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Measurement of the Radon Concentration and Annual Effective Dose in Malva sylvestris (Khabbaz) Plant Used in Traditional Medicine and Food
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In this study, the radon gas concentration as well as the annual effective dose in leaves of the Malvasylvestris (Khabbaz) plant used in the traditional treatment and as food in Iraq, for this, it is necessary to evaluate the concentrations radon gas, which were measured using solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTDs) CR-39 technique.  The  concentration and annual effective dose in samples were collected from Baghdad city ranged from minimum to maximum value 15.815 , 0.498 , 54.445 , 1.717  respectively, while the values of  concentration and annual effective dose in a sample collected from Karbala are 15.297 ,0.482 . These values of  concentration and annual effective dose less were compared with the samples from Baghdad.  The annual effective dose lies well within the safe limits as recommended by WHO.  So, the uses of Malvasylvestris plant are in traditional medicine and as a safe food for human consumption.

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
System formations in contemporary discourse theatrical: حارث حمزة الخفاجي
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System is one of the concepts that fused stages of human thought his contemplations , and the evolution of his ideas and know the universe and existence , was formed several systems and numerous multi- humanitarian field , for example : the political system , the economic system , the system of philosophical , scientific system ... etc. .The current research around trying to find the identity of the system aesthetic in general and theater in particular , the detection of compositions and how Cklath within shifts functional and conceptual , which confirms the importance of Altgria creative as characterized by the following heading towards experimentation and update ongoing , and in particular what we find in the discourse of postmodernism

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Earned Value Method in Project Control Applied research
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   There is no doubt that the project control function is very important for administration, so the project Management depends on to monitor and control the project. The project control integrated to the planning which is the base of the administration functions; planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Without project control cannot be insure to fulfill the plan of the project by the budget and specified time. The project management apply many methods of control to achieve the goals of project which are cost, time, and required specifications. Earned Value Management one of control methods that used in the project by international companies.

Earned Value Method is used in the project o

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 23 2020
Journal Name
Al-qadisiyah Journal Of Pure Science
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In this paper, we describe the cases of marriage and divorce in the city of Baghdad on both sides of Rusafa and Karkh, we collected the data in this research from the Supreme Judicial Council and used the cubic spline interpolation method to estimate the function that passing through given points as well as the extrapolation method which was applied for estimating the cases of marriage and divorce for the next year and comparison between Rusafa and Karkh by using the MATLAB program.

Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
The formal variations of the Quran calligraphy at the beginning of Islam: كفاح جمعة حافظ
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The present research deals with studying the formal variations for the Quranic calligraphy at the beginning of Islam , as being regarded from the original Arabic calligraphies which were developed later till they became as they are now, where the calligraphers in pushing for simulating these original calligraphies and knowing the methods of their writing by the calligraphers at that time.That helped in enriching and developing the aesthetic and designing valuesFor these calligraphies, as being calligraphic achievements represent transmission resulted from the objective, aesthetic and indicative vision in producing the verses according to a certain form. This has a clear impact in tendency to the technical, aesthetic and expressing develo

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The characteristics of political relations between the Arab and the Persian during the reign of the sassane kings “Ardashir the first, shahbour the first, shahbour the second, Bahram the fifth; kisra Anushrwan and kisrah Abruis” as amodel
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This paper depends on sheding some litgt on the characteristics of political
relations between the arab and the Persian during the reign of sassane kings.
"Ardashir the first, shahbour the first, shahbour the second, Bahram the fifth; kisra
Anushrwan and kisrah abruis"
And who rulled the Persian before the Islamic conquest and were adopted in this studym
as a model. It was possible to get some information from invaluable refereces in order to
arrive at a clear image as regards the nature of these relations. These relations were
differently political according to the circumstances of ruling, interests and the personality
of those kings.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Foreignized Translation: One Approach to Respect and Preserve the Culture of the other
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Domesticated translation has been for a long time the norm in cultural communication between nations all over the world. The texts are translated mainly into English (being the dominant language) in terms dictated principally by the requirements of the target language (English). The claim has been that fluency, readability, and immediate intelligibility can be guaranteed as far as the reader of the target language is concerned (English). The foreignness of the text (of the culture which produced it) would be not preserved. Not only this. Being the language of predominant cultures, English has become number one among languages into which texts are translated. The imbalance has been noticeable between the volumes of works translated from a

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Sustainable Studies
The Scope of Resorting to the Amicus Curiae at the Regional and International Levels
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The amicus curiae is one of the judicial procedures adopted in many judicial and legal systems around the world, under which a person who is not a party to the case, and without having a personal and direct interest in it, intervenes to draw the court’s attention to many factual and legal aspects

Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The political and economic repercussions of the Chinese Marshall Plan on the Arab world
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China is moving towards building the largest economic power in the world, so what does this mean economically and politically for Europe, America, the Middle East and the Arab world? This project is called the expansionist Chinese Marshall Plan which is a revival of the old Silk Road in a new way. It represents the aspirations of the Chinese people and their president, Xi Jinping, to build a transport route from Asia to Europe and a railway plan to transport goods. The purpose of this is to develop the economic growth model, expand into new markets, promote the Chinese currency, and expand economic and political influence in the areas covered by the Chinese initiative. Equal opportunities in distributing investments to these countries, a

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education
The schools importance at the age of the message and its impact historical thought
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Ecological Aesthetics of Industrial Product in Urban Design: جاسم خزعل العقيلي -علي غازي مطر
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    The research addressed the ecological impact of the industrial product as one of the basic aesthetic elements in urban design. The research discussed the nature of the overall ecosystems of the industrial product in urban spaces, and the type of impact they have on each other. The discussion of impacts started from the identification of cognitive and non-cognitive viewpoints in the vision of ecological aesthetics, passing through the inputs of cognitive systems that see that the ecosystem made of the urban space with the existence of the industrial product as one of its constituents, are in fact systems  based on functional symmetry   between urban space design and the  design of the industrial prod

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