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Tourism Companies Assessment via Social Media Using Sentiment Analysis
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In recent years, social media has been increasing widely and obviously as a media for users expressing their emotions and feelings through thousands of posts and comments related to tourism companies. As a consequence, it became difficult for tourists to read all the comments to determine whether these opinions are positive or negative to assess the success of a tourism company. In this paper, a modest model is proposed to assess e-tourism companies using Iraqi dialect reviews collected from Facebook. The reviews are analyzed using text mining techniques for sentiment classification. The generated sentiment words are classified into positive, negative and neutral comments by utilizing Rough Set Theory, Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor methods. After experimental results, it was determined that out of 71 tested Iraqi tourism companies, 28% from these companies have very good assessment, 26% from these companies have good assessment, 31% from these companies have medium assessment, 4% from these companies have acceptance assessment and 11% from these companies have bad assessment. These results helped the companies to improve their work and programs responding sufficiently and quickly to customer demands.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Identify and Diagnose the Causes of Financial Funding using the Root Cause Analysis Technique
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The analysis of the root cause techniques is a reasonable option to be made to assess the root causes of the funding of construction projects. There are a variety of issues related to financing in construction industries in Iraq. The root,cause analysis is the impact of security and social conditions on financial funding. Variety tools of root cause analysis have originated from literature, as common methods for the detection of root causes. The purpose of this study was to identify and diagnose causes that lead to obstruction of financial funding in the construction projects in the republic of Iraq from the contractors' point of view and their interaction with a number of variables. The study diagnosed nine causes of fi

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Univariate and Simplex Optimization for the Spectrophotometric Determination of Cimetidine and Erythromycin ethylsuccinate Drugs Using Bromothymol Blue Via Ion-Pair Formation
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    The ion-pair formation method has been applied for the spectrophotometric determination of Cimetidine and Erythromycin ethylsuccinate, in bulk samples and in dosage form. The methods are accurate, simple, rapid, inexpensive and sensitive depending on the extraction of the formed ion-pair with brompthymol blue (BTB) as a chromogenic reagent in chloroform, use phthalate buffer of pH 5.5 and 4.0 for Cimetidine and Erythromycin ethylsuccinate respectively.  The formed complexes show absorbance maxima at 427.5 nm and 414.5 nm for Cimetidine and Erythromycin ethylsuccinate respectively against reagent blank. The calibration graphs are linear in the ranges of 0.5-15 µg.mL-1 with detection limit of 0.222 µg.mL-1 for

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis the Expected Profit By the Relation Between the Sustainable growth and Actual growth: Apply Study for Iraq Stock Exchange
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The research aims to analysis the future profits of companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange through analyzing the relationship between Actual Growth and Sustainable Growth, The study was applied to the sample of companies included in the Iraq Stock Exchange for the period (2010- 2014), The Internal Growth Rate has been used as a measure for the Actual Return Rate but the Sustainable Growth Rate has been measured under the Rose model, The research showed group of conclusions, the most important are:1. From the analysis of sustainable growth for the banks sample and the variables involved in its measure shows that investment in the investors amounts have achieved a significant return, which demonstrates the company's efficiency at gene

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the relationship of public budget deficit on external debt in lraq with in the framework of joint integration of the period (1990 – 2016 )
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The term public budget defects became nowadays a chronic, economical phenomenon, almost all the countries weather advanced or development country suffered from it, despite the different visions to economic schools of a thought to accept or reject the deficit in public budget but the prevailed opinion that is needed to rule the role of the state by reducing the public spending which led to continuous deficits in public budget and the consequent upon increase in government borrowing, increase taxes on income and wealth, thus weakening the in contrive for private investment which contributed to the increase of in flationary stagnation, it became a duty to state covered by the lack of financial sources

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A New Structure for Cascaded Single-Stage Distributed Amplifier Using Proposed Active Inductor Loads
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A modification to cascaded single-stage distributed amplifier (CSSDA) design by using active inductor is proposed. This modification is shown to render the amplifier suitable for high gain operation in small on-chip area. Microwave office program simulation of the Novel design approach shows that it has performance compatible with the conventional distributed amplifiers but with smaller area. The CSSDA is suitable for optical and satellite communication systems.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Efficient Image Encryption Using a Dynamic, Nonlinear and Secret Diffusion Scheme
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The growing use of tele

This paper presents a new secret diffusion scheme called Round Key Permutation (RKP) based on the nonlinear, dynamic and pseudorandom permutation for encrypting images by block, since images are considered particular data because of their size and their information, which are two-dimensional nature and characterized by high redundancy and strong correlation. Firstly, the permutation table is calculated according to the master key and sub-keys. Secondly, scrambling pixels for each block to be encrypted will be done according the permutation table. Thereafter the AES encryption algorithm is used in the proposed cryptosystem by replacing the linear permutation of ShiftRows step with the nonlinear and secret pe

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Path Planning of an autonomous Mobile Robot using Swarm Based Optimization Techniques
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This paper presents a meta-heuristic swarm based optimization technique for solving robot path planning. The natural activities of actual ants inspire which named Ant Colony Optimization. (ACO) has been proposed in this work to find the shortest and safest path for a mobile robot in different static environments with different complexities. A nonzero size for the mobile robot has been considered in the project by taking a tolerance around the obstacle to account for the actual size of the mobile robot. A new concept was added to standard Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) for further modifications. Simulations results, which carried out using MATLAB 2015(a) environment, prove that the suggested algorithm outperforms the standard version of AC

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 12 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Lineament automatic extraction analysis for Galal Badra river basin using Landsat 8 satellite image
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This research including lineament automated extraction by using PCI Geomatica program, depending on satellite image and lineament analysis by using GIS program. Analysis included density analysis, length density analysis and intersection density analysis. When calculate the slope map for the study area, found the relationship between the slope and lineament density.
The lineament density increases in the regions that have high values for the slope, show that lineament play an important role in the classification process as it isolates the class for the other were observed in Iranian territory, clearly, also show that one of the lineament hit shoulders of Galal Badra dam and the surrounding areas dam. So should take into consideration

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The priority of government investment for companies manufacturing sector in Iraq
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The study aimed at clarifying the contradictions of the general industrial companies despite the investment allocations and the government investment expenditure on manufacturing activities under the so- called rehabilitation programs. However, this did not contribute to a certain extent in the growth and industrial leap in the direction of developing the activities of the sector Industrial sector in Iraq because of the lack of adoption of a number of basic principles towards the need to take priority of investment in the field of manufacturing and industrial decision-making in the restructuring of industry according to the priorities of investment in light of the international industrial trend, Tosmarah available to the manufact

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Creative accounting and the factors affecting its practice in Iraqi companies
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The research aims at introducing accountability creative and the factors influencing or helping to Do in Iraqi companies, was launched two assumptions first that he was effect with significance to a number of factors in the direction of departments in Iraqi companies to practice creative accounting , were selected (9) factors believed to researchers it's most influential, and second that there importance of significance for a number of ways or methods to prevent or combat creative accounting , and the purpose of testing hypotheses have been designed questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 48 individual practitioners accountable in Iraqi companies and auditors in charge of auditing the accounts of those companies , after anal

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