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Study the Chemical Bonding of Heterometallic Trinuclear Cluster Containing Cobalt and Ruthenium: [(Cp*Co) (CpRu)2 (μ3-H) (μ-H)3] using QTAIM Approach
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The topological parameters of the metal-metal and metal-ligand bonding interactions in a trinuclear tetrahydrido cluster [(Cp*Co) (CpRu)2 (μ3-H) (μ-H)3]1 (Cp* = η5 -C5Me4Et), (Cp = η5 -C5Me5), was explored by using the Quantum Theory of Atoms-in-Molecules (QTAIM). The properties of bond critical points such as the bond delocalization indices δ (A, B), the electron density ρ(r), the local kinetic energy density G(r), the Laplacian of the electron density ∇2ρ(r), the local energy density H(r), the local potential energy density V(r) and ellipticity ε(r) are compared with data from earlier organometallic system studies. A comparison of the topological processes of different atom-atom interactions has become possible thanks to these results. In the core of the heterometallic tetrahydrido cluster, the Ru2CoH4 part, the calculations show no existence of any bond critical points (BCP) or identical bond paths (BPs) between Ru-Ru and Ru-Co. Electron densities are determined by the position of bridging hydride atoms coordinated to Ru-Ru and Ru-Co, which significantly affects the bonds between these transition metal atoms. On the other hand, the results confirm that the cluster under study contains a 7c–11e bonding interaction delocalized over M3H4, as shown by the non-negligible delocalization index calculations. The small values for electron density ρ(b) above zero, together with the small values, again above zero, for Laplacian ∇2ρ(b) and the small positive values for total energy density H(b), are shown by the Ru-H and Co-H bonds in this cluster is typical for open-shell interactions. Also, the topological data for the bond interactions between Co and Ru metal atoms with the C atoms of the cyclopentadienyl Cp ring ligands are similar. They show properties very identical to open-shell interactions in the QTAIM classification.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Classification of Arabic Alphabets Using a Combination of a Convolutional Neural Network and the Morphological Gradient Method
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The field of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the process of converting an image of text into a machine-readable text format. The classification of Arabic manuscripts in general is part of this field. In recent years, the processing of Arabian image databases by deep learning architectures has experienced a remarkable development. However, this remains insufficient to satisfy the enormous wealth of Arabic manuscripts. In this research, a deep learning architecture is used to address the issue of classifying Arabic letters written by hand. The method based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture as a self-extractor and classifier. Considering the nature of the dataset images (binary images), the contours of the alphabet

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
SiCi_xNxthin films preparation by TEA-Co2 Laser induced Vapor-phase reaction and study of the nature of chemical bonds and some their electrical and optical properties
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A pulsed (TEA-0O2) laser was used to dissociate molecules of silane ethylene (C2I-14) and ammonia (NH3) gases, through collision assisted multiple photon dissociation (MPD) to deposit(SiC i_xNx) thin films, where the X-values are 0, 0.13 and 0.33, on glass substrate at T,----648 K. deposition rate of (0.416-0.833) nm/pulse and thickness of (500-1000)nm .Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR) was used to study the nature of the chemical bonds that exist in the films. Results revealed that these films contain complex networks of the atomic (Si, C, and N), other a quantity of atomic hydrogen and chemical bonds such as (Si-N, C-N, C-14 and N-H).Absorbance and Transmittance spectra in the wavelength range (400-1100) nm were used to stud

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Germination on Chemical Constituents of Broad Beans and Chickpeas Seeds
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This study was carried out to find out the effect of germination of broad beans and chickpeas seeds for different periods on their antinutritional factors content ( Trypsin inhibitor and Phytic acid ) and the chemical constituents of germination seeds compared with the control samples (ungerminated seeds) . The results indicated asignificant increase (P<0.05) in crude protein content as germination period proceeded.The highest values of 28.0% and 24.0% were reached on the sixth and fourth day for germinated broad beans and chickpeas respectively, The intial values were 25.6% and 23.5% for control samples, respectively. The content of raffinose,stachyose and verbascose were reduced as germination period proceeded, Stachyose and verbascose we

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Academy Of Accounting And Financial Studies Journal
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The problem of the study was to identify the possibility of benefiting from the application of the target cost system as a modern cost system to activate the environmental cost management instead of the traditional systems used in the company due to the great transformations witnessed by the business environment in all fields, which have resulted in the search for modern systems to provide more accurate and more appropriate information to reduce Costs, because accurate information makes the company have a complete vision to achieve the company’s goals. To solve this problem, the research was based on the following hypothesis (that the role of the target cost system leads to the activation of environmental cost management). Target c

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 05 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc Cobalt Ferrite Embedded into PAN Nanofibers for Humidity Sensing Applications
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In this work, composite materials were prepared by mixing different concentrations of ferrites with polyacrylonitrile (PAN) polymer. Using the electrospinning technique, these composites were deposited on a p-type silicon wafer. The prepared samples demonstrated nanofibers in both pure PAN polymers and their composites with ferrite. Prior to examining the humidity sensing effectiveness with a percentage of relative humidity at a frequency of 10 kHz, based on ambient temperature and a relative humidity range of 50–100%, the composite nanofibers demonstrated stronger humidity sensing compared to the pure PAN nanofibers, which demonstrated a powerful resistance response. More precisely, the PAN@ferrite nanocomposite showed a broad adsorption

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Enhanced Chain-Cluster Based Mixed Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
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Energy efficiency is a significant aspect in designing robust routing protocols for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A reliable routing protocol has to be energy efficient and adaptive to the network size. To achieve high energy conservation and data aggregation, there are two major techniques, clusters and chains. In clustering technique, sensor networks are often divided into non-overlapping subsets called clusters. In chain technique, sensor nodes will be connected with the closest two neighbors, starting with the farthest node from the base station till the closest node to the base station. Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages which motivate some researchers to come up with a hybrid routing algorit

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology And Research
Preparation and evaluation of oral soft chewable jelly containing flurbiprofen
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Oral jelly is a semisolid preparation that could resolve problem associated withdosage form’s swallowing, especially in pediatric and elderly ones. This work aimedto prepare oral flurbiprofen (FBP) jelly to improve patient compliance. Heating andcongealing method was used to prepare FBP jelly using three different polymers (pectin,sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose). The effect ofdifferent concentrations of pectin and sucrose on jelly properties was studied. Theresults revealed that both pectin and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose polymers gaveacceptable jelly appearance and consistency. It was also observed that the increase ofpectin or sucrose concentration had a significant impact on jelly viscosity. All pe

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Administrative Accounting Functions on the Practices of the Higher and Central Administrations of the Economic Unit "An Applied Study on Joint Stock Companies"
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Strategy Descrtibes How an Organization Matches its own Capabilites With Opportunities in Environment , in Order to Accomplish its Overall Objectives , So That The Organization is Considering Responding to Challenges by Adopting one or More of Strategies, Like Differentioning its Product, or Achieving Cost Leadership.

The Key Role of Management Accountant is to Evlaute The Successful it Has Been in Implementing Organization Strategy.

This Research Target to Explain The Key Role of Management Accountant in Evaluate of  Organization Strategy. by Strategic Analysis of Operating Income From Specific Sources Such as Cost Savings and Growth in Stead of Emphasizing Only The Aggrega

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Guiding Mobile Robot by Applying Fuzzy Approach on Sonar Sensors
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This study describes how fuzzy logic control FLC can be applied to sonars of mobile robot. The fuzzy logic approach has effects on the navigation of mobile robots in a partially known environment that are used in different industrial and society applications. The fuzzy logic provides a mechanism for combining sensor data from all sonar sensors which present different information. The FLC approach is achieved by means of Fuzzy Decision Making method type of fuzzy logic controller. The proposed controller is responsible for the obstacle avoidance of the mobile robot while traveling through a map from a home point to a goal point. The FLC is built as a subprogram based on the intelligent architecture (IA). The software program  uses th

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 09 2024
Journal Name
Academic Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of (Ni,Co)xMn0.25-xMg0.75Fe2O4 Nanoparticles
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   Ni-Co-Mn-Mg ferrite nanoparticles with the formula (Ni,Co)xMn0.25-xMg0.75Fe2O4 were synthesized in this work by employing the sol-gel auto-combustion process, with nitrates used as the cations source and citric acid (C6H8O7) as the combustion agent. X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), and a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) were used to characterize the structural, morphological, and magnetic properties of ferrite powders. The XRD measurements showed crystallite sizes ranging between 24 - 28 nm. The FE-SEM images show the presence of agglomeration as well as a non-homogeneous distribution of the samples. On the other hand, the stoichiometry of the react

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