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Honeyword Generation Using a Proposed Discrete Salp Swarm Algorithm
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Honeywords are fake passwords that serve as an accompaniment to the real password, which is called a “sugarword.” The honeyword system is an effective password cracking detection system designed to easily detect password cracking in order to improve the security of hashed passwords. For every user, the password file of the honeyword system will have one real hashed password accompanied by numerous fake hashed passwords. If an intruder steals the password file from the system and successfully cracks the passwords while attempting to log in to users’ accounts, the honeyword system will detect this attempt through the honeychecker. A honeychecker is an auxiliary server that distinguishes the real password from the fake passwords and triggers an alarm if intruder signs in using a honeyword. Many honeyword generation approaches have been proposed by previous research, all with limitations to their honeyword generation processes, limited success in providing all required honeyword features, and susceptibility to many honeyword issues. This work will present a novel honeyword generation method that uses a proposed discrete salp swarm algorithm. The salp swarm algorithm (SSA) is a bio-inspired metaheuristic optimization algorithm that imitates the swarming behavior of salps in their natural environment. SSA has been used to solve a variety of optimization problems. The presented honeyword generation method will improve the generation process, improve honeyword features, and overcome the issues of previous techniques. This study will demonstrate numerous previous honeyword generating strategies, describe the proposed methodology, examine the experimental results, and compare the new honeyword production method to those proposed in previous research.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Int. J. Advance Soft Compu. Appl,
Arabic and English Texts Encryption Using Proposed Method Based on Coordinates System
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Modified Voronoi Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm
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Data centric techniques, like data aggregation via modified algorithm based on fuzzy clustering algorithm with voronoi diagram which is called modified Voronoi Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm (VFCA) is presented in this paper. In the modified algorithm, the sensed area divided into number of voronoi cells by applying voronoi diagram, these cells are clustered by a fuzzy C-means method (FCM) to reduce the transmission distance. Then an appropriate cluster head (CH) for each cluster is elected. Three parameters are used for this election process, the energy, distance between CH and its neighbor sensors and packet loss values. Furthermore, data aggregation is employed in each CH to reduce the amount of data transmission which le

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Tekrarlar, anlamı kuvvetlendirmek, ifadeyi zenginleştirmek amacıyla kullanılan dil unsurlarıdır. Ural Batır destanı da tekrarlar, özellikle de ikilemeler açısından zengindir. Bu yazıda, Ural Batır destanındaki ikilemeler gruplandırılarak verilecek ve değerlendirmesi yapılacaktır.


Word repeating is language items used for strengthen the meaning and riching the expression. By this view, Ural Batır epic is a good example for word repeating units. In this paper, Ural Batır epic’s word repeating has been presented by classification.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Tekrarlar, anlamı kuvvetlendirmek, ifadeyi zenginleştirmek amacıyla kullanılan dil unsurlarıdır. Ural Batır destanı da tekrarlar, özellikle de ikilemeler açısından zengindir. Bu yazıda, Ural Batır destanındaki ikilemeler gruplandırılarak verilecek ve değerlendirmesi yapılacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Tekrar, ikileme, aralıklı ikileme, destan.
Word repeating is language items used for strengthen the meaning and riching the expression. By this view, Ural Batır epic is a good example for word repeating units. In this paper, Ural Batır epic’s word repeating has been presented by classification.
Key Words: Repeating, a pair words, a pair words by space, epic.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Проблематика современного значения некоторых устаревших слов The misconception of the modern meaning of some old words
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The dictionary meaning of the word is a linguistic category of the thing in a specific way . it is also a brief description of it .The main function of the concept lies in the total scientific reflection of the things where as the main function of the meaning is a brief reference to a certain content (extralinguistic ) which shows human knowledge .   The meaning is (a storage unit ) of knowledge of the world ,but this does not give the extra linguistic meaning which the old words have . Hence, additional cultural ,ethnic,communicative

and genetic information is needed.

        All the old words which are brought into us

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics
Solid waste recycling and management cost optimization algorithm
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Solid waste is a major issue in today's world. Which can be a contributing factor to pollution and the spread of vector-borne diseases. Because of its complicated nonlinear processes, this problem is difficult to model and optimize using traditional methods. In this study, a mathematical model was developed to optimize the cost of solid waste recycling and management. In the optimization phase, the salp swarm algorithm (SSA) is utilized to determine the level of discarded solid waste and reclaimed solid waste. An optimization technique SSA is a new method of finding the ideal solution for a mathematical relationship based on leaders and followers. It takes a lot of random solutions, as well as their outward or inward fluctuations, t

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A parallel Numerical Algorithm For Solving Some Fractional Integral Equations
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In this study, He's parallel numerical algorithm by neural network is applied to type of integration of fractional equations is Abel’s integral equations of the 1st and 2nd kinds. Using a Levenberge – Marquaradt training algorithm as a tool to train the network. To show the efficiency of the method, some type of Abel’s integral equations is solved as numerical examples. Numerical results show that the new method is very efficient problems with high accuracy.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 10 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Characteristic of Discrete Raman Amplifier at Different Pump Configurations
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Discrete Raman amplifier have many attractive aspects over rare-earth doped fiber amplifier such as (EDFA) including arbitrary gain band, better adjustability of gain shape, and better linearity. This paper shows that discrete Raman amplifier has higher gain in bidirectional pumping than counter pumping. The gain increases with increasing fiber length, and the noise figure remain at the same value for short fiber length.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Efficient Image Encryption Using a Dynamic, Nonlinear and Secret Diffusion Scheme
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The growing use of tele

This paper presents a new secret diffusion scheme called Round Key Permutation (RKP) based on the nonlinear, dynamic and pseudorandom permutation for encrypting images by block, since images are considered particular data because of their size and their information, which are two-dimensional nature and characterized by high redundancy and strong correlation. Firstly, the permutation table is calculated according to the master key and sub-keys. Secondly, scrambling pixels for each block to be encrypted will be done according the permutation table. Thereafter the AES encryption algorithm is used in the proposed cryptosystem by replacing the linear permutation of ShiftRows step with the nonlinear and secret pe

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 05 2019
Journal Name
Gen. Lett. Math
Building a three-dimensional maritime transport model to find the best solution by using the heuristic algorithm
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The aim of this research is to construct a three-dimensional maritime transport model to transport nonhomogeneous goods (k) and different transport modes (v) from their sources (i) to their destinations (j), while limiting the optimum quantities v ijk x to be transported at the lowest possible cost v ijk c and time v ijk t using the heuristic algorithm, Transport problems have been widely studied in computer science and process research and are one of the main problems of transport problems that are usually used to reduce the cost or times of transport of goods with a number of sources and a number of destinations and by means of transport to meet the conditions of supply and demand. Transport models are a key tool in logistics an

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