations, administrative policies ,and improve the efficiency, effectiveness and economic of operation, so it has become imperative for these units attention to internal and developed control system The research problem in exposure the economic units when the exercise of their business to many of the risks to growth or hinder the achievement of its objectives and the risks (financial, operational, strategy, risk) and not it rely on risk Assessment according to modern scientific methods, as in Brown's risk Classification, Which led to the weakness of the internal control identif

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Investigation of Size-dependent Nonlinearity of Ag Nano-Fluids using Self-defocusing Technique
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In this work, the effect of different particle size on the nonlinear optical properties of silver nanoparticles in de-ionized water was studied. The experimental observation of the far field diffraction patterns by CCD camera in two and three dimensions. The maximum change of nonlinear refractive index and the relative phase shift were calculated. The self-defocusing technique was used with a continuous-wave radiation from DPSS Blue laser .The wavelength is 473 nm with an output power of 270 mW. All the Ag colloids samples containing the sizes 15, 30, 50, and 70 nm of silver nanoparticles used in the study were chemically prepared. It was found that the nonlinear refractive index is a particle size dependent and of the order of 10-7 cm2/

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comprehensive Review on Medical Image Steganography Based on LSB Technique and Potential Challenges
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The rapid development of telemedicine services and the requirements for exchanging medical information between physicians, consultants, and health institutions have made the protection of patients’ information an important priority for any future e-health system. The protection of medical information, including the cover (i.e. medical image), has a specificity that slightly differs from the requirements for protecting other information. It is necessary to preserve the cover greatly due to its importance on the reception side as medical staff use this information to provide a diagnosis to save a patient's life. If the cover is tampered with, this leads to failure in achieving the goal of telemedicine. Therefore, this work provides an in

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of monetary policy in reducing inflation in Iraq through monetary sterilization mechanism. post-2003
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The main objective of the central bank is to achieve price stability and target in fractionates. Therefore, the bank sought to use modern tools and policies in order to reduce the negative effects of the accumulation of foreign reserves represented by monetary sterilization, similar to developed and developing countries alike, but with different available tools that are possible and imposed by the local financial and monetary environments, such as the window for buying and selling foreign currency, open market operations and deposit facilities. And lending existing. Because any in crease in the monetary base resulting from the accumulation of foreign reserves will affect price stability directly due to the consumer nature of the

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimation of Reliability through the Wiener Degradation Process Based on the Genetic Algorithm to Estimating Parameters
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      In this paper, the researcher suggested using the Genetic algorithm method to estimate the parameters of the Wiener degradation process,  where it is based on the Wiener process in order to estimate the reliability of high-efficiency products, due to the difficulty of estimating the reliability of them using traditional techniques that depend only on the failure times of products. Monte Carlo simulation has been applied for the purpose of proving the efficiency of the proposed method in estimating parameters; it was compared with the method of the maximum likelihood estimation. The results were that the Genetic algorithm method is the best based on the AMSE comparison criterion, then the reliab

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Impact of self-assessment on income and sales tax collections from the point of view of income tax auditors in Jordan
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This study aimed to show the extent of compliance with the income taxpayer  to provide tax returns and increase the speed of collection of these taxes in addition to increasing confidence in  Income Tax department and reduce the number of cases transferred to the courts and promote taxpayer awareness in charge of the importance of system self-assessment, and study sought to investigate the effect of the existence of records documents, technical audit, and computational audit and documentary audit on income tax collections in Jordan, from the point of view of Jordanian income tax auditors ,results shows there's a strong  relation between these variables and Income Tax collections.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Emergency Messages Dissemination Challenges Through Connected Vehicles for Efficient Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Review
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Recent growth in transport and wireless communication technologies has aided the evolution of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The ITS is based on different types of transportation modes like road, rail, ocean and aviation. Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a technology that considers moving vehicles as nodes in a network to create a wireless communication network. VANET has emerged as a resourceful approach to enhance the road safety. Road safety has become a critical issue in recent years. Emergency incidents such as accidents, heavy traffic and road damages are the main causes of the inefficiency of the traffic flow. These occurrences do not only create the congestion on the road but also increase the fuel consumption and p

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Scopus (4)
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Improving Customer Value Through the Integral of Techniques Quality Function Deployment and Value Engineering
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Health service institutions suffer from challenges resulting from the great changes that our world is witnessing today.  This has affected the value that these institutions add to the patient.

This research aims to identify the effect of integrating each of the techniques of QFD and value engineering for the health services provided to the patient to improve the value for him and thus obtain his satisfaction, which is reflected in the reputation of the surveyed hospitals. To achieve this, the descriptive analytical method was used, and a questionnaire was designed to collect the necessary data, which represents a measure of this research. The questionnaire was distri

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a Training Program to Improve some Aspects of Sensory Integration Disorder and Its Effect on Self-Direction Among a Sample of Children with Intellectual Disabilities
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The present research was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of a training program to improve some aspects of sensory integration disorder and its effect on self-direction among a sample of children with intellectual disabilities. The study sample consists of (10 subjects as an experimental group) were exposed to the training program، and the control group consists of (10 subjects as a control group) were not exposed to the training program. The study included the following tools: A scale of self-direction for intellectual disability (prepared by the researcher). Training program (prepared by the researcher). The Results of the study showed the following: There are no statistically significant differences between the means ranks

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