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Impact of alkaloids extract of Moringa olievera Lam. leaves on the development, fertility and demography of the southern cowpea beetle insect Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)
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The Southern Cowpea Beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) is one of the most widespread insect pests of stored legumes, causing a considerable loss during storage, decreasing the net weight of the crops, and resulting in reduced the quality of the crops. This study has been conducted to determine the lifetime, fertility and life table parameters of C. maculatus by using an alkaloids extract from Moringa oleifera leaves at different concentrations 1000, 2000, and 3000 ppm. The result was shown that the lowest survival rate was 49% at a concentration of 1000, 2000 ppm, as compared with the control which was 77%. The lowest reproductive rate (Ro) was 4.76 female/female/generation at the concentration of 1000 ppm, compared with the control which was 10.34 female/ female /generation while the lowest rate of egg hatching was 62% at the concentration of 3000 ppm as compared with the control 88%. Similarly, the sex ratio of male: to female was decreased after the use of the three concentrations, mostly at the concentration of 1000 ppm, in which the ratio was 1.31:0.69 compared to 1.11:0.89 for the control. Overall, the life tables curve shows that the survival rate, the ratio of the females and the productivity was affected in a negative way causing a decline in the whole insect population. It is clear from the above that the alkaloids extract of the leaves of the Moringa plant is effective and has an impact on the insect population, and can be an eco-friendly method of controlling on pest population.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Question and answer about the hadith (People are partners in three) To Mr. Muhammad bin Ismail, Prince Al-San’ani, may God have mercy on him (1182 AH)
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There is no doubt that the achievement of the manuscripts is important in a place as it is based on reviving the heritage of the Islamic nation, as well as engaging in the prophetic hadith and its sciences pride for every Muslim, and this prompted me to achieve a manuscript message that serves this aspect i.e. the science of the prophetic hadith, and in an important subject that needs to stand on Each of the people, as well as the one who cares about the science of hadith and this topic is: Explaining the hadith of the people is partners in three, to the scholar Muhammad bin Ismail, famous for the Prince Al-Sanani, mentioning his methods and evidence, and their degree of health and weakness, and the statement of what is intended of him,

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Spread of Private Education: An Analytical Geographical Study of the Factors of their Appearance, Prevalence and Functional Competence in Baghdad: سيناء عدنان عبد الله, و أريج بهجت أحمد
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يهدف البحث إلى تقييم الكفاءة الوظيفية لمؤسسات التعليم الأهلي في أداء وظيفتها بمستوى عالٍ لتشبع حاجة سكان المدينة الذين فضّلوا التعليم الأهلي على التعليم داخل المؤسسات الحكومية مما أدى إلى انتشارها، وصولا إلى أهم الآثار المترتبة على ذلك الانتشار إذ نافست فيه مؤسسات التعليم الحكومي، بل وتنافست المؤسسات الأهلية فيما بينها لتقديم أفضل خدمة تعليمية للصراع من أجل البقاء، وتهدف أيضا إلى  إظهار الوجه السلبي ا

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The U.S.A strategy in the red sea
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
The decorative structure in the calligraphic painting
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The decoration structure in calligraphy painting is one of the variables that characterized the structure of the calligraphic composition due to the artistic, aesthetic and expressive properties of the letters of the Arabic calligraphy, which are represented by flexibility, compliance and the ability to form. Therefore, the researcher defined his problem by asking the following question: What is the decorative structure in the calligraphic painting? The study aimed to reveal the structure of the ornamentation in the calligraphy painting, while the researcher dealt with in the second chapter three sections, the first (the ornamental concept and meaning) and the second topic (the structural characteristics of the Arabic letter in the calli

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Investigation the Optimization of Machining Parameters to Surface Roughness in Free Form Surface of Composite Material
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The aim of this research is to investigation the optimization of the machining parameters (spindle speed, feed rate, depth of cut, diameter of cutter and number of flutes of cutter) of surface roughness for free-form surface of composite material (Aluminum 6061 reinforced boron carbide) by using HSS uncoated flat end mill cutters which are rare use of the free-form surface. Side milling (profile) is the method used in this study by CNC vertical milling machine. The purpose of using ANFIS to obtain the better prediction of surface roughness values and decreased of the error prediction value and get optimum machining parameters by using Taguchi method for the best surface roughness at spindle speed 4500 r.p.m, 920mm/rev feed rate, 0.6mm de

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Publication Date
Tue May 24 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim)
A Blind Video Copyright Protection Technique in Maximum and Minimum Energy Frames Based on The Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform (FWHT) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Arnold Map
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Video copyright protection is the most generally acknowledged method of preventing data piracy. This paper proposes a blind video copyright protection technique based on the Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform (FWHT), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), and Arnold Map. The proposed method chooses only frames with maximum and minimum energy features to host the watermark. It also exploits the advantages of both the fast Walsh Hadamard transform (FWHT) and discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) for watermark embedding. The Arnold map encrypts watermarks before the embedding process and decrypts watermarks after extraction. The results show that the proposed method can achieve a fast embedding time, good transparency, and robustness against various

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Alternative Perspectives in Explaining the Conduct of US Foreign Policy: A Historical-Critical View of Decision-Making Models
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Receipt date:2/17/2021 acceptance date:3/16/2021 Publishing date:12/31/2021

Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Objective: This paper investigates the contradictions in the decision-making process of the United States, which historically proven to be successful policies in the short term, but in the long term proven to be wanting and failure. Methodology: The paper uses descriptive, historical, comparative method. A

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Trends of Women's Economic Empowerment in Iraq for the Period 1990-2018
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This research aims to study the economic, social, and political reality of Iraqi women by identifying the obstacles and diagnosing their empowerment trends in various fields, assessing the extent of their participation in economic activity, and re-achieving balance between women and men by reducing the gender gap between them and reducing the percentage of female unemployment to the lowest possible level. Is achieved by enhancing confidence in Iraqi women by enacting laws and making decisions that allow them to access resources freely. The researcher used the descriptive and analytical method to deal with information and data related to the research topic over a specific period (1990-2018), using local, Arab, and international re

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 12 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The effect of pedestrian roads in providing a comfortable environment for humans
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Planning of cities show great attention on streets planning as one of the most structural component foundations for cities, that providing many functional needs and connect parts of the city each other, and work as a commercial and services activities centers. Instead of this highly focused on distributing streets with different streets types such as economical and trading and housing streets. This concerned was only on the dimensions and scales of different types of vehicles and their movement. When scale and dimension and movement of mans were as a second priority in designing and planning streets. Which came's first for traditional streets. The research try to submit some designs guides for planners that contribute in re conce

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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The Aesthetics of Lumia Art in Contemporary Textile Arts, An Analytical Study
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The research (The Aesthetics of Lumia Art in Contemporary Textile Arts: An Analytical Study) included four chapters, the first to explain the research problem summarized by the question: Does the art of Lumia achieve aesthetic values in contemporary textile arts?, and aims to: Identify the aesthetics of Lumia art and its applied uses in contemporary textile arts, within the time period (2013-2022). The third chapter included: research procedures and sample analysis (4) models according to the descriptive analytical approach, and the fourth chapter dealt with: results, conclusions and recommendations as well as sources.

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