The efforts in designing and developing lightweight cryptography (LWC) started a decade ago. Many scholarly studies in literature report the enhancement of conventional cryptographic algorithms and the development of new algorithms. This significant number of studies resulted in the rise of many review studies on LWC in IoT. Due to the vast number of review studies on LWC in IoT, it is not known what the studies cover and how extensive the review studies are. Therefore, this article aimed to bridge the gap in the review studies by conducting a systematic scoping study. It analyzed the existing review articles on LWC in IoT to discover the extensiveness of the reviews and the topics covered. The results of the study suggested that many review studies are classified as overview-types of review focusing on generic LWC. Further, the topics of the reviews mainly focused on symmetric block cryptography, while limited reviews were found on asymmetric-key and hash in LWC. The outcomes of this study revealed that the reviews in LWC in IoT are still in their premature stage and researchers are encouraged to explore by conducting review studies in the less-attended areas. An extensive review of studies that cover these two topics is deemed necessary to establish a balance of scholarly works in LWC for IoT and encourage more empirical research in the area.
The aim of the thesis is to estimate the partial and inaccessible population groups, which is a field study to estimate the number of drug’s users in the Baghdad governorate for males who are (15-60) years old.
Because of the absence of data approved by government institutions, as well as the difficulty of estimating the numbers of these people from the traditional survey, in which the respondent expresses himself or his family members in some cases. In these challenges, the NSUM Network Scale-Up Method Is mainly based on asking respondents about the number of people they know in their network of drug addicts.
Based on this principle, a statistical questionnaire was designed to
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وتقوم المصارف التجارية المحل
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