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The Immunohistochemically Estimation of CD63 in Iraqi Patients with Gastric Cancer
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CD63 is -one of the tetraspanin family proteins, which are regarded as: hallmark exosomal markers because it is absent from other types of vesicles. It is expressed in the cell membrane of cancer cells, and cytoplasm of stromal cells. Objective: To assess CD63 expression in gastric cancer (GC) patients, and detected if it could be used as a predictive marker. Furthermore, the current study aimed to find the correlation between CD63 expression and clinicopathological parameters as: gender, age, invasion depth, histopathological type, involvement of lymph nodes, grade and stages of GC (TNM). The current study is a retrospective study in the period time from (2018 to-2020); 50 randomly patients formalin-fixed paraffin embedded blocks (FFPE) of stomach tissue (10 cases normal tissue without GC as control, and 40 patients with GC) with its reports and diagnosis were collected from Pathology Department of the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Teaching Hospital and some private hospitals. The histological sections were stained by hematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E), and immunohistochemistry (IHC) stain for CD63. Statistical analysis accomplished by SPSS system at (P ≤ 0.05). This study indicated that there were  significant differences between control group, and patients group in the expression of CD63, also there was a significant correlation between CD63 expression, and histopathological subtype, invasion depth, involvement of lymph node, and stages in patients, whereas there was a non- significant association between the age, grade, and gender of patients, and the expression of CD63.This result indicates that CD63 could be a good prospective marker in Iraqi cancer patients.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 12 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Minimal sternotomy surgery in comparison to standard sternotomy in the coronary bypass Surgery
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Background Median sternotomy is the gold standard incision for most cardiac operations. However, with the advent of minimal invasive surgery, a new approach emerged in cardiac surgery named mini-sternotomy and has been successfully used to perform a variety of operations.

 The aim of this paper is to present our experience of using mini-sternotomy to harvest the left internal mammary artery (LIMA) for off-pump revascularization of the left anterior descending artery (LAD)

 Methodology Over a 2-year period (October 2012-October 2014), 100 patients underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) via conventional median sternotomy (CMS) (n=80) and mini-sternotomy (MS) (n=20). The

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
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Geminivirus : Detection, Diagnosis And Management
Geminiviruses occurrence in the middle east and their impact on agriculture in Iraq
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Question and answer about the hadith (People are partners in three) To Mr. Muhammad bin Ismail, Prince Al-San’ani, may God have mercy on him (1182 AH)
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There is no doubt that the achievement of the manuscripts is important in a place as it is based on reviving the heritage of the Islamic nation, as well as engaging in the prophetic hadith and its sciences pride for every Muslim, and this prompted me to achieve a manuscript message that serves this aspect i.e. the science of the prophetic hadith, and in an important subject that needs to stand on Each of the people, as well as the one who cares about the science of hadith and this topic is: Explaining the hadith of the people is partners in three, to the scholar Muhammad bin Ismail, famous for the Prince Al-Sanani, mentioning his methods and evidence, and their degree of health and weakness, and the statement of what is intended of him,

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Renaissance Dam Project and its impact on Egyptian – Ethiopian relation
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Receipt date:9/1/2020 accepted date:11/24/2020 Publication date:12/31/2021

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

the Nile River and the Renaissance Dam is one of the most prominent factors that had an important role in the nature of relations between Egypt - Ethiopia, as  they contributed to building a relationship that has common characteristics through the nature of the i

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Flexible Budgets and its Variances under The Corona Pandemic Covid – 19
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The research aims to explain the role of the flexible budget in assessing the feedback resulting from deviations by comparing the actual results with the planned performance in light of the economic crisis that the world witnessed during the spread of Corona disease. As most companies, including the Electronic Industries Company, face the problem of controlling production costs and are trying hard to reduce these costs to the lowest level starting from measuring these costs and allocating them and distributing them to products. This helps in controlling deviations and thus the flexible budget becomes a tool that helps in controlling elements Costs

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Almustansyria Journal Of Arts
Presupposition in Poe’s Short story “The Black Cat
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The notion of presupposition has been tackled by many linguists. They have found that the term ―presupposition” is being used in two different senses in the literature: semantic and pragmatic. As for semantic sense, Geurts (1999) has isolated some constrictions as sources of presupposition by making lists of presupposition triggers. Concerning the pragmatic sense Kennan (1971:89) uses the term pragmatic presupposition to refer to a class of pragmatic inferences which are, in fact, the relation between a speaker and the appropriateness of a sentence in the context. In spite of the fact that there are many researches that have been done in the field of presupposition but few of them in the field of short stories up to the researcher's kno

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The sustainable urban development in Al_Kharkh historic center
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The problems of urban historic centers are considered some of the subjects which are widely dealt with in urban studies since the middle of the 20th century. literature of urban development have raised it , beside the fact that large number of urban development projects of the historical centers in many cities of the world ,and emerged from the application of these new problems projects added their original urban problems , because these projects have dealt with the physical structures with the neglect of the social and economic sides, which are the base in sustainable development nResearch problem was elaborated as : The unclearly of knowledge of the potentials of the sustainable development in solving the urban problems of historic cen

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Turn-Taking System in American Presidential Debates
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The organization and coordination of any communication is based on the system of turn-taking which refers to the process by which a participant in a conversation takes the role of speaker. The progression of any conversation is achieved by the change of roles between speaker and hearer which, in its turn, represents the heart of the turn-taking system. The turn-taking system is not a random process but it is a highly organized process governed by a set of rules. Thus, this system has certain features and rules which exist in any English communicative process. These rules, if applied by speakers, help to achieve successful exchange of turns in any conversation. This paper attempts to present full exposition of the concepts of conversation

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Utilizing the ATM technology in e-distance learning
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<p>There is an Increasing demand for the education in the field of E-learning specially the higher education, and to keep contiuity between the user and the course director in any place and time. This research presents a proposed and simulation multimedia network design for distance learning utilizing ATM technique. The propsed framework determines the principle of ATM technology and shows how multimedia can be integrated within E- learning conteext. The first part of this research presents a theoretical design for the Electricity Department, university of technology. The purpose is to illustrate the usage of the ATM and Multimedia in distance learning process. In addition, this research composes two entities: Software entity

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
monte carlo simulation in the kinetics and mileculare
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The primary focus of the study factor reverse polymerization styrene polymer kinetics and distribution weight Aljaia in Blma Aldhur free reverse The study was conducted wi Mamahakah and using the Monte Carlo method

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