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Tourism Companies Assessment via Social Media Using Sentiment Analysis
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In recent years, social media has been increasing widely and obviously as a media for users expressing their emotions and feelings through thousands of posts and comments related to tourism companies. As a consequence, it became difficult for tourists to read all the comments to determine whether these opinions are positive or negative to assess the success of a tourism company. In this paper, a modest model is proposed to assess e-tourism companies using Iraqi dialect reviews collected from Facebook. The reviews are analyzed using text mining techniques for sentiment classification. The generated sentiment words are classified into positive, negative and neutral comments by utilizing Rough Set Theory, Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor methods. After experimental results, it was determined that out of 71 tested Iraqi tourism companies, 28% from these companies have very good assessment, 26% from these companies have good assessment, 31% from these companies have medium assessment, 4% from these companies have acceptance assessment and 11% from these companies have bad assessment. These results helped the companies to improve their work and programs responding sufficiently and quickly to customer demands.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use of One-Way Multivariate Analysis of Variance in the Impact of the Database on the Fields of Banking Service in Some Iraqi Banks
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 The purpose of this paper is to recognize the impact of database levels on fields of banking service (provision of remittance services and transfer of funds, save financial deposits, provision of personal loans services) in some of Iraqi banks using one-way multivariate analysis of variance. The paper population consisted of (120) employees, then a random stratified sample of (104) employees was taken. A questionnaire paper consists of (24) items were designed in order to analyze by one-Way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) using SPSS.One of the main findings of the current paper is that there is an impact of database on fields of banking service in Iraqi banks (Al Rafidain and Al Rasheed).

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقارنة بين الطريقة التقليدية Classical Method وطريقة تحليل الطيف Spectral Analysis لإيجاد ثابت التمهيد التكيفي عند وجود قيم شاذة Outlier Values
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   In this paper , two method which deal with finding the optimal value for adaptive smoothing constant, are compared .This constant is used in adaptive Single Exponential Smoothing (ASES).

The comparing is between a method uses time domain and another uses frequency domain when the data contain outlier value for autoregressive model of order one AR(1) , or Markov Model, when the time series are stationary and non stationary with deferent samples .    

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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            This study aimed to choose top stocks through technical analysis tools specially the indicator called (ratio of William index), and test the ability of technical analysis tools in building a portfolio of shares efficient in comparison with the market portfolio. These one technical tools were used for building one portfolios in 21 companies on specific preview conditions and choose 10 companies for the period from (March 2015) to (June 2017). Applied results of the research showed that Portfolio yield for companies selected according to the ratio of William index indicator (0.0406) that

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ КОММУНИКАТИВНО-РЕЧЕВОЙ КОМПЕТЕНЦИИ СТУДЕНТОВ КАФЕДРЫ Р The formation of verbal communication for students of Russian Language Department at College of Languages at University of Baghdad by using multiple technological means
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В статье рассматривается вопрос об использовании мультимедийных средств для оптимизации процесса формирования коммуникативной компетенции  в иракской аудитории с привлечением компьютерных технологий. Статья посвящена  использованию мультимедийных технологий  и  различных  приемов формирования интереса к русскому языку. Включение в процесс обучения коммуникативно-значимого, аутентичн

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(( Technology's role Time driver Activity-based costing at Provide of information for economic units for customer profitability analysis ))
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  The economic units always sought to maintain its market position and Trchinh the technology management and modern methods that will support success factors .vdila about it has become a customer and one profitability analysis of the most practical way benefit of economic units as modern management focus their attention on achieving this satisfaction, as the customers make up the axis of the success of every organization and that there are many government units aiming to profit directs attention to customers and the number of these units increased continuously. The administration used the customer profitability analysis in order to obtain information to assist in making and decision-making process. How to use modern tec

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تحليل ربحية الزبون
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ان الاهتمام الاساسي في طرق الادارة الحديثة ينصب على تحقيق رضا المستهلك او الزبون، والذي يشكل الاولية الاولى، فالزبائن يشكلون محور نجاح كل تنظيم، فعدد التنظيمات التي تستهدف استلهام التوجه من العملاء (Customer driven) كبيرة ومتزايدة.

المنظمات الناجحة (Prosper) تركز بشكل كبير على زبائنها في عملية صنع القرار، فالمحاسبون الاداريون فيها يعطون انتباهاً متز

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
Classroom communication in art education lessons between concept and function
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The issue of communication and communication is receiving increasing attention in both contemporary studies and educational literature, and these studies emphasize the importance of studying communication within the classroom, which inevitably applies to the importance of relationships and tensions in the field of teaching art in particular because it is an emotional field that provides an opportunity for communication competencies and skills to be prominent and take Its wide scope, both among the students themselves and between teachers and students. The means of communication are the vessel in which the cultural relations and the commonalities between people revolve. The process of building relationships between students depends in man

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Constraction scale of communication Apprehetion
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          The research aims to build a communication apprehention scale for student (females) from preparatory schools .research sample included (400)students (females) were selected from the preparatory . to build a tool for the researchers are several steps , todetermine the meaning of communication apprehention and formulation of the items of the seale according to the linkert method .

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
The impact of the flipped classroom strategy on developing the communication skills in classes among art education students
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The technology and modern social communication medias have contributed to changing many of our concepts about education to a large extent; these technological advancements have created new challenges for the Instructor of course, but on the other hand it did provided him with expressive media, models and strategies that the old methods cannot fulfill, including the flipped classroom strategy, which is one of the modern technical solutions and in it's optimal use it can correct the weakness of the traditional education and can develop the communication skills as a whole among the students, in order to create a positive, active and interactive student.
The current research contained - four chapters: the first one included the methodolog

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between social capital and knowledge sharing and their impact on improving the educational service quality: an analytical study of the views of a sample of academic staffs in the government universities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
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This study aims to find the relationships between social capital (social network, social trust, shared goals) and knowledge sharing (knowledge Donating, knowledge collecting) as independent variables and their impact on improving the quality of educational services (academic staffs quality, Quality of teaching methods and study curriculums). This research is an important, because it attempts to identify the relationship between social capital and the knowledge sharing and their effect on improving the quality of educational service for universities. The study problem was determined in several questions related to the nature of the correlation relationship - the impact between the different independent variables (

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