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Effect of Humic acid, Cytokinin and Arginine on Growth and Yield Traits of Bean Plant Phaseolus vulgaris L. under salt stress
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To achieve optimal plant growth and production under salt stress, some products were added in adequate quantities to give a good yield, especially bean plants which are sensitive to salinity. For this purpose, this experiment was carried out during the spring growing season in 2022 in Baghdad, to study the effects of humic acid, cytokinin, arginine and their interaction with 9 parameters that reflect the overall traits of vegetative growth and yield of common bean plants Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Astraid (from MONARCH seeds, China). The factorial design with 3 replicates was used, each with 7 plants treated via foliar spraying or by addition to the soil. The first factor included three groups; H0, H1 and H2 (0, 6, 12 Kg.h-1 Humic acid). The second factor included two groups; C0, and C1 [0, 100 mg.l-1 Cytokinins], and the third factor included three groups; A0, A1 and A2 (0, 100, 200 mg.l-1 Arginine). During the period of plant growing, furrow irrigation with drip pipe irrigation was used regularly with non-saline water EC= 2.2, during the first growth stage until it reaches the stage of four true leaves then irrigated with well saline water EC=3.4 for the rest of the plant life cycle. As for the treatment with humic acid, the results revealed that H2 treatment caused significantly higher values in most the studied traits. For cytokinin treatment, the results showed that C1 treatment resulted in significantly higher values in most the studied traits. And, there was no significant difference between A0, A1, and A2 except for leaves area, shoot dry weight, and root dry weight which exerts a significant difference between (A1, A2) in comparison to control A0. Based on the results of the binary overlap among treatments, H2C1, H2A2, H2A1 and, triple overlap H2C1A2 and H2C1A1 treatments resulted in the highest values as compared to all other treatments for all the studied traits. In conclusion, the present study comes up with the following: humic acid, cytokinin, arginine, and their interactions enhance most of the plant growth parameters and the pods production of common bean plants under salt stress.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Euphrates Journal Of Agriculture Science
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Two years field experiment was carried out at Agricultural Fields, College of Agriculture, Baghdad University, Al-Jadriya during 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 to determine the effect of salinity of irrigation water on growth and grain yield of three oat cultivars. The experiments were laid out according to randomized complete blocks design having split plot arrangements with two factors; first factor included three oat cultivars (Shifaa, Hamel and Pimula) while the second factor included three levels of salinity of irrigation water (3, 6 and 9 dS.m-1 ) in addition to the control (river water with salinity level of 1.164 dS.m-1 ) with three replicates. Results revealed a significant effect of salinity of irrigation water on all studied traits. Mea

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Extract of Nerium oleander L. Leaves and Proline Acid on Growth and Yield of Chict (Cicer aeitium L.)
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stract The experiment aimed to study the effect of different concentrations (10 and 20)% of Nerium oleander L. leaves extract and proline (20 and 30) ppm on growth and yield of Cicer aeitium L. The field experiment was conducted during the growth season of 2012-2013. The results showed that the best concentration of N. oleander extract leaves was 10% that showed significant increasing in plant height, branches and leaves number and dry weight during first and second periods measurement as well as the chlorophyll containing in leaves , crop growth ratio (CGR), number of pods, weight of 100 seeds, percentage of seed carbohydrates. The results revealed that two concentrations of proline (20 and 30) ppm showed a significant increase in the c

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Foliar Applied Potassium and Cytokinin On Some Growth Parameters Of Lentil Plant (Lens culinaris Medic.).
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The experiment was conducted in the glasshouse of Biology Dept. ,College of Education
Ibn- Al- Haitham ,University of Baghdad, during the growing season(2011), to study the
effect of sprying potassium sulphate at (0,200,400,600) ppm and cytokinin at (0,75,150)ppm
and their interactions on number of branches , protein percentage , carbohydrate percentage ,
absolute growth rate , biomass duration , relative efficiency of fertilizer and value of the
secondary productivity ,in Lentil plant cultivar(Baraka).
Results indicated that foliar sprying of potassium sulphate and cytokinin and their
interactions gave a significant effect on all vegetative growth parameters of lentil plant. the
concentration600 ppm of po

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of citric and malic acids concentration on some growth and yield parameters of Vicia faba L. plant.
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An experiment was conducted in the plastic house of the Botanical Garden in the Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Sciences (Ibn Al-Haitham), University of Baghdad during one growth season. The experiment included the study of the effect of three concentrations of citric acid (0, 75, 150) mg. L-1 and four concentrations of malic acid (0, 50, 100, 150) mg. L-1 and their interaction in some of the growth and yield parameters of the broad bean plant, plant height, dry weight, number of leaves, total chlorophyll content, the number of flowers and pods and the weight of the pod. The experiment was carried out in full random design (4× 3) and with three duplicates, the results showed a significant effect of citric and malic aci

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
Influence of chemical fertilizers and foliar spraying with humic acid in growth and yield of red cabbage
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Acetic Acid on Electrochemical Behavior of Sealed AA2319-T3 Al-Alloys Anodized in Phosphoric Acid Electrolytes
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      The present study investigates the effect of acetic acid on corrosion behavior and its potential of hydrothermally sealed anodized AA2319-Al-alloys. Anodizing treatment was performed in stagnant phosphoric acid electrolyte with or without addition of acetic acid. Hydrothermal sealing was carried out in boiling water for each anodized specimen. The open circuit potential of the unsealed and sealed anodized samples was examined using open circuit potential measurement for the purpose of starting in scanning polarization diagrams. The potentiostatic polarization technique measurements were performed to assess corrosion behavior and sealing quality (i.e., degree of sealing) of

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Path Coefficient Analyses for Growth and Yield Traits of Barley Under Different Seeding Rates
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Abstract<p>The purpose of this experiment was to determine the relationship between the path coefficient and seed rate for four different barley cultivars (Amal, Ibaa 265, Ibaa 99, and Buhooth 244) during the 2019-2020 winter season. The experiment was carried out using a split plot design with three replications according to a randomized complete block design (RCBD). The highest positive thru effect on grain yield was found for flag leaf area and harvest index at aseeding rate of 130 kg.h<sup>-1</sup>; the highest positive direct effect on grain yield was found for flag leaf area and plant height at aseeding rate of 160 kg.h<sup>-1</sup>; and the highest positive direct effe</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Morpho-physiological study on the effect of lead stress and selenium foliar application on growth of dill plant anethum graveolens l
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The experiment was carried out in the green house of botanical garden belong to Department of Biology/College of Education for Pure Science Ibn AL-Haitham, University of Baghdad for growing season 2017-2018 to evaluate effect of lead stress with concentrations (0, 50, 100, 150) mg.L -1 and Selenium concentrations (0, 15, 30) mg.L-1 on growth of dill plant using pots. The experiment was designed according to completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. Result indicated that dill plants subjected to lead stress with height concentrations caused decrease in plant parameters (plant height, no. of branches. plant-1, root length, shoot dry weight, the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, protein concentration, no. of umbe

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
Effect of phosphorous and amino acid on growth and yield of pea
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