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Analysis of Adipokines and some Steroid Hormones in Myocardial Infarction
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The most common cause of death is cardiovascular disease (CVD), with ischemic heart disease being the most notable type.  There is a propensity to raise the sensitivity of methods in contemporary laboratory for diagnosing of CVD, and assessing key as CVD bio-indicators. The urgent task is to seek for different indicators as a hopeful tool for early detection and monitoring of myocardial infarction in blood samples only. This study comprised 117 Volunteers, recorded with both genders in the age range of 32-64 years old. The volunteers were categorized into two groups: 67patients of myocardial infarction, other group embraced 50 healthy individuals. The samples of blood were collected and directed for biochemical analysis to evaluate estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, adiponectin, leptin, and lipid profile [total cholesterol, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein (HDL), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)] levels in each group. The following conclusion can be drawn from this study based on statistical assessment of bio-indicator parameters, significantly reduced of testosterone and HDL (P <0.001) levels in myocardial infarction, within non-significantly elevated P <0.061 of progesterone levels in myocardial infarction patients as compared with healthy individuals. The remaining biochemical tests indicated significantly elevated levels in patients with myocardial infarction such as estradiol (P <0.001), adiponectin (P <0.001), leptin (P <0.001), total cholesterol (P <0.001), triglycerides (P <0.001) and LDL (P <0.001) levels. Adipokines (adiponectin, leptin) and some steroid hormones (estradiol, testosterone) show crucial roles in the improvement of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases and may be utilized as bio-pointer for myocardial infarction exposure, medical conduct and severity. This acknowledgment offers early diagnosis of disease and progression. 

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Microbiological Examination of some ImportedCanned and Frozen Foods
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A number of juices, jams, canned foods and frozen fishes available in local markets were inspected with respect to microbial contamination. We have determined the total viable bacterial cell counts in these samples and the number of g(-) lactose fermentors as a bacterial indicator of food spoilage. The results indicated that most of the food items inspected, were contaminated with large numbers of different species of g(-) ,g(+), yeast and fungi and some were contained more than the maximum permissible number of pathogenic g(-) enteric E-coli, which render these food items unsafe for human consumption.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use some statistical algorithms in mock hacking satellite image
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In the recent years, remote sensing applications have a great interest because it's offers many advantages, benefits and possibilities for the applications that using this concept, satellite it's one must important applications for remote sensing, it's provide us with multispectral images allow as study many problems like changing in ecological cover or biodiversity for earth surfers, and illustrated biological diversity of the studied areas by the presentation of the different areas of the scene taken depending on the length of the characteristic wave, Thresholding it's a common used operation for image segmentation, it's seek to extract a monochrome image from gray image by segment this image to two region (for

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Poverty and its Relations to Some Social Variables (Children in the Primary Stage as a Model)
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The phenomenon of poverty is one of the most important phenomena facing the world at large. Despite the tremendous technological progress witnessed by mankind and despite the unprecedented high levels of world economic production, poverty remains the greatest challenge facing the world. Statistics and studies have shown that poverty is caused by several problems: (health, social, economic, educational, etc.) These problems are obstacles to the ability to obtain employment opportunities, which leads in the beginning to the growth phenomenon of unemployment, and ultimately to the growth of poverty.

The results of a range of research in the field of psychology have confirmed that children from poor homes suffer from a high level of

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 20 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design and Analysis of BIMD Double Clad MMF -MZI Using Optiwave Simulation
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This work focused on principle of higher order mode excitation using in- line Double Clad Multi-Mode Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (DC-MM-MZI). The DC-MM-MZI was designed with 50 cm etched MMF. The etching length is 5cm. The tenability of this interferometer was studied using opt grating ver.4.2.2 and optiwave
ver. 7 simulator. After removing (25, 35, 45, 55) μm from MMF and immersing this segment of MMF with water bath contained distilled water and ethanol, in addition to, air. Pulsed laser source  centered at 1546.7nm ,pulse width 10ns and peak power 1.33mW was propagated via this interferometer Maximum modes were obtained in case of air surrounded media which are 9800 and 25 um removed cladding layer, with peak power 49.800 m

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New and Existing Approaches Reviewing of Big Data Analysis with Hadoop Tools
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Everybody is connected with social media like (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram…etc.) that generate a large quantity of data and which traditional applications are inadequate to process. Social media are regarded as an important platform for sharing information, opinion, and knowledge of many subscribers. These basic media attribute Big data also to many issues, such as data collection, storage, moving, updating, reviewing, posting, scanning, visualization, Data protection, etc. To deal with all these problems, this is a need for an adequate system that not just prepares the details, but also provides meaningful analysis to take advantage of the difficult situations, relevant to business, proper decision, Health, social media, sc

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analysis of Shell and Double Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger Using CFD Application
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This study focuses on CFD analysis in the field of the shell and double concentric tube heat exchanger. A commercial CFD package was used to resolve the flow and temperature fields inside the shell and tubes of the heat exchanger used. Simulations by CFD are performed for the single shell and double concentric tube.

This heat exchanger included 16 tubes and 20 baffles. The shell had a length of 1.18 m and its diameter was 220 mm. Solid Works 2014, ANSYS 15.0 software was used to analyze the fields of flow and temperature inside the shell and the tubes. The RNG k-ε model was used and it provided good results. Coarse and fine meshes were investigated, showing that aspect ratio has no significant effect. 14 million

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Laser Surface Melting by Using Enthalpy Method
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Abstract<p>In this study, experimental and numerical applied of heat distribution due to pulsed Nd: YAG laser surface melting. Experimental side was consists of laser parameters are, pulse duration1.3<italic>ms</italic>, wavelength 1064nm, laser energies 1.5, 2. 6 and 4.3 J, laser beam diameter is 0.6 mm and spot diameter 0.78 mm was applied a low carbon steel type St37 with a dimension 10, 10, 3 mm, length, width and thickness respectively. Numerical analysis side consist of a mathematical model and calculating a thermal cycle by using equation in the enthalpy method applied to determine the cooling rate in fusion zone. The simulation by using the enthalpy method, applied on conduction heat transfer </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, Characterization, and Thermal Analysis of a New Acidicazo Ligand's Metal Complexes
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The researchers wanted to make a new azo imidazole as a follow-up to their previous work. The ligand 4-[(2-Amino-4-phenylazo)-methyl]-cyclohexane carboxylic acid as a derivative of trans-4-(aminomethyl) cyclohexane carboxylic acid diazonium salt, and synthesis a series of its chelate complexes with metalions, characterized these compounds using a variety technique, including elemental analysis, FTIR, LC-Mass, 1H-NMRand UV-Vis spectral process as well TGA, conductivity and magnetic quantifications. Analytical data showed that the Co (II) complex out to 1:1 metal-ligand ratio with square planner and tetrahedral geometry, respectively while 1:2 metal-ligand ratio in the Cu(II), Cr(III), Mn(II), Zn(II), Ru(III)and Rh(III)complexes

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Evaluation Yield of Okra with Associated Traits Using Analysis Correlation and Path
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Abstract<p>The study was conducted at the fields of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening, College of Agriculture Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad. During the spring 2017. All the recommended practices were followed during experimentation. The experimental material consisted four Genotype it is Batraa, Btera, Mosulle, and local selection. The experiment was applied in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The objectives of Study were to estimate the some genetic parameters and path coefficient for some traits Okra, The results of statistical analysis for these genotypes were highly significant differences for all traits except the traits number of leaves, the numbe</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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Visual analysis of the Kurdish women's dress and its impact on modernity
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A collection of pictures of traditional Kurdish women's national clothing and contemporary clothing was collected. A visit was also made to the city of Sulaymaniyah and the city of Halabja to find out the foundations of traditional clothing for the Kurdish regions and the impact of contemporary fashion on traditional dress. Which represents the culture and regionalism and reflects the picturesque nature of northern Iraq, and in order to complete the study, the parametric measurements of the clothes were analyzed and the graphs of the dress and its accessories were re-drawn to understand and make a comparison between them to study the clear influences and changes and examine the possibility of benefiting from them in sewing contemporary f

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