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Red Ginger's Anti-Anxiety Effect on BALB/c Strain Mice (Mus musculus) Pro-Inflammatory and Anti-Inflammatory Measurements as Anxiety Model

There is a correlation between the occurrence of anxiety and the production of inflammatory mediators, and red ginger rhizome is a well-known herbal product with a high content of phenolic and flavonoid compounds that can be used as anti-inflammatories and antioxidants. The aim of study to evaluate the effect of red ginger as antianxiety in mice (Mus musculus) BALB/c strain by measuring levels of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-10.  Anxiety model mice were carried out by giving treatment with the Forced Swimming Test (FST) for 7 days then assessed by carrying out the Elevated Plus Maze for Mice (EPM) test for one day. After the treatment, the anxiety mice model was made, followed by administration of red ginger ethanol extract therapy for 14 days. The distribution of the experimental animal model groups was divided into control groups (KN, K-, K+) and treatment groups (P, P2, P3).There was a significant difference the decreased of the TNF-α levels at the all of treatment groups with red ginger rhizome extract (P1, P2, P3) compared with the control groups (KN, K-) (p<0.05), the significantly decreased of IL-6 levels in the three doses treatment group (P1, P2, P3) compared to the control group (K-, K+) (p <0.05) and an increase in IL-10 levels in the 50 mg treatment group compared to group K -, statistically not significant (p>0.05).In overall, this study suggests that FST stimulation will create anxiety symptoms and behavior as well as impact cytokine levels, namely elevated levels of TNF-α and IL-6. Giving red ginger ethanol extract has the potential to be researched further for reducing anxiety symptoms because it can block pro-inflammatory cytokines by significantly decreased levels of TNF-α, IL-6, and increased IL-10 cytokines a brief abstract about your paper’s subject of study.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Employment of Literay Tradition In the Polemic Poems of Jarir , Al-Farazdaq and Al-Akhtal

The present study is an academic attempt to show how the threeUmayyad poets ; Jarir ,
Al-Farazdaq and Al-Akhtal have skillfully employed old conventions and traditions in their
poetry to serve a dual purpose of making their ideas striking , memorable and compelling and
of reaching eminence as poets.
The primary aim of the poets has been to amuse , convince and influence the readers or
listeners of their poetry . as it were, a mirror image of the social , religious and historical
beliefs , values and customs which prevailed throughout the ages before the emergence.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 25 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
War Reporters In Iraqi Satellite Channels And Its Role In Increasing Understanding Of The Audience Of The News .: Field Study For The Reporters And The Audiences In Baghdad For The Period From 1/07/2014 Till – 1/11/2014

The importance of media coverage in the war remains dependent on many indicators for its success, the most important is to have qualified reporters who carry the war news professionally. The idea of this research is to determine the role played by war correspondents working on Iraqi satellite channels during the war against ISIS.
The researcher has chosen ( 40 ) reporters those who was able to contact them and prepared a questionnaire for them to study their situations. Also, he chose an intentional sample from Baghdad audience on condition they should be informed by the performance of the reporters in the satellite channels applying the hypotheses of the theory of depending upon media.
The most important results reached by the re

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
هامات The contributions of the Kurdish scholars in the science of the Qur’an in the seventh and eighth Hijri centuries

This research sheds light on the contributions of a group of scientific Kurdish scholars in the seventh and eighth Hijri centuries, who devoted themselves to serving science with the bad political and economic conditions at the time, and the research pointed to the flowering of science and how students travel in order to provide them with science, obtain a scientific certificate, then take up The research efforts of the scholars in the two Hijri century mentioned in the science of the Qur’an, whether in the field of recitations, intonation or interpretation, and the research ends with a conclusion in which I mentioned the most important conclusions reached in this research.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Detection of Commercial Cheating for Some Kinds of Local Markets retailed Medicinal Oils: Detection of Commercial Cheating for Some Kinds of Local Markets retailed Medicinal Oils

The aims of this study are to explore the commercial artifacts in the following three kinds of vegetables oils, Nigella Sativa, Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn,and Zingiber officinale. These oils have been very popular medicinal plants which are commonly used in traditional medicine .These commercial oils have been compared with the extracts of these plants.
The physical properties of extracts and commercial oils of these plants have been stuied. We observed that the refractive index of the plants matches and non-significant, while specific gravity of Nigella Sativa has similar specific gravity in both extracts and commercial oil in contrast with Trigonella foenum Linn,and Zingiber officinale and we found significant difference (P&lt

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Structural Equation Modeling for Tourist Attraction Factors in Asir Region by Using Factor Analysis in the Light of Vision of kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) 2030

The research aimed to modeling a structural equation for tourist attraction factors in Asir Region. The research population is the people in the region, and a simple random sample of 332 individuals were selected. The factor analysis as a reliable statistical method in this phenomenon was used to modeling and testing the structural model of tourism, and analyzing the data by using SPSS and AMOS statistical computerized programs. The study reached a number of results, the most important of them are: the tourist attraction factors model consists of five factors which explain 69.3% of the total variance. These are: the provision of tourist services, social and historic factors, mountains, weather and natural parks. And the differenc

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Partial substitution of Zn Effects on the Structural and Electrical Properties of High Temperature Hg<sub>0.95</sub>Ag<sub>0.05</sub>Ba<sub>2</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>8+δ</sub> Superconductors

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Impact of Polia Strategy in the Achievement and Retention of the Grammar of the Arabic Language

Threw this research to the following:
1 - Know the impact of strategy Puglia in the collection of the rules of the Arabic language
students at the Institute of preparation parameters .
2 - Know the impact of the retention strategy in Puglia collection rules Arabic language
students at the Institute of preparation parameters .
To verify the status Mmermaa Find researcher Elsafreeten following two hypotheses :
1 - There is no statistically significant difference between the average score for the collection
of the fourth grade students at the Institute for the preparation of material parameters who
were studying grammar strategy Puglia and average grades collectible fourth grade
students at the Institu

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Publication Date
Wed May 04 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Dextran Production From Locally Isolated Bacteria (Leuconostoc mesenteroides) And Its Utilization In Some Food Application: Dextran Production From Locally Isolated Bacteria (Leuconostoc mesenteroides) And Its Utilization In Some Food Application

Leuconostoc bacteria was isolated from local pickled cabbage (Brassica oleracea capitata) and identified as Leuconostoc mesenteroides by morphology,biochemical and physiological. The local isolated L. mesenteroides bacteria under the optimal conditions of dextran production showed that, the highly production of dextran was 7.7g achieved by using a modified natural media comprised of 100ml whey, 10g refined sugar, 0.5g heated yeast extract, 0.01g CaCl2, 0.001g MgSO4, 0.001g MnCl2 and 0.001g NaCl at pH 6 and 25̊C for 24 hr of fermentation and by using 1ᵡ106 cell/ml as initial inoculums volume. Some applications in food technology (Ice cream, Loaf, Ketchup and Beef preservation) have been performed with processed dextran. The result

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 in serum from women with recurrent spontaneous abortion

To investigate the role of IL-6 and IL-8 in the immune-regulatory mechanisms involved in the recurrent spontaneous abortion of the first trimester of pregnancy. Serum level of IL-6 and IL-8 were determined in 25 women of age (20-35) years who had a spontaneous abortion of unknown aetiology during the first trimester of pregnancy .They were compared with the corresponding levels of 20 pregnant and non-pregnant women as control groups .cytokine levels were measured by (ELISA) technique .The women with spontaneous abortion had highly significant (P < 0.01) increased serum level of IL-8 and highly significant (P < 0.01 ) decreased level of IL-6 compared to those with normal pregnant and non-pregnant women. The results of this study ma

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of the Level of some Adipokines in Hypo-and Hyperthyroids Patients in Baghdad City

Determination of the level of adipokines (obestatin, vaspin, tumor necrosis factor-? and interleukin-6)in hypo-and hyperthyroid patients from Educational Baghdad Hospital in Baghdad City was investigated. Fifty patients with hypothyroidism and Fifty patients with hyperthyroidism were selected. A control group of thirty euthyroid persons was included. Blood was collected by vein puncture and serum was separated and stored at –20C. Adipokines (obestatin, vaspin, tumor necrosis factor-? and interleukin-6) were estimated using ELISA method. The findings show a significant (p<0.05) increase in obestatin level in hypothyroid patients, while there is no significant difference in hyperthyroid patientsas compared with the euthyroid subjects.

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