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An Epidemiological and Multidrug Resistance Study for E. coli Isolated from Urinary Tract Infection (Three Years of Study)
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Uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) is problematic and still the leading cause of urinary tract infections worldwide. It is developed resistance against most antibiotics. The investigation, surveillance system, and efficient strategy will facilitate selecting an appropriate treatment that could control the bacterial distribution. The present study aims to investigate the epidemiology and associated risk factors of uropathogenic E. coli and to study their antibiotic resistance patterns. 1585 midstream urine specimens were collected from symptomatic urinary tract infections (UTI) patients (225 males and 1360 females) admitted to Zakho emergency hospital, Zakho, Kurdistan Region, Iraq from January 2016 until the end of December 2018. Specimens were inoculated on blood and MacConkey plates and incubated at 37оC for 24 hours. Uropathogenic E. coli was diagnosed based on gram staining, colony characteristics, and standard biochemical tests in accordance with local standards and guidelines. All isolates were screened for their antibiogram pattern using the disk diffusion method based on the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines. The results showed that out of 1585 urine specimens, 1026 (64.7%) were UTIs positive with a statistically higher rate in 2016 (83.6%) (P< 0.0001). The UTIs frequency in females was significantly higher than males (P< 0.0001). Generally, the uropathogenic E. coli represented 21.1% with the highest level in 2016 (22.9%). The uropathogenic E. coli rate was higher, statistically not significant, in females (21.4%) than males (18.5%) (P=0.4946). Additionally, through the three years of study, uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) was in high frequency in February and May 2016. The female’s age group from 20 to 39 years was the most vulnerable (46%) form total infected females, while those from 70-74 years (1%) were the least susceptible in males and females. A high percentage (80.56 %) of multidrug resistance E. coli isolates was observed with high resistance against -lactamase and macrolides antibiotics. However, higher sensitivity was towards imipenem and meropenem. In conclusion, the wrong and overuse of antibiotics will increase the resistance rate of E. coli. For this reason, proper use of available antibiotics is necessary. Also, the educational programs and periodic monitoring of antimicrobial suscep­tibility are essential for reducing the antibiotic resistance rate.

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Pathological And Immunological Study On Infection With Escherichia Coli In ale BALB/c mice
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Multilayer Single Point Incremental Forming on Residual Stresses for Bottom Plates
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Knowing the amount of residual stresses and find technological solutions to minimize and control them during the production operation are an important task because great levels of deformation which occurs in single point incremental forming (SPIF), this induce highly non-uniform residual stresses. In this papera propose of a method for multilayer single point incremental forming with change in thickness of the top plate (0.5, 0.7, 0.9) mm and lubrication or material between two plates(polymer, grease, grease with graphite, mos2) to knowing an effect of this method  and parameters on residual stresses for the bottom plates. Also compare these results for the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Social solidarity in religions        Three / critical study
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The researcher wanted to make an attempt to identify the foundations of social solidarity, to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood among society, and spread the causes of compassion in the hearts of its members.
       The researcher has taken a short course in the hearts of the beloved to hearts.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 1995
Journal Name
المجلة العراقية للاحياء المجهرية
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ABSTRACT Fifty extremely halophilic bacteria were isolated from local high salient soils named Al-Massab Al-Aam in south of iraq and were identified by using numerical taxonomy. Fourty strains were belong to the genus Halobacterium which included Hb. halobium (10%). Hb. salinarium (12.5%), Hb.cutirubrum (17.5%), Hb-saccharovorum (12.5%), Hb. valismortis (10%) and Hb. volcanii (37.5%). Growth curves were determined. Generation time (hr) in complex media and logarithmic phase were measured and found to be 10.37±0.59 for Hb. salinarium. 6.49 ± 0.24 for Hb.cutirubrum. 6.70±0.48 for Hb-valismonis, and 11.24 ± 0.96 for Hb. volcanii

Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical & Cellular Archives
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A total of 165 clinical sample included Urine, Swab wounds and Burns were collected from Baghdad Governorate. Results showed that rate all isolates of E. coli was 50(30.3%) and rate of urine infection was 46(92%) and rate of swab wounds infection 4(8%). Where was diagnostic based on streaked on MacConkey agar, then single colony was transferred to Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB). Identification some of the biochemical test included: Catalase test, Oxidase test, Indole test, Methyl red, Vogues - Proskauer test and Citrate Utilization test. Then confirmed by the Vitek - 2 Compact System. The ability of E.coli isolate to biofilm formation to be studied it is considered one of the most important factors of virulence and has role in causing injury an

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New record of three species of Leeches (Annelida:Hirudinea) in Al-Hindyia River / Babil Province / Iraq
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In this study, a total of 209 individuals of leeches were collected from Al-Hindyia River / Babil Province. 116 individuals were identified as Erpobdella octaculata (Linnaeus, 1758), 50 individuals as Erpobdella punctata (Leidy,1870) and  43 individuals as Hemiclepsis marginata (Müller, 1774).  Four samples were collected monthly during a period from February to June 2018. Some physical and chemical water properties were also examined, including air and water temperature, potential of hydrogen pH, Electrical Conductivity EC, Total Dissolved Solid TDS, Dissolved Oxygen DO, and the Biological Oxygen Demand BOD₅.  Air and water temperature were r

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Some Applied Models of Appreciation   From the Book of Almbsot Imam Muhammad bin Hassan al-Shaibani (d 189 e): - Fundamental study -
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The forensic evidence important for the sources of legislation after the book of God Almighty and the Sunnah of the purified, including what is agreed upon in the protest, which is the book and the Sunnah and consensus, and what is different in the protest, such as measurement and approval and say companions and interests sent, and that the approval of the evidence that did not agree Accordingly, the terms of the fundamentalists differed and their definition differed with the similarity between each other, and the approval in some schools is an argument is not considered as the Shaafa'is, so it may correspond to measurement with them, but the approval at the tap and those who agree is a hidden measurement is likely to clear measurement,I

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Relationship between Diabetes mellitus and Urinary tract infections
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Blood and urine samples were collected from 203 patients to study the relationship between Diabetes mellitus and urinary tract infections (UTI). Blood and urine specimens were subjected for estimation of random blood sugar, in addition to detection of the most pathogen bacteria which cause urinary tract infection in diabetic patients. The study included the detection of bacterial sensitivity to some antibiotics used in treating urinary tract infections, and also included the study of genetic basis which cause both types of diabetes mellitus. The results can be summarized as follows: The incidence of type ? diabetes in males was (35.8%), and (45.9%) in females . and type 2 diabetes in males was (49.6%), while in females was (40.16%).The inc

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Urinary Tract Stones Fragmentation using (2100 nm) Holmium: YAG Laser: (In vitro Analysis)
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Urinary stones are one of the most common painful disorders of the urinary system. Four new technologies have transformed the treatment of urinary stones: Electrohydraulic lithotripsy, ultrasonic lithotripsy, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, and laser lithotripsy.The purpose of this study is to determine whether pulsed holmium laser energy is an effective method for fragmenting urinary tract stones in vitro, and to determine whether stone composition affects the efficacy of holmium laser lithotripsy. Human urinary stones of known composition with different sizes, shapes and colors were used for this study. The weight and the size of each stone were measured. The surgical laser system which used in our study is Ho:YAG laser(2100nm)

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Detection of Bacteria Causing Burn Infection Isolated from Several Hospitals in Baghdad
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The results of the present study showed that twenty-five samples were collected for the age group 35–40 years and four samples for the age group 65–70 years for both genders. The results showed that 48 (48%) of the samples were obtained from the hands, 16 (16%) from the legs, 12 (12%) from the abdominal area, and 10 (10%) from the chest area. The four (4%) samples were obtained from burns in the back and thighs area. The samples taken according to the cause of burns were 40 (40%) due to hot water, hot liquids, or hot steam, followed by 18 (18%) due to the use of hot tools, 15 (15%) due to fires, 12 (12%) due to electric currents, 10 (10%) due to chemicals such as strong acids, alkaline lye, paint thinner, or gasoline, and 5 (5%) due

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