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The influence of prey density on the numerical response of Chrysoperla mutata MacLachlan

The numerical response of Chrysoperla mutata MacLachlan was achieved by exposing the larvae of the predators to various densities of dubas nymphs Ommatissus lybicus DeBerg. Survival rate of predators’ larvae and adults emergence increased with increasing consumption . Repriductive response of predator was highly correlated with the amount of food consumed (+0.996).

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Fusion Power Density and Radiation Losses Characteristics for Tritium Fusion Reactions

A new data for Fusion power density has been obtained for T-3He and T-T fusion reactions, power density is a substantial term in the researches related to the fusion energy generation and ignition calculations of magnetic confined systems. In the current work, thermal nuclear reactivities, power densities of a fusion reactors and the ignition condition inquiry are achieved by using a new and accurate formula of cross section, the maximum values of fusion power density for T-3He and TT reaction are 1.1×107 W/m3 at T=700 KeV and 4.7×106 W/m3 at T=500 KeV respectively, While Zeff suggested to be 1.44 for the two reactions. Bremsstrahlung radiation has also been determined to reaching self- sustaining reactors, Bremsstrahlung values are 4.5×

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 06 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Probit and Improved Probit Transform-Based Kernel Estimator for Copula Density

Copula modeling is widely used in modern statistics. The boundary bias problem is one of the problems faced when estimating by nonparametric methods, as kernel estimators are the most common in nonparametric estimation. In this paper, the copula density function was estimated using the probit transformation nonparametric method in order to get rid of the boundary bias problem that the kernel estimators suffer from. Using simulation for three nonparametric methods to estimate the copula density function and we proposed a new method that is better than the rest of the methods by five types of copulas with different sample sizes and different levels of correlation between the copula variables and the different parameters for the function. The

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Nuclear level density with proton resonance using Gaussian orthogonal ensemble theory

The Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE) version of the random matrix theory (RMT) has been used to study the level density following up the proton interaction with 44Ca, 48Ti and 56Fe.

A promising analysis method has been implemented based on the available data of the resonance spacing, where widths are associated with Porter Thomas distribution. The calculated level density for the compound nuclei 45Sc,49Vand 57Co shows a parity and spin dependence, where for Sc a discrepancy in level density distinguished from this analysis probably due to the spin  misassignment .The present results show an acceptable agreement with the combinatorial method of level density.

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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Numerical Treatment of First Order Volterra Integro-Differential Equation Using Non-Polynomial Spline Functions

The approach given in this paper leads to numerical methods to find the approximate solution of volterra integro –diff. equ.1st kind. First, we reduce it from integro VIDEs to integral VIEs of the 2nd kind by using the reducing theory, then we use two types of Non-polynomial spline function (linear, and quadratic). Finally, programs for each method are written in MATLAB language and a comparison between these two types of Non-polynomial spline function is made depending on the least square errors and running time. Some test examples and the exact solution are also given.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Study of Piled Raft Foundation in Non-Homogeneous Soil Using Finite Element Method

This paper analyzes a piled-raft foundation on non-homogeneous soils with variable layer depth percentages. The present work aims to perform a three-dimensional finite element analysis of a piled-raft foundation subjected to vertical load using the PLAXIS 3D software. Parametric analysis was carried out to determine the effect of soil type and initial layer thickness. The parametric study showed that increasing the relative density from 30 % to 80 % of the upper sand layer and the thickness of the first layer has led to an increase in the ultimate load and a decrease in the settlement of piled raft foundations for the cases of sand over weak soil.  In clay over weak soil, the ultimate load of the piled raft foundation w

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Mathematical Modelling Of Engineering Problems
Experimental and Numerical Study of Open Channel Flow with T-Section Artificial Bed Roughness

Experimental and numerical studies have been conducted on the effects of bed roughness elements such as cubic and T-section elements that are regularly half-channel arrayed on one side of the river on turbulent flow characteristics and bed erosion downstream of the roughness elements. The experimental study has been done for two types of bed roughness elements (cubic and T-section shape) to study the effect of these elements on the velocity profile downstream the elements with respect to different water flow discharges and water depths. A comparison between the cubic and T-section artificial bed roughness showed that the velocity profile downstream the T-section increased in smooth side from the river and decrease in the rough side

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 15 2020
Journal Name
Anbar Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Numerical Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Water Distribution in Stratified Soil Under Subsurface Trickle

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Hyper Composite Plate Structure Under Thermal and Mechanical Loadings

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Publication Date
Sun May 21 2023
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Experimental and Numerical Behavior of Encased Pultruded GFRP Beams under Elevated and Ambient Temperatures

In this research, experimental and numerical studies were carried out to investigate the performance of encased glass-fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) beams under fire. The test specimens were divided into two peer groups to be tested under the effect of ambient and elevated temperatures. The first group was statically tested to investigate the monotonic behavior of the specimens. The second group was exposed to fire loading first and then statically tested to explore the residual behavior of the burned specimens. Adding shear connectors and web stiffeners to the GFRP beam was the main parameter in this investigation. Moreover, service loads were applied to the tested beams during the fire. Utilizing shear connectors, web stiffeners,

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Structural Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of a Welded Demountable Shear Connector through Horizontal Pushout Tests

A novel welded demountable shear connector for sustainable steel-concrete composite structures is proposed. The proposed connector consists of a grout-filled steel tube bolted to a compatible partially threaded stud, which is welded on a steel section. This connector allows for an easy deconstruction at the end of the service life of a building, promoting the reuse of both the concrete slabs and the steel sections. This paper presents the experimental evaluation of the structural behavior of the proposed connector using a horizontal pushout test arrangement. The effects of various parameters, including the tube thickness, the presence of grout infill, and the concrete slab compressive strength, were assessed. A nonlinear finite element mode

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