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Retrieving Encrypted Images Using Convolution Neural Network and Fully Homomorphic Encryption
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A content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is a technique used to retrieve images from an image database. However, the CBIR process suffers from less accuracy to retrieve images from an extensive image database and ensure the privacy of images. This paper aims to address the issues of accuracy utilizing deep learning techniques as the CNN method. Also, it provides the necessary privacy for images using fully homomorphic encryption methods by Cheon, Kim, Kim, and Song (CKKS). To achieve these aims, a system has been proposed, namely RCNN_CKKS, that includes two parts. The first part (offline processing) extracts automated high-level features based on a flatting layer in a convolutional neural network (CNN) and then stores these features in a new dataset. In the second part (online processing), the client sends the encrypted image to the server, which depends on the CNN model trained to extract features of the sent image. Next, the extracted features are compared with the stored features using a Hamming distance method to retrieve all similar images. Finally, the server encrypts all retrieved images and sends them to the client. Deep-learning results on plain images were 97.94% for classification and 98.94% for retriever images. At the same time, the NIST test was used to check the security of CKKS when applied to Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR-10) dataset. Through these results, researchers conclude that deep learning is an effective method for image retrieval and that a CKKS method is appropriate for image privacy protection.

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Estimating Pitting Corrosion Depth and Density on Carbon Steel (C-4130) using Artificial Neural Networks
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of corrosive environment (corrosive ferric chloride of 1, 2, 5, 6% wt. at room temperature), immersion period of (48, 72, 96, 120, 144 hours), and surface roughness on pitting corrosion characteristics and use the data to build an artificial neural network and test its ability to predict the depth and intensity of pitting corrosion in a variety of conditions. Pit density and depth were calculated using a pitting corrosion test on carbon steel (C-4130). Pitting corrosion experimental tests were used to develop artificial neural network (ANN) models for predicting pitting corrosion characteristics. It was found that artificial neural network models were shown to be

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Alpha shape theory for 3D visualization and volumetric measurement of brain tumor progression using magnetic resonance images
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Alpha shape theory for 3D visualization and volumetric measurement of brain tumor progression using magnetic resonance images

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Satellite Images Matching and Mosaic Techniques
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      The Matching and Mosaic of the satellite imagery play an essential role in many remote sensing and image processing projects. These techniques must be required in a particular step in the project, such as remotely change detection applications and the study of large regions of interest. The matching and mosaic methods depend on many image parameters such as pixel values in the two or more images, projection system associated with the header files, and spatial resolutions, where many of these methods construct the matching and mosaic manually. In this research, georeference techniques were used to overcome the image matching task in semi automotive method. The decision about the quality of the technique can be considered i

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 07 2022
Journal Name
Cogent Engineering
A partial image encryption scheme based on DWT and texture segmentation
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Publication Date
Fri Aug 12 2022
Journal Name
Future Internet
Improved DDoS Detection Utilizing Deep Neural Networks and Feedforward Neural Networks as Autoencoder
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Software-defined networking (SDN) is an innovative network paradigm, offering substantial control of network operation through a network’s architecture. SDN is an ideal platform for implementing projects involving distributed applications, security solutions, and decentralized network administration in a multitenant data center environment due to its programmability. As its usage rapidly expands, network security threats are becoming more frequent, leading SDN security to be of significant concern. Machine-learning (ML) techniques for intrusion detection of DDoS attacks in SDN networks utilize standard datasets and fail to cover all classification aspects, resulting in under-coverage of attack diversity. This paper proposes a hybr

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Breast Cancer MRI Classification Based on Fractional Entropy Image Enhancement and Deep Feature Extraction
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Disease diagnosis with computer-aided methods has been extensively studied and applied in diagnosing and monitoring of several chronic diseases. Early detection and risk assessment of breast diseases based on clinical data is helpful for doctors to make early diagnosis and monitor the disease progression. The purpose of this study is to exploit the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in discriminating breast MRI scans into pathological and healthy. In this study, a fully automated and efficient deep features extraction algorithm that exploits the spatial information obtained from both T2W-TSE and STIR MRI sequences to discriminate between pathological and healthy breast MRI scans. The breast MRI scans are preprocessed prior to the feature

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Multifocus Images Fusion Based On Homogenity and Edges Measures
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Image fusion is one of the most important techniques in digital image processing, includes the development of software to make the integration of multiple sets of data for the same location; It is one of the new fields adopted in solve the problems of the digital image, and produce high-quality images contains on more information for the purposes of interpretation, classification, segmentation and compression, etc. In this research, there is a solution of problems faced by different digital images such as multi focus images through a simulation process using the camera to the work of the fuse of various digital images based on previously adopted fusion techniques such as arithmetic techniques (BT, CNT and MLT), statistical techniques (LMM,

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology (ijciet)
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comprehensive Review on Medical Image Steganography Based on LSB Technique and Potential Challenges
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The rapid development of telemedicine services and the requirements for exchanging medical information between physicians, consultants, and health institutions have made the protection of patients’ information an important priority for any future e-health system. The protection of medical information, including the cover (i.e. medical image), has a specificity that slightly differs from the requirements for protecting other information. It is necessary to preserve the cover greatly due to its importance on the reception side as medical staff use this information to provide a diagnosis to save a patient's life. If the cover is tampered with, this leads to failure in achieving the goal of telemedicine. Therefore, this work provides an in

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Application of Neural Network in the Identification of the Cumulative Production from AB unit in Main pays Reservoir of South Rumaila Oil Field.
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A common field development task is the object of the present research by specifying the best location of new horizontal re-entry wells within AB unit of South Rumaila Oil Field. One of the key parameters in the success of a new well is the well location in the reservoir, especially when there are several wells are planned to be drilled from the existing wells. This paper demonstrates an application of neural network with reservoir simulation technique as decision tool. A fully trained predictive artificial feed forward neural network (FFNNW) with efficient selection of horizontal re-entry wells location in AB unit has been carried out with maintaining a reasonable accuracy. Sets of available input data were collected from the exploited g

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