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Design and construction of anair pollution detection system using a laser beam and absorption spectroscopy
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Air pollution is one of the important problems facing Iraq. Air pollution is the result of uncontrolled emissions from factories, car exhaust electric generators, and oil refineries and often reaches unacceptable limits by international standards. These pollutants can greatly affect human health and regular population activities. For this reason, there is an urgent need for effective devices to monitor the molecular concentration of air pollutants in cities and urban areas. In this research, an optical system has been built consisting of aHelium-Neonlaser,5mWand at 632.8 nm, a glass cell with a defined size, and a power meter(Gentec-E-model: uno) where a scattering of the laser beam occurs due to air pollution. Two pollutants were examined: water vapor and smoke. Experiments were conducted using these pollutants to calibrate the system and determine its detection sensitivity. With this technique the absorption coefficients, types of pollutants and their concentrations were determined.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Silver Nanoflowers as an Interfacial Liquid-State Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) Sensor for Water Pollution
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Water pollution has created a critical threat to the environment.‎‎ A lot of research has been done ‎recently to use surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to detect multiple pollutants in water. This study aims to use Ag colloid nanoflowers as liquid SERS enhancer. Tri sodium phosphate (Na3PO4) was investigated as a pollutant using liquid SERS ‎based on colloidal Ag ‎nanoflowers. The chemical method was used to synthesize nanoflowers from silver ‎ions. Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and X-ray diffractometer (XRD) were employed to characterize the silver nanoflowers. This ‎nanoflowers SERS action in detecting Na3PO4 was reported and analyzed

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design a Security Network System against Internet Worms
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 Active worms have posed a major security threat to the Internet, and many research efforts have focused on them. This paper is interested in internet worm that spreads via TCP, which accounts for the majority of internet traffic. It presents an approach that use a hybrid solution between two detection algorithms: behavior base detection and signature base detection to have the features of each of them. The aim of this study is to have a good solution of detecting worm and stealthy worm with the feature of the speed. This proposal was designed in distributed collaborative scheme based on the small-world network model to effectively improve the system performance.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design of a Simple Dust Removal System for a Solar Street Light System
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      Dust and bird residue are problems impeding the operation of solar street lighting systems, especially in semi-desert areas, such as Iraq. The system in this paper was designed and developed locally using simple and inexpensive materials. The system runs automatically. It Connects to solar panels used in solar street lighting, and gets the required electricity from the same solar system. Solar panels are washed with dripping water in less than half a minute by this system. The cleaning period can also be controlled. It can also control, sensing the amount of dust the system operates. The impact of different types of falling dust on panels has also been studied. This was collected from different winds and studied their impact o

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Implementation of SCADA System for Sugar Production Line
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SCADA is the technology that allows the operator to gather data from one or more various facilities and to send control instructions to those facilities.  This paper represents an adaptable and low cost SCADA system for a particular sugar manufacturing process, by using Programmable Logic Controls (Siemens s7-1200, 1214Dc/ Dc/ Rly). The system will control and monitor the laboratory production line chose from sugar industry. The project comprises of two sections the first one is the hardware section that has been designed, and built using components suitable for making it for laboratory purposes, and the second section was the software as the PLC programming, designing the HMI, creating alarms and trending system. The system will ha

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design of L-Band Multiwavelength Laser for TDM/WDM PON Application
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This paper presents on the design of L-Band Multiwavelength laser for Hybrid Time Division Multiplexing/ Wavelength Division Multiplexing (TDM/WDM) Passive Optical Network (PON) application. In this design, an L-band Mulltiwavelength Laser is designed as the downstream signals for TDM/WDM PON. The downstream signals ranging from 1569.865 nm to 1581.973 nm with 100GHz spacing. The multiwavelength laser is designed using OptiSystem software and it is integrated into a TDM/WDM PON that is also designed using OptiSystem simulation software. By adapting multiwavelength fiber laser into a TDM/WDM network, a simple and low-cost downstream signal is proposed. From the simulation design, it is found that the proposed design is suitable to be used

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Describing Polymers Synthesized from Reducing Sugars and Ammonia Employing FTIR Spectroscopy
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          Melanoidins can be diagnosed using the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) technique. UV/Vis is an effective tool for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical components in melanoidin polymers. The structural and vibrational features of melanoidin synthesized from D-glucose and D-fructose are identical, according to FTIR spectra, with the only difference being the intensity of bands.  Using FTIR spectra, the skeleton of melanoidin is divided into seven major regions. The existence of the C=C, C=N, and C=O groups in all melanoidins formed from fructose and glucose with ammonia is confirmed by the areas ranging from 1600 to 1690 cm-1, and the band is largely evident as a broad shoulder. Both melan

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Performance Evaluation of Intrusion Detection System using Selected Features and Machine Learning Classifiers
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Some of the main challenges in developing an effective network-based intrusion detection system (IDS) include analyzing large network traffic volumes and realizing the decision boundaries between normal and abnormal behaviors. Deploying feature selection together with efficient classifiers in the detection system can overcome these problems.  Feature selection finds the most relevant features, thus reduces the dimensionality and complexity to analyze the network traffic.  Moreover, using the most relevant features to build the predictive model, reduces the complexity of the developed model, thus reducing the building classifier model time and consequently improves the detection performance.  In this study, two different sets of select

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Designing system cost for water pollution plants in mayoralty of Baghdad
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          There is an increase in the need for cost accounting in all organizations and from different sectors to provide detailed information to the totals of financial accounting, first and help solve problems associated with inventory and analysis, tabulation and allocation of cost elements II and do the planning process and provide the necessary oversight and help to take the right decisions such as pricing decisions that need to Information cost accounting.
And suffer most of the non-governmental organizations from the lack of a cost accounting system provides information on the cost of service in these organizations and the department research sample circle v

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Design and constructions laser - induced breakdown spectroscopy system to determine the fertility of north Iraqi soil
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Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) has been documented as an Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (AES) technique, utilising laser-induced plasma, in order to analyse elements in materials (gases, liquids and solid). The Nd:YAG laser passively Q-switched at 1064nm and 9ns pulse duration focused by convex lens with focal length 100 mm to generates power density 5.5×1012 Mw/mm2 with optical spectrum in the range 320-740 nm. Four soil samples were brought from different northern region of Iraq, northern region (Beiji, Sherkat, Serjnar and Zerkary).
The soil of the Northern region of Beige, Sherkat, Serjnar and Zarkary has abundant ratios of the elements P [0.08, 0.09, 0.18, 0.18] and Ca [0.61, 0.15, 0.92, 0.92] while it lack of Si [0.0

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 08 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Laser Detection and Tracking System Using an Array of Photodiodes with Fuzzy Logic controller
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In this work laser detection and tracking system (LDTS) is designed and implemented using a fuzzy logic controller (FLC). A 5 mW He-Ne laser system and an array of nine PN photodiodes are used in the detection system. The FLC is simulated using MATLAB package and the result is stored in a lock up table to use it in the real time operation of the system. The results give a good system response in the target detection and tracking in the real time operation.

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