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Using VGG Models with Intermediate Layer Feature Maps for Static Hand Gesture Recognition
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A hand gesture recognition system provides a robust and innovative solution to nonverbal communication through human–computer interaction. Deep learning models have excellent potential for usage in recognition applications. To overcome related issues, most previous studies have proposed new model architectures or have fine-tuned pre-trained models. Furthermore, these studies relied on one standard dataset for both training and testing. Thus, the accuracy of these studies is reasonable. Unlike these works, the current study investigates two deep learning models with intermediate layers to recognize static hand gesture images. Both models were tested on different datasets, adjusted to suit the dataset, and then trained under different methods. First, the models were initialized with random weights and trained from scratch. Afterward, the pre-trained models were examined as feature extractors. Finally, the pre-trained models were fine-tuned with intermediate layers. Fine-tuning was conducted on three levels: the fifth, fourth, and third blocks, respectively. The models were evaluated through recognition experiments using hand gesture images in the Arabic sign language acquired under different conditions. This study also provides a new hand gesture image dataset used in these experiments, plus two other datasets. The experimental results indicated that the proposed models can be used with intermediate layers to recognize hand gesture images. Furthermore, the analysis of the results showed that fine-tuning the fifth and fourth blocks of these two models achieved the best accuracy results. In particular, the testing accuracies on the three datasets were 96.51%, 72.65%, and 55.62% when fine-tuning the fourth block and 96.50%, 67.03%, and 61.09% when fine-tuning the fifth block for the first model. The testing accuracy for the second model showed approximately similar results.

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Proposing Robust LAD-Atan Penalty of Regression Model Estimation for High Dimensional Data
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         The issue of penalized regression model has received considerable critical attention to variable selection. It plays an essential role in dealing with high dimensional data. Arctangent denoted by the Atan penalty has been used in both estimation and variable selection as an efficient method recently. However, the Atan penalty is very sensitive to outliers in response to variables or heavy-tailed error distribution. While the least absolute deviation is a good method to get robustness in regression estimation. The specific objective of this research is to propose a robust Atan estimator from combining these two ideas at once. Simulation experiments and real data applications show that the proposed LAD-Atan estimator

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Bayes and Non-Bayes Estimation Methods for the Parameter of Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution
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In this paper, point estimation for parameter ? of Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution has been investigated by using simulation technique, to estimate the parameter by two sections methods; the first section includes Non-Bayesian estimation methods, such as (Maximum Likelihood estimator method, and Moment estimator method), while the second section includes standard Bayesian estimation method, using two different priors (Inverse Chi-Square and Jeffrey) such as (standard Bayes estimator, and Bayes estimator based on Jeffrey's prior). Comparisons among these methods were made by employing mean square error measure. Simulation technique for different sample sizes has been used to compare between these methods.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Alexandria Engineering Journal
The operational matrix of Legendre polynomials for solving nonlinear thin film flow problems
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
The optimal utilization of lighting factor in the flat photobioreactor for biological applications
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Distribution of light intensity in the flat photobioreactor for microalgae cultivation as a step design for production of bio-renewable energy was addressed in the current study. Five sizes of bioreactors with specific distances from the main light source were adopted as independent variables in experiential design model. The results showed that the bioreactor’s location according to the light source, determines the nature of light intensity distribution in the reactor body. However, the cross-section area plays an important role in determining the suitable location of reactor to achieve required light homogeneity. This area could change even the expected response of the light passing through the reactor if Beer-Lambert's law is adopted.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 06 2019
Journal Name
National Academy Science Letters
The Detection Limit of PCR Amplification for Cryptosporidium spp. Oocysts in Fecal Samples
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2016
Journal Name
Mine Water Environ.
Dominant Mechanisms for Metal Removal from Acidic Aqueous Solutions by Cement Kiln Dust
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing
Corrigendum to “Developing a Video Buffer Framework for Video Streaming in Cellular Networks”
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 20 2018
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Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, And Molecular Probes For Biomedical Applications X
Dual-radiolabeled nanoparticle probes for depth-independent in vivo imaging of enzyme activation
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Publication Date
Sun Aug 13 2023
Journal Name
Arpn Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
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In this paper, a new equivalent lumped parameter model is proposed for describing the vibration of beams under the moving load effect. Also, an analytical formula for calculating such vibration for low-speed loads is presented. Furthermore, a MATLAB/Simulink model is introduced to give a simple and accurate solution that can be used to design beams subjected to any moving loads, i.e., loads of any magnitude and speed. In general, the proposed Simulink model can be used much easier than the alternative FEM software, which is usually used in designing such beams. The obtained results from the analytical formula and the proposed Simulink model were compared with those obtained from Ansys R19.0, and very good agreement has been shown. I

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Publication Date
Sun May 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Bayesian Estimation for Two Parameters of Gamma Distribution under Generalized Weighted Loss Function
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This paper deals with, Bayesian estimation of the parameters of Gamma distribution under Generalized Weighted loss function, based on Gamma and Exponential priors for the shape and scale parameters, respectively. Moment, Maximum likelihood estimators and Lindley’s approximation have been used effectively in Bayesian estimation. Based on Monte Carlo simulation method, those estimators are compared in terms of the mean squared errors (MSE’s).

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