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Effect of alkaloid and phenolic extract administration oi Allium cepa L Ù  on some biochemical parameters of blood on albino mice

؛ ١٨his study male and female albino mice werdministr^d doses of alkaloid and phenolic extracts of Allium cepa at doses of( 25 ,50,100, 200) mg / kg of( body weight). males and females were divided into four groups and each croup comprised mice were injected intra^ritonially daily for one week and orally ٢٠٢ one month . After which animals were killed and the serum was separated for biochemical analysis (total blood suger, total protein , otal cholesterol). Results showed significant decrease ( p< 0,05) in the total blood suger and total cholesterol on the serum of both males and females and significant increase( p< 0,05) in the total serum protein of both males and females of the two types of injection and oral administration and by both Alkaloid and phenolic extracts . However it was found that the alkaloid extract was more effective than phenolic extract. 

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Binding studies of lh in benign and malignant uterine tumors

the sera levels of luteninizing hormone were investgaited prior tq surgery in 10 postmenopaisal women with benign and 10 postmenopausal women with maliganant healthy

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Electrical behavior and Optical Properties of Copper oxide thin Films

In this work the structural, electrical and optical Properties of CuO semiconductor films had been studied, which prepared at three thickness (100, 200 and 500 nm) by spray pyrolysis method at 573K substrate temperatures on glass substrates from 0.2M CuCl2•2H2O dissolved in alcohol. Structural Properties shows that the films have only a polycrystalline CuO phase with preferential orientation in the (111) direction, the dc conductivity shows that all films have two activation energies, Ea1 (0.45-0.66 eV) and Ea2 (0.055-.0185 eV), CuO films have CBH (Correlated Barrier Hopping) mechanism for ac-conductivity. The energy gap between (1.5-1.85 eV).

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Prayer sessions are the truth and the opinions of scholars

The ritual is a Sunnah between the two prostrations, not as some of the worshipers do, where he made it in the last tashahhud when the tasleematin, and it may be in the last tashahhud.
The assumption is Sunnah and most of the scholars say that in the middle tashahhud session as we have shown through research.
The Turks are Sunnah as well, and it is at the end of the prayer, whether it is double, triple or quadruple, whether it is naval or NAFTA, whether it is urban or travel, which is the view of most scholars from the three imams and others.
If we say weighting, say the audience of the three imams (Malik, Shafi'i, and Ahmad) is the most correct, and it is also the son of values, and if we say the choice is as Ibn Rushd said: by

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of new 1,3,4 – Thiadiazole Derivatives

The amino thiadiazole [I] on treatment with aromatic aldehydes yielded Schiff bases [IIa-c] , which cyclized to thiazolidinone [IIIa-c] derivatives by reaction with thioglycolic acid .Reaction of carbon disulfide and methyl iodide with [I] gavedithiomethyl[IV] which on treatment with o-phenylenediamine gave the condensed N-Imidazolythiadiazolylamine [V] , However , reaction of [I] with phenylisocyanate and phenylisothiocyanate afforded the carbamideand carbothiamide derivatives[VI.VII]a-c. The structure of these compounds was characterized from their  melting point , FTIR spectroscopy and elementalanalysis

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Earthly Identity of Public and Private Kindergarten Children Comparative Study

The study is concerned with the problem of the earthly identity of kindergarten children by verifying its aims in identifying the earthly identity of the first level of kindergarten children and the earthly identity of both levels of the kindergarten. The research also aims to identify the earthly identity of male and female kindergarten children. The study population is represented in public and private kindergartens on both sides of Baghdad city, Karkh & Rusafa for the academic year (2022-2023). The earthly identity test in its final form consisted of (10) items. The test was administered to a sample of (400) children in public and private kindergartens, who were selected randomly. The results showed that kindergarten children have

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Salinity Variation of Euphrates River between Ashshinnafiyah and Assamawa Cities

AshShinnafiyah and AsSamawa cities suffer from significant increase in salinity of Euphrates River water compared with their counterpart's north AshShinnafiyah city which is reflected adversely on the quality of water within the study area. The study aims to find possible solutions to avoid the deterioration of Euphrates River northern AshShinnafiyah city until AsSamawa city that were
presented by total dissolved solid TDS. Twelve main hydrological and fifteen salinity measurement stations were selected to cover 117 km of the river reach within the study area during July-2011. Additional twenty three hydrological and salinity stations were adopted during March-2012, winter season to the river within the study area. After conducting t

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Synthesis and characterization of carbon nanospheres by catalytic CVD method

Carbon nanospheres (CNSs) were successfully prepared and synthesized by Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition (CCVD) by using camphor as carbon source only, over iron Cobalt (Fe-Co) saturated zeolite at temperature between (700 oC and 900 °C), with different concentrations of camphor, and reaction time. The synthesized CNSs were characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR). The carbon spheres in different sizes between 100 nm and 1000 nm were investigated. This work has done by two parts, first preparation of the metallic catalyst and second part formation CNSs by heat treatment.

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Corrosion Behavior of Copper and Carbon Steel in Acidic Media

The corrosion behavior of copper and carbon steel in 1M concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4) has been studied. The corrosion inhibition of copper and carbon steel in 1M concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4) by Ciprofloxacin has been investigated. Specimens were exposed in the acidic media for 7 hours and corrosion rates evaluated by using the weight loss method. The effect of temperature (from 283 ºK to 333 ºK), pH (from 1to 6), inhibitor concentration (10-4 to 10-2) has been studied. It was observed that sulphuric acid environment was most corrosive to the metals because of its oxidizing nature, followed by hydrochloric acid. The rate of metal dissolution increased with incre

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Partial purification and characterization of xylanase from Bacillus cereus X3

Three strain of Bacillus cereus were obtained from soil sours Laboratories of Biology Department/ College of Science/ University of Baghdad. The bacteria secreted extracellular xylanase in liquid cultur the test ability of xylanase production from these isolates was studied semi quantitative and quantitative screening appeared that Bacillus cereus X3 was the highest xylanase producer. The enzyme was partial purification 191 fold from cultur by reached step by 4 U/mg proteins by ammonium sulfat precipitation 80%, Ion exchang DEAE-cellulos chromatography Characterization study of the partial purifation enzyme revealed that the enzyme had a optimum activity pH8 and activity was stable in the pH rang (8-10) for 30min. maximal activity was attai

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Modeling and Control of Fuel Cell Using Artificial Neural Networks

This paper includes an experimental study of hydrogen mass flow rate and inlet hydrogen pressure effect on the fuel cell performance. Depending on the experimental results, a model of fuel cell based on artificial neural networks is proposed. A back propagation learning rule with the log-sigmoid activation function is adopted to construct neural networks model. Experimental data resulting from 36 fuel cell tests are used as a learning data. The hydrogen mass flow rate, applied load and inlet hydrogen pressure are inputs to fuel cell model, while the current and voltage are outputs. Proposed model could successfully predict the fuel cell performance in good agreement with actual data. This work is extended to developed fuel cell feedback

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