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Synthesis and Characterization of New nano catalyst Mo-Ni /TiO2- γAl2O3 for Hydrodesulphurization of Iraqi Gas Oil
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   A new nano-sized NiMo/TiO2-γ-Al2O3 was prepared as a Hydrodesulphurization catalyst for Iraqi gas oil with sulfur content of 8980 ppm, supplied from Al-Dura Refinery. Sol-gel method was used to prepare TiO2- γ-Al2O3 nano catalyst support with 64% TiO2, 32% Al2O3, Ni-Mo/TiO-γ-Al2O3 catalyst was prepared under vacuum impregnation conditions to loading metals with percentage 3.8 wt.% and 14 wt.% for nickel and molybdenum respectively while the percentage for alumina, and titanium became 21.7, and 58.61 respectively. The synthesized TiO2- γ-Al2O3 nanocomposites and Ni-Mo /TiO2- γ-Al2O3 Nano catalyst were then characterized by XRD, AFM, and BET surface area, SEM, XRF, and FTIR. The performance of the synthesized catalyst for removing sulfur compounds was conducted through the pilot HDS laboratory unit, various temperatures range 275oC to 375°C, LHSV 1 h-1 were studied; moreover, the effect of LHSV 1 to 4 h-1 on the percentage of sulfur removal was also studied at the temperature of the best removal with constant pressure 35 bar and H2/HC ratio 200cm3/200cm3. The sulfur content results generally revealed that there was a substantial decrease at all operating conditions used, while the maximum sulfur removal was 87.75% in gas oil on Ni-Mo/TiO2-γ-Al2O3 catalyst at temperature 375˚C and LHSV 1h-1.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 08 2023
Journal Name
توظيف الألفاظ والتراكيب من السياق القرآني في شعر هيثم الزبيدي
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
حوليات اداب عين شمس
فعل الامر من صيغة N المبني للمجهول في اللغة الاكدية
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يتناول هذا البحث موضوع (( فعل الامر في صيغة المبني للمجهول في اللغة الاكدية )) وهو يتعلق بقواعد اللغة الاكدية , وقد تضمن هذا البحث مقدمة وشقين : صيغة المبني للمجهول وفعل الامر. اما ما يخص المقدمة فقد شملت تعريف الفعل وانقساماته حسب قوة احرفه , الجذر , المعنى , والفاعل , كما تضمنت المقدمة أيضا الحديث عن الصيغ الفعلية الرئيسة الأربعة التي يتألف الفعل الاكدي منها إضافة الى الصيغ الثانوية التي تتضمنها الصيغ الرئيسة . و

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
Influence of yeast and intercropping system on growth and yield traits of pea
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Conference Of Numerical Analysis And Applied Mathematics Icnaam 2019
Spatial and seasonal variation of PO4, NO3 and pH of Mosul dam lake
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Plant Density on Yield and Growth of Sunflower
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The effect of nitrogen fertilizer and the planting distance on growth and yield of the sunflower cultivar (Taka) was investigated. The experiment was conducted in the field using five nitrogen fertilizer levels (0, 50, 100, 150, 200) kg/donum and three planting distances (10, 20, 30) cm/plant. The experiment design was split-plot by using RCBD with four replicates. The level of fertilizer as the main plot, while the planting distance as the sub plot. Plant high and yield components were measured. Results indicated that using 200 kg/donum of nitrogen and 30 cm/plant of planting distance gave the highest rate of 1000 seeds weight and the number of seeds/ head. While using 200 kg/donum of nitrogen fertilizer with 10 cm/plant of planting dista

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2005
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design and Operation of Mini-TEA CO2 Laser and Investigation of Preionization Effect
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A Mini-TEA CO2 laser system was designed and operated to obtain a pulse at 10.6 μm. Output energy of 30 mJ, with preionization pins, and pulse duration of 100ns were obtained. While an output energy of 6mJ and pulse duration of 100 ns in absence of pre-ionization were obtained. The system was operated with Ernest profile main-discharge electrodes. Dependencies of supply voltage and output laser energy on the pressure inside laser cavity were investigated as well as dependencies of supply voltage and output energy on the main capacitor(8CO2 : 8N2 : 82He :2CO). Efficiency of was calculated to be 4.4%.

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Publication Date
Thu May 17 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Swelling Behavior and Drug Release of Interpenetrating Network Composed of PVA and Chitosan
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     PVA and chitosan biodegradable, non-toxic, biocompatible polymers convenient for use in drug release.

In this study polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and chitosan (CS) hydrogels crosslinked with glutaraldehyde (GA) with different ratio morphology and structure characterization interpenetrating polymer network (IPN).They were investigated by Fourier transmission infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscope (SEM), UV-Visible spectrophotometer,swelling of hydrogel and drug release were studied by changing crosslinking ratio and PH.


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Publication Date
Fri Jul 19 2024
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Известия Юго-Западного государственного университета. Серия: Лингвистика и педагогика
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Abstract Purpose of research: The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the concept and types of puns in the Russian and Arabic languages. The main focus is on identifying similarities and differences in the definition of a pun, as well as analyzing its various types in both languages. The purpose of the study is to understand how puns are used to achieve comic or semantic effect in different cultural contexts. Methods: The study includes an analysis of literature providing information about puns in Russian and Arabic. For comparative analysis, methods were used to compare concepts, definitions and types of puns in both languages. The phonetic, semantic and syntactic aspects of the pun are considered, and cultural f

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Lxxvi Международная научно-практическая конференция «Научный форум: филология, искусствоведение и культурология»
Comparative analysis of the concept and types of homonyms in Russian and Arabic
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Abstract: This article is a comparative analysis of the concept and types of homonyms in Russian and Arabic. Homonyms are lexical units that have the same sound but different meanings. The study of homonymy in different languages can help reveal the features of the semantic structure and syntactic rules of each language. The article discusses the main aspects of homonymy in Russian and Arabic, as well as a comparative analysis of the types of homonyms that exist in both languages. The study includes an analysis of the semantic meanings of homonyms, their use in context, and possible differences in syntactic features that may affect their interpretation and perception by native speakers of these languages. The purpose of the article is to id

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 23 2024
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics And Pedagogy
Acomparative Analysis of the Concept and Types of Homonyms in Russian and Arabic
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Purpose of research: The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the concept and types of puns in the Russian and Arabic languages. The main focus is on identifying similarities and differences in the definition of a pun, as well as analyzing its various types in both languages. The purpose of the study is to understand how puns are used to achieve comic or semantic effect in different cultural contexts.

Methods: The study includes an analysis of literature providing information about puns in Russian and Arabic. For comparative analysis, methods were used to compare concepts, definitions and types of puns in both languages. The phonetic, semantic and syntactic aspects of the pun are considered,

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