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The Spatial Analysis for Bassia eriophora (Schrad.) Asch. Plant Distributed in all IRAQ by Using RS & GIS Techniques
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        Most vegetation’s are Land cover (LC) for the globe, and there is an increased attention to plants since they represent an element of balance to natural ecology and maintain the natural balance of rapid changes due to systematic and random human uses, including the subject of the current study (Bassia eriophora ) Which represent an essential part of the United Nations system for land cover classification (LCCS), developed by the World Food Organization (FAO) and the world Organization for environmental program (UNEP), to observe basic environmental elements with modern techniques. Although this plant is distributed all over Iraq, we found that this plant exists primarily in the middle and southern parts of Iraq in wet areas and near rivers or catchment area or water basins.  The main idea is how to use this techniques to monitor the distribution of the plants (Bassia eriophora), in order to utilize and take provisions of plant growth and diffusion, Moreover, know and control the breadth of these areas in Iraq and prepare for them, and understanding climates and the variable plantation habitats and mapping patterns, may lead to a successful environmental protection and dominance plan. In this study, monitoring the distribution of Bassia eriophora in Iraq by apply remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) techniques. The data was obtained from (BAG) National Herbarium of Iraq, Ministry of Agriculture. (BUNH) Iraq Natural History Research Centre and Museum, University of Baghdad the University Herbarium (BUH) in College of Science at University of Baghdad. This data contains only the address (place of germination), this information (addresses) was detected, identified and covered for all areas sampled by the techniques of satellite imagery and images taken from the air and some data records where the main features of these areas.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Spectral Studies of Co(II),Ni(II),Zn(II) and Cd(II) Complexes with Ligand 2-[4- Carboxy methyl phenyl azo] -4,5-diphenyl imidazole (4CMeI)
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A new chelate complexes of Co(II),Ni(II),Zn(II) and Cd(II) were prepared by reacting these ions with the ligand 2-[4- Carboxy methyl phenyl azo]-4,5-diphenyl imidazole (4CMeI) The preparation were conducted after fixing the optimum conditions such as (pH) and concentration .UV- visible spectra of these complex solutions were studied for a range of (pH) and concentration which obey lampert-Beers Law.The structures of complexes were deduced according to mole ratio method which were obtained from the spectroscopic studies of the complex solutions .The ratios of metal: ligand obtained were (1:2) for all complexes..(UV-Vis) absorption spectra and The infrared spectra of the chelating complexes were studied ,this may indicate that coordination be

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Asphaltene Stability of Some Iraqi Dead Crude oils
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Asphaltene is one of the fractions of the crude oil which is soluble in aromatics such as benzene or toluene and insoluble in alkane such as n-heptane, n-pentane or petroleum ether (mixture of alkane compounds).  Asphaltene precipitation is one of the most common problems that sometimes occurs in both oil recovery and refinery processes as a result of changing in pressure, oil composition, or temperature. Therefore the stability of asphaltene in the crude oil must be studied to show the tendency of it for precipitating asphaltene to prevent it (Asphaltene precipitation and deposition problem) and eliminate the burden of high treatment costs.

In the present study, saturate, aromatic, resin and asphaltene (SAR

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Four antibiotics to prevent expansion corruption high fever
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The research aims to highlight on the reasons of financial & managerial corruption phenomena and to suggest systems & methods that promote controlling and developing the mechanism to combat corruption it also highlights on the ways that should available to enable the three regulatory agencies to reduce this phenomenon. The research depends on the following hypothesis "the governance of state institutions and the application of electronic government with depending on a correct mechanism to crossing auditing and the equilibrium performance model well help to reduce corruption phenomenon in Iraq" the two researchers have been concluded some conclusions the main one is that so many reasons of corruption starting from the bad

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
المسار النموذجي لتدقيق اداء الدور الاشرافي للبنك المركزي العراقي على المصارف الخاصة على وفق معايير الاجهزة العليا للرقابة المالية والمحاسبة: بحث تطبيقي في ديوان الرقابة المالية الاتحادي
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With today's rapid and full of dangers the world banking sector is one of the most vital sectors at risk, and on the supervisory bodies responsible for monitoring the work of banks to take an active role in influencing the banks and put on the right track and is compatible with internationally approved curriculum. The lie of the research problem in the weak supervisory role of the Central Bank for banks in general and private banks in particular, limited the process of performance audit carried out by the Federal Office of Financial Supervision in auditing oversight role of the Central Bank control over the banks, according to the methods of performance audit followed by the upper bodies of financial control and accounting, And it was ba

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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
دراسة تحليلية مقارنة، لبعض المتغيرات الكينماتيكية، في أداء مهارة(Nick shot) الأمامية العكسية، بين لاعبي المنتخب العراقي والمصري، للشباب في الإسكواش
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هدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على مستوى استخدام إدارة المعرفة و تكنولوجيا المعلومات لدى القيادات الإدارية تُعدّ لعبة الإسكواش من الألعاب الفردية، وواحدة من ألعاب المضرب، والتي تمتاز بالسرعة والحركة الدائمة في داخل القاعة، ولعل أهم ما يميز هذه اللعبة المتعة التي يشعر بها اللاعبون الممارسون لها، لأنها تجبر ممارسيها على الحركة المستمرة عن طريق تبادل لعب الكرة، وتتميز بالتحدي المباشر، وتتطلب اليقظة والحرص وال

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Examining sensitivity of financial performance at construction projects prequalification stage
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Construction projects are complicated in nature and require many considerations in contractor selection. One of the complicated interactions is that between performance with the project size, and contractor financial status, and size of projects contracted. At the prequalification stage, the financial ‎requirements restrict the ‎contractors to meet minimum limits in financial criteria such as net worth, working capital and ‎annual turnover, etc. In construction projects, however, there are cases when contractors meet these requirements but show low performance in practice. The model used in the study predicts the performance by training of a neural network. The data used in the study are 72 of the most recent roadw

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Boubaker Wavelets Functions: Properties and Applications
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This paper is concerned with introducing an explicit expression for orthogonal Boubaker polynomial functions with some important properties. Taking advantage of the interesting properties of Boubaker polynomials, the definition of Boubaker wavelets on interval [0,1) is achieved. These basic functions are orthonormal and have compact support. Wavelets have many advantages and applications in the theoretical and applied fields, and they are applied with the orthogonal polynomials to propose a new method for treating several problems in sciences, and engineering that is wavelet method, which is computationally more attractive in the various fields. A novel property of Boubaker wavelet function derivative in terms of Boubaker wavelet themsel

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Semi-Analytical Assessment of Magneto-Hydrodynamic Nano-Fluid Flow Jeffrey- Hamel Problem
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In this paper, analyzing the non-dimensional Magnesium-hydrodynamics problem Using nanoparticles in Jeffrey-Hamel flow (JHF) has been studied. The fundamental equations for this issue are reduced to a three-order ordinary differential equation. The current project investigated the effect of the angles between the plates, Reynolds number, nanoparticles volume fraction parameter, and magnetic number on the velocity distribution by using analytical technique known as a perturbation iteration scheme (PIS). The effect of these parameters is similar in the converging and diverging channels except magnetic number that it is different in the divergent channel. Furthermore, the resulting solutions with good convergence and high accuracy for the d

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison between some of linear classification models with practical application
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Linear discriminant analysis and logistic regression are the most widely used in multivariate statistical methods for analysis of data with categorical outcome variables .Both of them are appropriate for the development of linear  classification models .linear discriminant analysis has been that the data of explanatory variables must be distributed multivariate normal distribution. While logistic regression no assumptions on the distribution of the explanatory data. Hence ,It is assumed that logistic regression is the more flexible and more robust method in case of violations of these assumptions.

In this paper we have been focus for the comparison between three forms for classification data belongs

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Thermal and Catalytic Degradation Kinetics of High-Density Polyethylene Over NaX Nano-Zeolite
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Thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of waste plastics in an inert atmosphere has been regarded as a creative method, since pyrolysis can convert plastics waste into hydrocarbons that can be used either as fuels or as a source of chemicals.

Natural Iraqi kaolin clay was used to synthesis the NaX nano- zeolite by hydrothermal conditions with average particle size equal to 77.63nm.Thermal decomposition kinetics of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) in the absence and presence of catalysts nano NaX Zeolite was investigated. Thermal and catalytic degradation of HDPE was performed using a thermogravimetric analyzer in nitrogen atmosphere under non-isothermal conditions 4, 7 and 10 °C/min heating rates were employed in thermogravimetric anal

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