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Honeyword Generation Using a Proposed Discrete Salp Swarm Algorithm
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Honeywords are fake passwords that serve as an accompaniment to the real password, which is called a “sugarword.” The honeyword system is an effective password cracking detection system designed to easily detect password cracking in order to improve the security of hashed passwords. For every user, the password file of the honeyword system will have one real hashed password accompanied by numerous fake hashed passwords. If an intruder steals the password file from the system and successfully cracks the passwords while attempting to log in to users’ accounts, the honeyword system will detect this attempt through the honeychecker. A honeychecker is an auxiliary server that distinguishes the real password from the fake passwords and triggers an alarm if intruder signs in using a honeyword. Many honeyword generation approaches have been proposed by previous research, all with limitations to their honeyword generation processes, limited success in providing all required honeyword features, and susceptibility to many honeyword issues. This work will present a novel honeyword generation method that uses a proposed discrete salp swarm algorithm. The salp swarm algorithm (SSA) is a bio-inspired metaheuristic optimization algorithm that imitates the swarming behavior of salps in their natural environment. SSA has been used to solve a variety of optimization problems. The presented honeyword generation method will improve the generation process, improve honeyword features, and overcome the issues of previous techniques. This study will demonstrate numerous previous honeyword generating strategies, describe the proposed methodology, examine the experimental results, and compare the new honeyword production method to those proposed in previous research.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Obstacles Avoidance for Mobile Robot Using Enhanced Artificial Potential Field
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In this paper, an enhanced artificial potential field (EAPF) planner is introduced. This planner is proposed to rapidly find online solutions for the mobile robot path planning problems, when the underlying environment contains obstacles with unknown locations and sizes. The classical artificial potential field represents both the repulsive force due to the detected obstacle and the attractive force due to the target. These forces can be considered as the primary directional indicator for the mobile robot. However, the classical artificial potential field has many drawbacks. So, we suggest two secondary forces which are called the midpoint

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Wear Behavior Performance of Polymeric Matrix Composites Using Taguchi Experiments
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This research estimates the effect of independent factors like filler  (3%, 6%, 9%, 11% weight fraction), normal load (5N, 10N, 15N), and time sliding (5,7 , 9 minutes) on wear behavior of unsaturated polyester resin reinforced with jute fiber and waste eggshell and, rice husk powder composites by utilizing a statistical approach. The specimens polymeric composite prepared from resin unsaturated polyester filled with (4% weight fraction) jute fiber, and (3%, 6%, 9%, 11% weight fraction) eggshell, and rice husk by utilizing (hand lay-up) molding. Dry sliding wear experiments were carried utilizing a standard (pin on disc test setup) following a well designed empirical schedule that depends on Taguchi’s experimental design L9 (MINIT

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal For Information And Documentation Studies
Improving students' cognitive abilities using modern technologies: an experimental study
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The importance of knowledge is represented in the use of various sources of information, the corresponding to the same level of importance is the use of modern means and technologies in the delivery and investment of these sources to the beneficiaries, among these means and technologies are the multimedia that deal with most of the human senses, but the most important of which is sight and hearing, if these are invested the means in the field of education will give many positive results, such as the speed of receiving information, its clarity, and its freedom from impurities and influences, as well as its stability in memory as it is based on nderstanding, not memorization. On this basis, the experience of supporting the education process

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Combining Several Substitution Cipher Algorithms using Circular Queue Data Structure
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With the revolutionized expansion of the Internet, worldwide information increases the application of communication technology, and the rapid growth of significant data volume boosts the requirement to accomplish secure, robust, and confident techniques using various effective algorithms. Lots of algorithms and techniques are available for data security.  This paper presents a cryptosystem that combines several Substitution Cipher Algorithms along with the Circular queue data structure. The two different substitution techniques are; Homophonic Substitution Cipher and Polyalphabetic Substitution Cipher in which they merged in a single circular queue with four different keys for each of them, which produces eight different outputs for

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Scale-Invariant Feature Transform Algorithm with Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor
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There is a great deal of systems dealing with image processing that are being used and developed on a daily basis. Those systems need the deployment of some basic operations such as detecting the Regions of Interest and matching those regions, in addition to the description of their properties. Those operations play a significant role in decision making which is necessary for the next operations depending on the assigned task. In order to accomplish those tasks, various algorithms have been introduced throughout years. One of the most popular algorithms is the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). The efficiency of this algorithm is its performance in the process of detection and property description, and that is due to the fact that

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparison Study of Electromyography Using Wavelet and Neural Network
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In this paper we present a method to analyze five types with fifteen wavelet families for eighteen different EMG signals. A comparison study is also given to show performance of various families after modifying the results with back propagation Neural Network. This is actually will help the researchers with the first step of EMG analysis. Huge sets of results (more than 100 sets) are proposed and then classified to be discussed and reach the final.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Tourism Companies Assessment via Social Media Using Sentiment Analysis
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In recent years, social media has been increasing widely and obviously as a media for users expressing their emotions and feelings through thousands of posts and comments related to tourism companies. As a consequence, it became difficult for tourists to read all the comments to determine whether these opinions are positive or negative to assess the success of a tourism company. In this paper, a modest model is proposed to assess e-tourism companies using Iraqi dialect reviews collected from Facebook. The reviews are analyzed using text mining techniques for sentiment classification. The generated sentiment words are classified into positive, negative and neutral comments by utilizing Rough Set Theory, Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 10 2011
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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An experiment was carried out in the vegetables field of Horticulture Department / College of Agriculture / Baghdad University , for the three seasons : spring and Autumn of 2005 , and spring of 2007 , to study the type of gene action in some traits of vegetative and flowery growth in summer squash crosses (4 x 3 = cross 1 , 3 x 7 = cross 2 , 3 x 4 = cross 3 , 3 x 5 = cross 4 , 5 x 1 = cross 5 , 5 x 2 = cross 6). The study followed generation mean analysis method which included to each cross (P1 , P2 , F1 , F2 , Bc1P1 , Bc1P2) , and those populations obtained by hybridization during the first and second seasons. Experimental comparison was performed in the second (Two crosses only) and third seasons , (four crosses) by using RCBD with three

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering And Innovative Technology
White Light Generation by Electroluminescence for ZnO Nanoparticle –Organic Hybrid Junction Device
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ZnO organic hybrid junction (electroluminescence EL device) was fabricated using phase segregation method. ZnO-nanoparticle (NPs) was prepared as a colloidal by self–assembly method of Zinc acetate solution with KOH solution. Nanoparticle is employed to form organic-inorganic hybrid film and generate white light emission, while N,N’–diphenyl-N,N’ –bis(3-methylphenyl)-1,1’-biphenyl 4,4’-diamine (TPD) and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) are adopted as the organic matrices. ZnO NPs was used to fabricate TPD: PMMA: ZnO NPs hybrid junction device. The photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL) spectra of the TPD: PMMA: ZnO NPs hybrid device provided a broad emission band covering entirely the visible spectrum (∼350-∼700

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Utilizing the Main Outfall Drain-Addalmage Lake System for Hydroelectric Power Generation
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The basic idea of the Main Outfall Drain, MOD, was to construct a main channel to collect saline drained water of the irrigation projects within central and southern parts of Iraq and discharge it down to the Arabian Gulf. The MOD has a navigation lock structures near Addalmage Lake at station 299.4km. This structure is designed to ensure navigation within the MOD. The water level difference upstream the cross regulator and the downstream conjugation structure is about 9m. This head difference can be used to generate electrical power by constricting a low head power plant. This study aimed to utilize the head difference in navigation lock structures for power generation. Different operation condition an

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