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A study the electrical properties of a Se:2.5%as thin films prepared by thermal cvaporation
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thin films of se:2.5% as were deposited on a glass substates by thermal coevaporation techniqi=ue under high vacuum at different thikness

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
African Journal Of Hospitality, Tourism And Leisure
An analytical study of the strategic flexibility variation as a function of the dynamic capabilities based on supply chain management (Case study: The General Petroleum Products Distribution Company in Baghdad)
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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improving the Properties of Gypsum By Using Additives
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Gypsum Plaster is an important building materials, and because of the availabilty of its raw materials. In this research the effect of various additives on the properties of plaster was studied , like Polyvinyl Acetate, Furfural, Fumed Silica at different rate of addition and two types of fibers, Carbon Fiber and Polypropylene Fiber to the plaster at a different volumetric rate. It was found that after analysis of the results the use of Furfural as an additive to plaster by 2.5% is the optimum ratio of addition to that it improved the flexural Strength by 3.18%.
When using Polyvinyl Acetate it was found that the ratio of the additive 2% is the optimum ratio of addition to the plaster, because it improved the value of the flexural stre

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Ceramics International
Influence of DC magnetron sputtering reaction gas on structural and optical characteristics of Ce-oxide thin films
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The influence of the reaction gas composition during the DC magnetron sputtering process on the structural, chemical and optical properties of Ce-oxide thin films was investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies confirmed that all thin films exhibited a polycrystalline character with cubic fluorite structure for cerium dioxide. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses revealed that cerium is present in two oxidation states, namely as CeO2 and Ce2O3, at the surface of the films prepared at oxygen/argon flow ratios between 0% and 7%, whereas the films are completely oxidized into CeO2 as the aforementioned ratio increases beyond 14%. Various optical parameters for the thin films (including an optical band gap in the range of 2.25–3.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation of Free Convection from an Inclined Heated Thin Plate in a Square Enclosure
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Simulation of free convection heat transfer in a square enclosure induced by heated thin plate is represented numerically. All  the enclosure walls have constant temperature lower than the plate’s temperature. The flow is assumed to be two-dimensional. The discretized equations were solved stream function, vorticity, and energy equations by finite difference method using explicit technique and Successive Over- Relaxation method. The study was performed for different values of Rayleigh number ranging from 103 to 105 for different angle position of heated thin plate(0°, 45°, 90°). Air was chosen as a working fluid (Pr = 0.71). Aspect ratio of center of plate to the parallel left wall A2

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Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Application of banking institutions' governance variables and their impact on financial performance as measured by (ROA & ROE): an applied study on a sample of local Islamic banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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The research seeks to achieve its goal of demonstrating the impact of applying banking governance variables on the financial performance of Islamic banks, and the independent research variables are represented by (X) by (the number of independent members in the board (X1), the number of directors in the board (X2), the number of committees emanating from the board ( X3), the percentage of shares owned by major shareholders in the board (X4), the number of members of the Sharia supervisory board (X5)), and the dependent variable (Y) is represented by (rate of return on assets (Y1), rate of return on equity (Y2)).

The research sample included (4) Islamic banks, namely (Iraqi Islamic Bank, National Islamic Bank, Jihan Islamic Bank,

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Influence of substrate temperature on structural and optical properties of SnO2 films
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Tin Oxide (SnO2) films have been deposited by spray pyrolysis technique at different substrate temperatures. The effects of substrate temperature on the structural, optical and electrical properties of SnO2 films have been investigated. The XRD result shows a polycrystalline structure for SnO2 films at substrate temperature of 673K. The thickness of the deposited film was of the order of 200 nm measured by Toulansky method. The energy gap increases from 2.58eV to 3.59 eV when substrate temperature increases from 473K to 673K .Electrical conductivity is 4.8*10-7(.cm)-1 for sample deposited at 473K while it increases to 8.7*10-3 when the film is deposited at 673K

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Fabrication and characterization of zinc oxide nanorods coated by graphene oxide ZnO-NR@GO as a potential hybrid material photocatalyst
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Hybrid architecture of ZnO nanorods/graphene oxide ZnO-NRs@GO synthesized by electrostatic self-assembly methods. The morphological, optical and luminescence characteristics of ZnO-NRs@GO and ZnO-NRs thin films have been described by FESEM, TEM, HRTEM, and AFM, which refers to graphene oxide have been coated ZnO-NRs with five layers. Here we synthesis ZnO-NRs@GO by simple, cheap and environmentally friendly method, which made it favorable for huge -scale preparation in many applications such as photocatalyst. ZnO-NRs@GO was applied as a photocatalyst Rodamin 6 G (R6G) dye from water using 532 nm diode laser-induced photocatalytic process. Overall degradation of R6G/ ZnO-NRs@GO was achieved after 90 minutes of laser irradiation while it ne

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Reality analysis of the state of spatial distribution of green areas using geographic information systems (GIS) – The holy city of Najaf as a case study
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Abstract<p>Green areas are an essential component of city planning, as they serve as an outlet for them to spend their free time, in addition to the environmental role that these green areas play in improving the city’s climate by purifying the air and beautifying the city. The study’s problem is summarized in identifying the appropriateness of the current spatial distribution of green areas in the city of Najaf with the current population densities and the pattern in which green areas are distributed using GIS and knowing the per capita share of those green areas in the city, the research assumes that the inconsistency of spaces between regions Green and residential neighbourhoods need to c</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri May 18 2018
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The Arabian killifish (Aphanius dispar) as a novel model for mycophysiological studies.
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Abstract Candida albicans is a commensal fungal pathogen that grows in yeast and hyphal forms in the human gut. C. albicans causes mucosal and cutaneous diseases that can result in significant mortality following systematic infections and it also exhibits drug resistance. Zebrafish have been an excellent model to investigate C. albicans infections because of their transparency and the availability of many transgenic lines. However, there is a limitation in using zebrafish as a model because the fish embryos cannot survive at 37°C therefore it is not suitable for studying Candida infections at physiological relevant human body temperature. In this thesis, the normal embryonic development of Arabian killifish (A. dispar) is investigated, rev

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
(Novelist character in the Iraqi press criticism – Fadhil Thamir as a model))
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Novel has recently  received the attention of readers and writers greatly, because of the role they play, and this indicates an important rule, which is whenever there is an art or creativity, there must be a respective criticism, and this criticism is certainly not less important than the author. So there are critics who have a prestigious literary position in the follow-up story development, and trying to describe the transformation of its elements. One of these critics is professor Fadhel Thamer, and who wants to approach one of the elements of the novel exploring, must stop on the visions of this critic about it , and that’s why we take the (character) element following the most important opinions of this critic about

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