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Effect of storage duration on the Type and concentration of aflatoxin in local paddy and polished rice.

?Natural Occurrence of aflatoxin Bi and B2 was investigated monthly in paddy rice stored for duration of six months. Aflatoxin B| was detected at the beginning of storage. The concentration of aflatoxin Bi in paddy and polished rice was found to be (0.3 and ()) ppb respectively while aflatoxin B2 W'as not detected in both paddy and polished rice afler six months of storage, concentration of aflatoxin Bi ‘ ’ ' reached 3 ppb in paddy rice and 0.9 ppb in polished rice, while the study proved that the concentration of aflatoxin in paddy rice was higher than polished rice as a result of processing which reduce the toxin

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Stratigraphy and Basin Development of the Oligocene-Early Miocene Succession, Southeastern Iraq

      The study area is situated in the northern part of the Arabian Plate. The evolution of the Zagros Foreland basin is related to the compressional tectonic system at the beginning of the Tertiary Period.

This study gives an adequate nomenclature for the Oligocene – Early Miocene Sequence is Missan Group. The Buzurgan Oilfield was chosen to represent the stratigraphic column corresponding to that period. These sediments were subdivided into two cycles, where each one ends by a sequence boundary, equivalent to the lowstand siliciclastic residues in the basin center. The first cycle, Paleocene-Oligocene Epoch, was deposited marly limestone with planktonic foraminifera in the basin center during the transgressive and highst

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Individualism and the Symbolic Language of Imagination (Pablo Neruda as an Example)

Pablo Neruda's artistic distinctiveness can be considered in two ideas or attitudes of romanticism. First, the imagination, which is the result of conduct and spirituality, and second, the individualism, which is a collection of mysterious mysteries from the texts of individuality based on philosophical sonnets. His collection of poems points out the ethereality and indescribability of life, employing the reality of life at the level of human perception in a symbolic language. In other words, Pablo Neruda recreates the meanings in poetry through the three ideas of reduction, interpretation, and analysis. "What is the essential connection between individualism and the symbolic language of Pablo Neruda's imagination and What are the reason

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Structure and Electrical Properties of Porous Silicon Prepared by Electrochemical Etching

Porous silicon was prepared by using electrochemical etching process. The structure, electrical, and photoelectrical properties had been performed. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) observations of porous silicon layers were obtained before and after rapid thermal oxidation process. The rapid thermal oxidation process did not modify the morphology of porous layers. The unique observation was the pore size decreased after oxidation; pore number and shape were conserved. The wall size which separated between pore was increased after oxidation and that effected on charge transport mechanism of PS

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Baysian and NonBaysian Methods to Estimate the two parameters of Logistic Distribution

In this paper ,the problem of point estimation for the two parameters of logistic distribution has been investigated using simulation technique. The rank sampling set estimator method which is one of the Non_Baysian procedure and Lindley approximation estimator method which is one of the Baysian method were used to estimate the parameters of logistic distribution. Comparing between these two mentioned methods by employing mean square error measure and mean absolute percentage error measure .At last simulation technique used to generate many number of samples sizes to compare between these methods.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 20 2023
Journal Name
Liquid Crystals
Synthesis and study the mesomorphic behaviour of some new 1,3,4-thiadiazoline derivatives

Investigation of mesomorphic properties of new 1,3,4-thiadiazolines (which are synthesised via many steps in Scheme 1) was carried out in this study. These compounds are designed to have a heterocyclic unit, a carboxylate linkage group and a polar ether chain at the end of the molecule adjacent to the benzene ring, which enhance the dipolar interactions forces (varied from one to eight carbons) to investigate the association properties of their phases. The structure of the target compounds and the intermediates were confirmed by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, mass and FTIR spectral techniques. Polarised microscopic studies revealed that all the compounds in the series exhibited enantiotropic liquid crystalline properties. This was further confirmed using

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Approximate Solution of Fractional Damped Burger’s Equation and its Statistical Properties

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Anbar Journal Of Agricultural Sciences

A hydraulic platform was manufactured to serve palm trees and to enhance palm tree services, with a height of 12 meters, by the General Company for Hydraulic Industries, one of the Ministry of Industry's formations. This platform was tested in the field after being manufactured according to a randomized complete block design using split-split plots with three factors. The first factor represented the shape of the orchard land, with two levels (flat land and uneven land), serving as the main plots. The second factor had three levels representing palm tree heights (4, 8, and 12 meters), which served as the sub-plots. The third factor was the palm tree services, represented at three levels (pruning, pollination, and harvesting), with each trea

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 23 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
The dynamic of an eco-epidemiological model involving fear and hunting cooperation

In the present paper, an eco-epidemiological model consisting of diseased prey consumed by a predator with fear cost, and hunting cooperation property is formulated and studied. It is assumed that the predator doesn’t distinguish between the healthy prey and sick prey and hence it consumed both. The solution’s properties such as existence, uniqueness, positivity, and bounded are discussed. The existence and stability conditions of all possible equilibrium points are studied. The persistence requirements of the proposed system are established. The bifurcation analysis near the non-hyperbolic equilibrium points is investigated. Numerically, some simulations are carried out to validate the main findings and obtain the critical values of th

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Monetary policy constraints and economic reform programsThe reality of the Iraqi economy

أن السياسة النقدية في العراق لم تشهد تحسناً كبيراً في دورها المطلوب
منها، وهذا يعود الى جملة من التغيرات على أدائها ودورها في التأثير على المتغيرات الأقتصادية المهمة، اذ حصلت ظروف صعبة على المستوى السياسي والأقتصادي اسهمت في أضعاف دورها في العراق. فالحروب العسكرية الثلاثة في وقت قياسي دمرت البنى التحتية للأقتصاد العراقي، وأخرت عملية التنمية الأقتصادية والبشرية لعدة عقود بسبب الأستنزاف الكبير للمو

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Infallibility of the prophets peace be upon them between Islam and Judaism

In this research, I have tried to explain about the prophets' peace be upon them sent by God which is one of the commonalities between Islam and Judaism, but the two religions are different about whether the prophets are infallible or not. This study has tried to independently explain to describe both Islam and Judaism on this subject. Eventually, we concluded that there is a big difference between the two religions regarding their view of the infallibility of the prophets of all sins.

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