The present study included the effect of chronic exposure for two concentrations of NaC? salt on the biology of fresh water zooplankton species Brachionus calyciflorus (from ^otifera). The concentrations 0.5 , 0.75%o were used for chronic exposure to investigate its effects on the life tables, range of the rate of expectation for further life and reproduction. The rotifer B. calyciflorus was sensitive to salinity and may tried to protect the species by increasing the size (2.22 ind./clutch lor control group and 2.9? for 0.5%o concentration) and number of clutches produced ?.1? clutch/female for control group and 2.9 ' ' ' for 0.75 %0 concentration) beside stimulation the animal to produce the first clutch of eggs earlier? ? small reduction in mean longevity of the animal was noticed (8.1 day for control grou^ and7. ? day for 0.75 %0 concentration) while there was no effect on its average length and daily increasing during its life span
The Eurasian marsh frog Pelophylax ridibundus is a widespread species in Iraq. Examination of intestine of 25 marsh frogs collected in Al-Diwaniya city, middle of Iraq during the period from September to November 2014 revealed the presence of Nematotaenia dispar (Cestoda), Cosmocerca commutata and Cosmocercoides variabilis (Nematoda). Infection rates and intensity have been presented in this paper.
Al Huweizah Marsh is considered as the largest marsh at the southern part of Iraq. About one third of the marsh is located within the Iranian territory. Iran began to construct earth dikes along the Iraqi-Iranian international borders to separate the Iranian part of the marsh. The electrical conductivity, EC, value was adopted to be the indicator for the water salinity within the marsh. A steady two-dimensional water quality routing model was implemented by using the RMA2 and RMA4 softwares within the SMS computer package to estimate the distribution of the
EC values within the marsh seasonally during the wet, moderate and dry water years. The EC distribution Patterns were estimated considering the expected two cases of the marsh futu
Results indicated that different diets significantly affected the development and survival of fig moth Ephestia cautella (Walk.) in laboratory . Egg incubation was ranged between 3.9 and 4 days , while egg production means were (130.5 , 126, 118.9 , 68 , 60.8 and 58) eggs frwed . Hatching percentages were (79.87% , 80.2% , 75.7% , 75.1% , 74.9% and 75%) on diets containing dates , ground wheat fig. raisin , currant and dryapriocot , respectively . Results of this study showed that the shortest generation period was obtained when insects were reared on diet containing ground wheat , while the longest generation period was record for insects reareded on dates.
The aim of this study is to calculate the ene expenditure from fatty substance contents of the
frog. Rana ridibunda during its hibernation. It was found that, almost, all frogs enter
hibernation during the last week of December and emerge from hibernation during the first
week of March. Hence, January and February are considered the hibernation period.
December is the pre-hibernation period and March is the post-hibernation period. The
reduction in percent of body lipid during the hibernation period was 4.8% in males and 7.7%
in females. The reduction in percent of lipid of fat bodies during the hibernation period was
2.758% in males and 0.733% in females.
The calorific value of R. ridibunda lipid amounted to 1233
Duration of each developmental stage of the house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus together with the mortality percentage were observed at a combination of five different temperatures namely 20C°, 22.5C°, 25C°, 27.5C° and 30C° and four different humidities namely 55%, 75%, 85% and 95% r. h. Results showed that temperature had the greatest effect on the life cycle period. The higher the temperature the shorter the life cycle was aid versa verea. On the other hand, humidity seems to be less effectiveness, though at the higher temperature and humidity no development was occured. Mortality among all temperatures and humidities appeared nearly the same, but at higher temperature and higher humidity and because of mould g
... Show MoreThis study was conducted to estimate the extent of damage to the population in Basra, southern Iraq, specifically the areas adjacent to the Shatt al-Arab and the Arabian Gulf, which are the Al-Fao district and the Al-Siba region. They are affected by the progression of saline water resulting from the lack of water imports and the Karun River interruption, which led to high concentrations of salts in the Shatt Al-Arabs. Consequently, its effect on lands and all life types in these areas requires correcting a map of the study area to drop the groundwater sites as well as calculate the total dissolved salts, electrical conductivity and pH. This study concluded that the groundwater contains very high percentages of total dissolved solid
... Show MoreThe lesser grain boner Rhizopertha dominica is an important insect on grain in Iraq . in this study phenol and coumarin were isolated from Albizzia lebbek . the addition of there compounds to artificial diet at concentration of 3.4,5% couse high effects on the development of the studed insect larva.the larva were unable to complete its development to adult stage. More over, using 5% coumarin larva were died.Seed germination was not affected when seed were sprayed with concentration of 3,4,5% of coumarin and phenol.
The current study was carried out to find out the relationship between the Above-Ground Biomass and the spectral vegetative indices (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index, Difference Vegetation Index) (NDVI, SAVI, DVI) for soils with different salinity levels. Al Salamiyat Project was chosen as a study area located at an altitude of 34 m above sea level and within the geographical coordinates (E 44°.09´13.65´´ N 33°.25´ 07.87´´ and E 44°.17´ 46.03´´ N 33°.2l´40.72´´), with a total area of 14265 Dunum. Surface and subsurface soil samples were chosen from the study area and according to the previously defined salinity units, except for th
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common respiratory disease with episodes of exacerbation. Variable factors including infectious pathogen can predispose for this exacerbation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the role of intestinal protozoa in COPD exacerbation. A total of 56 patients with COPD were included in this study. Patients were categorized into two groups based on the frequency of exacerbation during the last 6 months: those with ≤1 exacerbation (32 patients) and those with ≥2 exacerbations (24 patients). Stool specimens from each patient were collected two times (one week interval) examined for intestinal parasite. In univariate analysis, rural residence and parasitic infection were more common among patie
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