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Effects of Nitrogen and Sulfur Sprays on the Growth and Production of Broccoli Brassica Oleracea var. Italica L.: nitrogen and sulfur spray enhance broccoli growth and production
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In order to achieve optimal plant growth and production, essential nutrients must be readily available in adequate quantities and in a balanced proportion to give a good yield, especially broccoli which has health benefits that may not be found in many other plants. For this purpose, this experiment was carried out during the seasons 2019/2020 in the botanical garden of the Department of Biology, College of Science for Women, University of Baghdad, to study the effects of nitrogen and sulphur and their interaction on eight parameters reflecting the overall traits of vegetative growth, yield, and chlorophyll content of broccoli Brassica oleracea L. (var. italic JASSMINE F1 Hybrid). A factorial design with three replicates was used, each with 7 plants treated via foliar spraying. The first factor included three groups; control N0 (distill water spray), N1 (500 mg.l-1 nitrogen), and N2 (1000 mg.l-1 nitrogen). The second factor also included three groups; control S0 (distill water spray), S1 (500 mg.l-1 sulfur), and S2 (1000 mg.l-1 sulfur). We used Urea (CO(NH2)2) as a nitrogen source and zinc sulphate (ZnSO4) as a sulfur source. As for the treatment with nitrogen, the results revealed that N2 treatment caused the significantly highest values in all the studied traits, except for the plant height, where there was no significant difference between N1 and N2. As related to the treatment with sulphur, the results showed that S2 treatment resulted in the significantly highest values of leave area, leave dry weight, and root fresh weight. S2 also caused the highest values, but with no significant differences, of plant height, stem diameter and chlorophyll content index. S1 treatment, on the other hand, caused insignificantly higher values of leave number per plant and main curd weight. Based on the results of the interaction between nitrogen and sulfur, S1N2 treatment resulted in the significantly highest values as compared to all other treatments of all the studied traits, except for the plant height, root fresh weight, and main curd weight. The results presented here may facilitate improvements of Broccoli cultivation with suitable nutrient concentrations for sustainable agriculture. In conclusion, the present study comes up with the following: nitrogen and sulfur and their interaction enhance significantly the growth and production of broccoli.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Effect of Spraying With Organic Sulfur and Hydrogen Peroxide on The Growth and Yield of Red Local Onions Allium Cepa L.
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Abstract<p>The study was conducted in the fields of the Department of Horticulture and Landscaping/College of Agriculture/University of Al-Qadisiyah/Al-Nouriah district - for the 2019-2020 agricultural season to study the effect of spraying with organic sulfur and hydrogen peroxide on the growth and yield of onions, Allium cepa L, where the study included two factors: the first factor was spraying organic sulfur at concentration (0, 2)., 4 ml. L-1) and symbol S1, S2, S3 and the second factor spraying with hydrogen peroxide at a concentration (0, 2, 4 ml. L-1) and symbolized by B1, B2, B3 and the interaction between them. A factorial experiment was conducted according to the randomized complete b</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Role of Broccoli ( Brassica oleracea ) in Treatment For Induced Polycystic ovary syndrome in Albino rats ( Rattus norvegicus )
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The goal of present study was to investigate the benefits of broccoli (as antiandrogenic plant) in protection and treatment for reproductive hormonal and metabolic disturbance, which combined with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The PCOS model was introduced by injecting subcutaneously prepubertal female rats at 21 days old with Letrozole for 39 days, and divided into 6 groups (8 rats each ) as follows:

Group 1: Female rats were injected with 0.1 ml of normal saline. Group 2: Female rats were injected with 0.1 ml of 400 µg Letrozole Group 3: Female rats were injected with 0.1 ml of 400 µg L with orally gavaged of broccoli juice. Group 4: Female rats were injected with 0.1 ml of normal saline and at the end of the last

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 13 1998
Journal Name
المجلة العراقية للاحياء المجهرية
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ABSTRACT The isolation and characterization of (27) isolate of extreme halophilic bacteria was performed ninteen isolate belonged to the genus Halobacterium which included Hb.halobium. Hb. salinarium, Hb. volcanii. Growth curve and generation time in logarthmic phase was measured and found to be (12.8hr±0.32), (11.2hr±0.2), (9.8hr±0.87), respectivaly. Effect of various concentrations of NaCl, KCI, NH4Cl and MgSO4.7H2O was studied, NaCl was essential for the rod shape rapid growth Rat and pigmentation. Less than 1% concentration caused lysis of bacteria. Yeast extract was the best carbone source as compared with glucose and casamino acid.

Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of Azotobacter chroococcum’s Ability to Produce Hydrolytic Enzymes and Enhance Growth of Vicia faba
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A. chroococcum isolate was examined for its ability to produce the hydrolytic enzymes chitinase, pectinase, protease, and lipase, in an effort to enhance the growth of fava bean (Vicia faba). Biological experiment was conducted in pots with complete random design (CRD). The experiment includes three treatments: control (plant without treatment) (P), NPK fertilizer (plant + fertilizer) (PF), and A. chroococcum inoculum (plant + A. chroococcum) (PA). These treatments were performed with sterile and non-sterile soil, which were planted with fava beans. At the end of experiment (seven weeks from planting), length and weight of plant shoot and plant root were calculated. The results show that the isolate wa

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Plant Density on Yield and Growth of Sunflower
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The effect of nitrogen fertilizer and the planting distance on growth and yield of the sunflower cultivar (Taka) was investigated. The experiment was conducted in the field using five nitrogen fertilizer levels (0, 50, 100, 150, 200) kg/donum and three planting distances (10, 20, 30) cm/plant. The experiment design was split-plot by using RCBD with four replicates. The level of fertilizer as the main plot, while the planting distance as the sub plot. Plant high and yield components were measured. Results indicated that using 200 kg/donum of nitrogen and 30 cm/plant of planting distance gave the highest rate of 1000 seeds weight and the number of seeds/ head. While using 200 kg/donum of nitrogen fertilizer with 10 cm/plant of planting dista

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2017
Journal Name
New Visions In Plant Science
Improving Nitrogen and Phosphorus Efficiency for Optimal Plant Growth and Yield
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Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are the most important nutrients for crop production. The N contributes to the structural component, generic, and metabolic compounds in a plant cell. N is mainly an essential part of chlorophyll, the compound in the plants that is responsible for photosynthesis process. The plant can get its available nitrogen from the soil by mineralizing organic materials, fixed-N by bacteria, and nitrogen can be released from plant as residue decay. Soil minerals do not release an enough amount of nitrogen to support plant; therefore, fertilizing is necessary for high production. Phosphorous contributes in the complex of the nucleic acid structure of plants. The nucleic acid is essential in protein synthesis regulation; t

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 26 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This study was aimed to determine the impact of Conocarpus erectus L. compost fertilizer, and some micronutrients on growth and production of potato. This research was conducted at one of the fields of the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences - University of Baghdad. The experiment was implemented using factorial arrangement (4X3X3) within randomized complete block design with three replicates. Conocarpus fertilizer was represented the first factor with three levels (7.5, 15, 30 ton.ha-1), which symbolized (C2, C3, C4). Chemical fertilizer as recommended dose as a control, which symbolized (C1). The second factor was foliar spraying with three levels of iron (0, 100, 200 mg.L-1), which symbolized (F0, F1, F2). The third fact

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Soil Science
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Nitrogen fertilization and plant density and their impact on the growth indicators and plant winning livestock
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This experiment was conducted in the season 2001-2000 in station Ishaqi the company's general industrial crops to plant livestock Vigna radala deleted (Khadrawi) carried out the experiment design panels splinter and order in RCBD with three balls two factors are levels nitrogen fertilizer (120 and, 100.0 kg urea / ha)nitrogen ratio of 46%, which put in the main panels mAIN PLOT and Alkiavat three levels that were placed in secondary panels .....

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Research On Crops
Studies on growth and yield indicators for kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea) plant treated with mineral fertilizers and root enhancers
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