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Compression-based Data Reduction Technique for IoT Sensor Networks
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Energy savings are very common in IoT sensor networks because IoT sensor nodes operate with their own limited battery. The data transmission in the IoT sensor nodes is very costly and consume much of the energy while the energy usage for data processing is considerably lower. There are several energy-saving strategies and principles, mainly dedicated to reducing the transmission of data. Therefore, with minimizing data transfers in IoT sensor networks, can conserve a considerable amount of energy. In this research, a Compression-Based Data Reduction (CBDR) technique was suggested which works in the level of IoT sensor nodes. The CBDR includes two stages of compression, a lossy SAX Quantization stage which reduces the dynamic range of the sensor data readings, after which a lossless LZW compression to compress the loss quantization output. Quantizing the sensor node data readings down to the alphabet size of SAX results in lowering, to the advantage of the best compression sizes, which contributes to greater compression from the LZW end of things. Also, another improvement was suggested to the CBDR technique which is to add a Dynamic Transmission (DT-CBDR) to decrease both the total number of data sent to the gateway and the processing required. OMNeT++ simulator along with real sensory data gathered at Intel Lab is used to show the performance of the proposed technique. The simulation experiments illustrate that the proposed CBDR technique provides better performance than the other techniques in the literature.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Sci. Int.(lahore)
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In this work, porous silicon gas sensor hs been fabricated on n-type crystalline silicon (c-Si) wafers of (100) orientation denoted by n-PS using electrochemical etching (ECE) process at etching time 10 min and etching current density 40 mA/cm2. Deposition of the catalyst (Cu) is done by immersing porous silicon (PS) layer in solution consists of 3ml from (Cu) chloride with 4ml (HF) and 12ml (ethanol) and 1 ml (H2O2). The structural, morphological and gas sensing behavior of porous silicon has been studied. The formation of nanostructured silicon is confirmed by using X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement as well as it shows the formation of an oxide silicon layer due to chemical reaction. Atomic force microscope for PS illustrates that the p

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 05 2019
Journal Name
Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures
Improving sensitivity of In2O3 against NO2 toxic gas by loading tin oxide(Article)
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The paper discusses the structural and optical properties of In2O3 and In2O3-SnO2 gas sensor thin films were deposited on glass and silicon substrates and grown by irradiation of assistant microwave on seeded layer nucleated using spin coating technique. The X-ray diffraction revealed a polycrystalline nature of the cubic structure. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) used for morphology analysis that shown the grain size of the prepared thin film is less than 100 nm, surface roughness and root mean square for In2O3 where increased after loading SnO2, this addition is a challenge in gas sensing application. Sensitivity of In2O3 thin film against NO2 toxic gas is 35% at 300oC. Sensing properties were improved after adding Tin Oxide (SnO2) to be mo

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Solving the Inverse Kinematic Equations of Elastic Robot Arm Utilizing Neural Network
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The inverse kinematic equation for a robot is very important to the control robot’s motion and position. The solving of this equation is complex for the rigid robot due to the dependency of this equation on the joint configuration and structure of robot link. In light robot arms, where the flexibility exists, the solving of this problem is more complicated than the rigid link robot because the deformation variables (elongation and bending) are present in the forward kinematic equation. The finding of an inverse kinematic equation needs to obtain the relation between the joint angles and both of the end-effector position and deformations variables. In this work, a neural network has been proposed to solve the problem of inverse kinemati

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Fully Automated Magnetic Resonance Detection and Segmentation of Brain using Convolutional Neural Network
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     The brain's magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is tasked with finding the pixels or voxels that establish where the brain is in a medical image The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can process curved baselines that frequently occur in scanned documents. Next, the lines are separated into characters. In the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can process curved baselines that frequently occur in scanned documents case of fonts with a fixed MRI width, the gaps are analyzed and split. Otherwise, a limited region above the baseline is analyzed, separated, and classified. The words with the lowest recognition score are split into further characters x until the result improves. If this does not improve the recognition s

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 29 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Factors Affecting the Professional Performance of Editors of The News in Iraqi Satellite Channels - A research drawn from a Master Degree thesis
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Information pollution is regarded as a big problem facing journalists working in the editing section, whereby journalistic materials face such pollution through their way across the editing pyramid. This research is an attempt to define the concept of journalistic information pollution, and what are the causes and sources of this pollution. The research applied the descriptive research method to achieve its objectives. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The findings indicate that journalists are aware of the existence of information pollution in journalism, and this pollution has its causes and resources.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Analytical study of high absorption region of the absorption edge of a-Si:H using nonlinear regression method
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This research is concerned with the re-analysis of optical data (the imaginary part of the dielectric function as a function of photon energy E) of a-Si:H films prepared by Jackson et al. and Ferlauto et al. through using nonlinear regression fitting we estimated the optical energy gap and the deviation from the Tauc model by considering the parameter of energy photon-dependence of the momentum matrix element of the p as a free parameter by assuming that density of states distribution to be a square root function. It is observed for films prepared by Jackson et al. that the value of the parameter p for the photon energy range is is close to the value assumed by the Cody model and the optical gap energy is which is also close to the value

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluating the Efficiency of the Municipal Sector in Anbar Governorate, using the Non-Parametric Approach (DEA).
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The research aims to measure, assess and evaluate the efficiency of the directorates of Anbar Municipalities by using the Data Envelopment Analysis method (DEA). This is because the municipality sector is consider an important sector and has a direct contact with the citizen’s life. Provides essential services to citizens. The researcher used a case study method, and the sources of information collection based on data were monthly reports, the research population is represented by the Directorate of Anbar Municipalities, and the research sample consists of 7 municipalities which are different in terms of category and size of different types. The most important conclusion reached by the research i

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Information Pollution in Iraqi Journalism…Study in Causes and Sources - A research drawn from a Master Degree thesis
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Information pollution is regarded as a big problem facing journalists working in the editing section, whereby journalistic materials face such pollution through their way across the editing pyramid. This research is an attempt to define the concept of journalistic information pollution, and what are the causes and sources of this pollution. The research applied the descriptive research method to achieve its objectives. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The findings indicate that journalists are aware of the existence of information pollution in journalism, and this pollution has its causes and resources.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 04 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Studying the Mechanical Properties of Denture Base Materials Fabricated from Polymer Composite Materials
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In this research, the effect of adding two different types of reinforcing particles was investigated, which included: nano-zirconia (nano-ZrO2) particles and micro-lignin particles that were added with different volume fractions of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% on the mechanical properties of polymer composite materials. They were prepared in this research, as a complete prosthesis and partial denture base materials was prepared, by using cold cure poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) resin matrix. The composite specimens in this research consist of two groups according to the types of reinforced particles, were prepared by using casting methods, type (Hand Lay-Up) method. The first group consists of PMMA resin reinforced by (nano-ZrO

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Measuring Dyes Concentration Using a Low-Cost Visible-Light Spectrophotometer
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   A low-cost, RGB LED-based visible-light spectrophotometer was designed to measure dyes concentration. Dyes are widely used as indicators or coloring agents in different applications and knowing their concentration is an essential part for many studies. The proposed spectrophotometer provides many functionalities that clones the traditional expensive spectrophotometers for a budged price under $50. It was aimed to provide a versatile tool for instructors and educators to teach their students the fundamental concepts behind spectrophotometry. Malachite green, methyl red, and methyl orange dyes were chosen to be good samples to show the integrity of the proposed spectrophotometer in terms of accuracy, repeatability, and sensitivity as

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